Volt 276 USB Recording Studio
Universal Audioは、ミュージシャンやプロデューサー、ライブ配信者、コンテンツ制作者など、大規模なスタジオサウンドでオーディオを簡単にレコーディングしたいと考えているコラボレーターのためにVolt 276を開発しました。Mac、PC、iPad、iPhoneに接続するだけでVoltが認識され、伝説的なサウンドであなたのインスピレーションをキャプチャーすることができます。
Ableton、Melodyne、Virtual Drummer、Marshall、Ampegなどの基本的なオーディオや音楽用ソフトウェアを使用して音楽制作を行うことができます。
画期的なApolloインターフェイスを世に送り出したチームによるVolt 176は、同クラスのUSBインターフェイスよりも多くのキャラクターやトーンを備えた、優れたスタジオサウンドクオリティを提供します。
Ray CharlesやVan Halenなどのレコーディングに使用されたUniversal Audio 610チューブプリアンプに匹敵するサウンドはほとんどありません。Volt 276は、UA独自のチューブエミュレーションサーキットを内蔵しているため、この由緒あるUAプリアンプのリッチで充実したサウンドが得られます。
Volt 276に内臓されている76 Compressorは、UAの由緒正しい1176 Limiting Amplifierにインスパイアされた画期的なアナログサーキットを搭載し、アルバムに匹敵するパンチと存在感を得ることができます。76 Compressorには、ボーカル、ギター、シンセ、ドラムマシンに適用するための完璧に調整された3種類のプリセットが搭載されています。プラグインを立ち上げ、設定を選び、プレイするだけです。
Volt 276は、2イン/2アウトのシンプルなオーディオ接続を提供しています。マイクやギター、シンセなどをフロントパネルに接続し、スピーカーやヘッドフォンを接続するだけで、レイテンシーのないオーディオをモニターすることができます。Voltがあれば、あなたはすぐにプロのような作品を作ることができるでしょう。
iPad & iPhone対応
身軽に旅に出たいですか?Volt 276をiPadやiPhoneに接続すれば、ビートやサンプルの作成、バンドリハーサルの録音、曲のエディットなどの作業がどこでも簡単にできます。*
Volt 276はStudio Packの一部としても発売中です。詳細は ›
*外部VoltパワーサプライとApple Lightning - USBカメラアダプターが必要です(USB-C搭載のiPadを除く)レビュー
p. le bec
C’est beau et efficace
Je suis compositeur de musique synthétique et j’utilisais jusque là un petit enregistreur numérique. Je viens d'acquérir cette carte son...
続きを読むR. Williams
The absolute best interface!
This interface is absolutely genius!! Putting the compressor on there with the option of engaging the tube preamp also? Are you kidding me? You all have made the process of writing and...
続きを読むS. Llapur
Great product
Very complete and versatile, I use it mainly to record voices, and I find the vintage button and the 76 compressor very useful. The...
続きを読むS. VanEtten
Classy Interface
Met my criteria and exceeded my expectations. Love physical switches instead of software balloons. Simple setup. It sounds gorgeous. It simplified and elevated what I can do. Yeah, no...
続きを読むR. Fukui
I'm looking forward to the future.
As soon as I started using "Volt," I realized it would bring new joy to my personal music production. I'm looking forward to what's to come....
続きを読む -
Included Software for Mac & PC
With UA's award-winning DAW software, 12 premium UAD plug-ins and software instruments, and much more, Volt gives creators everything they need for pro sound, right out of the box
LUNA Digital Audio Workstation
Get your songs sounding like the records you love with LUNA – a next-generation DAW that makes it easy to record, edit, and mix your music. LUNA is the only recording software with the sound of classic studio equipment like analog console summing and tape machine emulations, built right in.
PolyMAX Synth
Our vintage-inspired synth gives producers, sound designers, and musicians fat analog tones from the golden age of polysynthesis. PolyMAX's warm, analog-modeled oscillators and filters, professional UA effects, and curated presets easily fit into any genre — with album‑ready sounds instantly.
Century Tube Channel Strip
Enhance your vocals, guitars, synths, and more with a vintage-style tube mic preamp, simple three-band EQ, and optical compressor designed to give you everything you need to capture "first take" magic.
