Support Report: Resolving UAD-1 System Time Errors & What's New in UAD-1 V. 4.0?
By Tom Freeman
Resolving UAD-1 System Time Errors
So, you have been using your UAD-1 for a while, but now suddenly when you open your DAW application, you get a message regarding your UAD-1 plug-ins that says your system time has been set back, so you can't run our timed plug-in demos. The effect, besides this error message, is that all of your UAD-1 demos will show up as unavailable. Luckily, there is a pretty straightforward and easy way of resolving this. Besides contacting tech support, which we recommend doing, there are a few steps you can take to try to correct the error yourself, or to get necessary information ready if you need to contact tech support.
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The Dimension D is...well, let's just say expensive, but now you can get this effect at a fraction of the price, and with convenience of a plug-in!
If you still see this error, you will need to contact the correct tech support department, for your PC or Mac, to have them create a reset file for you. Tech support will need some information from your computer, so we will send you email containing the directions to retrieve this information. When you respond with the necessary information, we will then process your system reset and send you email confirming this. You can then download your system time reset file from the My Systems page of your account. You want to click on the Download Software Authorizations button, and save and apply this file the same way you would apply your other authorization files. There are specific instructions on the download page as well if you are unfamiliar with this process. Make sure only to download this file once, because due to the nature of this file, only the first download will contain your system reset.
What's New in UAD-1 V. 4.0?
As we are now at UAD-1 software version V. 3.9, the next logical update will be 4.0. What can you expect in version 4.0? Well, we can't tell you everything at this point, but there are a few details that we can mention. First, there will be a new addition to our Roland series of plug-ins. This time, we will be releasing the Dimension D chorus unit. This is a studio staple and is well-known throughout the industry for its unique sound. The used retail price of the Dimension D is...well, let's just say expensive, but now you can get this effect at a fraction of the price, and with convenience of a plug-in!
Other news is that we will be dropping Mac OS9, Windows 98SE, and Windows ME support. Although we would like to support every possible OS and user, it is not feasible at this point to simultaneously move on to future operating systems and new developments while continuing to support older OS's, that are becoming incompatible with a number of programs and hardware drivers. It is in the interest of our users that we put our resources into the future of music production, and part of this process is determining which systems we can support while pushing hard to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Windows 2000, Windows XP Pro and Home, and Mac OS X all have proven themselves to be great OS's for music production, and so we recommend that any remaining users of previous OS's update at this time, to be able to use our latest software updates, as well as stay current with our recommendations, so that tech support can best serve you. Feel free to discuss this with your Mac or PC tech support specialist if you have any questions.
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