Pultec Passive EQ Collection
Featuring three astonishingly accurate Pultec EQs that are indistinguishable from the original analog hardware, get the same silky curves used by the engineers of John Mayer, Daft Punk, and Mariah Carey, on your vocals, drums, keys and more.
Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
Get smooth, radio-ready vocals, guitars, and bass with three highly sought-after versions of the most famous optical tube compressor ever made — and the go-to for professional mixers worldwide.
Galaxy Tape Echo
Add subtle tape delay and colorful cacophony to drums, vocals, guitars, and synths with the definitive emulation of an iconic analog contraption used by everyone from Pink Floyd and David Bowie, to King Tubby, Scientist, and Lee “Scratch” Perry.
Pure Plate Reverb
Experience UA's revolutionary plate reverb emulation in a simple, easy-to-use package — with all of the essential features — and give your vocals, guitars, strings, and synths lush, satisfying ambience.
Oxide Tape Recorder
Based on our award-winning Ampex and Studer tape machine emulations, Oxide Tape Recorder gives you the warmth, presence, and vibe of professional analog tape, with only the essential controls, so you can get sounds faster and make everything "sound like a record."
Verve Analog Machines Essentials
Give your recordings the colorful analog saturation and effects heard on countless hip-hop, lo-fi, electronic, rock, and experimental tracks. Designed for the modern musician, beatmaker, and producer — Verve Analog Machines Essentials puts four playful vintage sounds right in your DAW.
Marshall Plexi Classic Amp Bundle by Softube
Create with an expertly modeled version of the iconic British amp that invented the sound of rock. Plus, shape your tones further with the included Softube Time & Tone Bundle, featuring additional reverb, delay, compression, and saturation plug-ins.
Ableton Live Lite
Packed with all the effects, instruments, and features you need to make professional music productions, Live is fast, fluid, and flexible software for music creation and performance.
Melodyne Essential by Celemony
Easily correct the pitch of recordings and samples with quick, intelligent note-based processing, and tune vocal and instrument tracks for more professional-sounding recordings and mixes.
Ampeg® SVT-VR Classic Bass Bundle by Plugin Alliance
Get all the massive, earth-shaking tube tone of Ampeg’s iconic bass amp. Plus, use the bx_tuner for quick tuning and the powerful bx_masterdesk plug‑in to add the final touch to any source.
LX480 Essentials by Relab Development
Add lush dimension and ambience with Relab's expert model of this classic '80s digital reverb unit. You can also add complex delay and modulation textures for space and movement to your tracks.
Virtual Drummer DEEP by UJAM
From classic soul and funk rhythms of the ‘60s and ‘70s to contemporary pop and rock styles, DEEP sports UJAM’s dynamic "round-robin" algorithm, giving you drum tracks that sound like the real thing.
Virtual Bassist DANDY by UJAM
Get classic flatwound bass sounds for soul, pop, blues, and rock tracks with UJAM's custom-made DSP algorithms. DANDY automatically follows the key and chord you play, intelligently selecting musical bass articulations to make your tracks shine.
LABS by Spitfire Audio
Delivering on-the-spot inspiration for music productions, soundtracks, and podcasts, LABS is a curated virtual instrument library that features strings, pianos, percussion, synths, guitars, and more.
Key Features
● Mac、PC、iPad、iPhoneに対応したクラス最高の24ビット/192kHzオーディオコンバーターを備えたデスクトップ型2イン/2アウトバスパワーUSB2.0オーディオインターフェイス
● UAチューブプリアンプのリッチなサウンドでボーカルやギターをレコーディング可能なビンテージマイクプリアンプ・モードを搭載
● 内蔵の76コンプレッサーは、UAのアイコンである1176をベースにした新開発のアナログサーキットにより、声や楽器などのソースに瞬時にクリアさとパンチを加えます。
● Ableton、Melodyne、UJAMのVirtual Drummer、Marshall、Ampegなどのオーディオ、音楽制作ソフトウェアの必須スイート
● 大音量でもクリアなモニタリングが可能なスタジオクオリティのヘッドフォンアンプ
● USBバスパワーでケーブルの煩わしさを解消
● コンデンサーマイク用の48Vファンタム電源
● レイテンシーなくレコーディングするためのダイレクトモニタリング
● 長年の使用に耐えるように構築されたスタイリッシュで堅牢な構造
● 1イン/1アウトのMIDI接続
● USB-C - USB-A変換ケーブル付属
To see full system requirements, click here.
Volt 276
p. le bec
C’est beau et efficace
Je suis compositeur de musique synthétique et j’utilisais jusque là un petit enregistreur numérique. Je viens d'acquérir cette carte son connectée à un macbook: une révélation sonore…
J. Johns
New Wave
Great interface you will not be disappointed! Satisfied!
R. Williams
The absolute best interface!
This interface is absolutely genius!! Putting the compressor on there with the option of engaging the tube preamp also? Are you kidding me? You all have made the process of writing and recording, making new music, just the whole process of being creative, so much more enjoyable. I’m able to focus my energy and attention into my art with more ease. Thank you for all of your products. I ended up subscribing to the Spark bundle as well.
S. Llapur
Great product
Very complete and versatile, I use it mainly to record voices, and I find the vintage button and the 76 compressor very useful.
The only problem is that it doesn't let me use the plug-ins that come with the interface, since for some reason it doesn't recognize it.S. VanEtten
Classy Interface
Met my criteria and exceeded my expectations. Love physical switches instead of software balloons. Simple setup. It sounds gorgeous. It simplified and elevated what I can do. Yeah, no regrets!
R. Fukui
I'm looking forward to the future.
As soon as I started using "Volt," I realized it would bring new joy to my personal music production.
I'm looking forward to what's to come.C. Germain
What a difference
Wow, so blown away. The difference from the Focusrite solo to this is unbelievable. Absolutely love my 276 and really enjoy working with Luna now as well. Great job!
J. Marreiros
Best áudio interface
The best áudio interface I’ve ever had. Way ahead of the competition, and I love the compressor.
D. Paulmin
Very good audio interface
At first I hesitated several audio interfaces until I came across this one by pure chance, the audio quality is incredible, excellent voice recordings due to the 76 compressor and vintage integration, just a shame that we sometimes hear noises that squeaks but nothing bad once well mixed, in any case I recommend without hesitation its Volt series, thank you UAD
T. Hudson
Very clean sound. Instantly recognizable difference from my other interfaces when I use the Volt 276. Vocals are also easy to record. Great tracking with the onboard 1176.
A. Sharma
Super happy with my purchase
I have played enough with Volt 276 and It's valuable for beginners who wants quality sounds in their recordings. I like everything about this product and I would recommend it to everybody.
S. Richardson
Best around
Best interface under 400 on the market. Easy to travel with, easy to use and reliable studio quality audio. 10/10
J. Rubio
h. karam
The pre-amp are good
Good over all is just this vintage and compressor when you activated it it's made a big noise it took me 3 days to realize the problem was that
D. Jocham
Top Preis
Für diesen Preis erhält man einfach das beste zurzeit auf dem Markt Punkt.
i am happy with VOLT 276 so far
I am in South Korea and just started bedroom(?) recording.
I did buy this one for the classical outfit for the first time.
now i have got some more pros while i am using this audio interface.
especially headphone sound is very good through VOLT 276.
I will recommend this to my friends.
if you can make it, please update loopback for VOLT 276 in the future.
ThanksC. Coria
I love it, I think it's one of the most useful and professional gear for Home Studio music producers, the sound of this piece of gear is amazing everything is crystal clear with it and the comp sounds great! I'm still exploring it but it's very cool until now
J. Kortas
Good little interface
The preamps are clean and clear, and can get grindy with vintage mode and the compressor engaged when you push them. I’ve had the ASIO driver fail a few times, but simply reselecting it in my DAW fixed the issue each time. Headphone amp is very decent for the price point. Overall for the $250 I spent on this interface it exceeds expectations. This is a budget interface and runs off the USB C buss power, if you keep that in mind and don’t expect miracles from this box then you will be pleased.
L. Huertas
Gran interfaz
Soy músico e ingeniero de sonido, he grabado gran parte de mi álbum con esta interfaz, el cuerpo que le da el compresor es increíble para el precio que tiene, y la conversión A/D es de una calidad considerable, he utilizado procesadores externos y la conversión es fiel al sonido real, es una gran compra.
J. Crane
Poor quality all the way around
The audio control knob sounds of static when turning while audio is playing. Multiple reports of this online I've found. Also, the INST boost button for channel 2, on the front of the unit makes a humming sound when it's engaged. You really do get what you pay for.