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  • 4.7/5
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通常価格: $199.00


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Endless, lush, dub-style delays and psychedelic spring reverb.

In 1973, Roland created the RE-201 Space Echo* — a tape delay/spring reverb system that created warm, warped, unabashedly analog echo effects. From subtle tape textures to mindbending chaos, this iconic contraption can be heard on classic Pink Floyd and David Bowie, to seminal dub sides from King Tubby, Scientist, and Lee “Scratch” Perry.

The Galaxy Tape Echo plug-in for UAD-2 hardware and Apollo interfaces is an exhaustive emulation of the iconic, legendary ’70s unit, and expertly captures the physical behavior of the inspiring hardware, down to its distortion, musical wow and flutter, sci-fi pitch shifting, and real time tweakability.


UAD Native

Apollo リアルタイムとUAD-2

システム要件:UAD Native プラグインは、macOS 10.15 Catalina 以降と Windows 10 と 11 の両方で動作します。システム要件は UAサポートページでご確認ください。

  • Add subtle tape delay or colorful cacophony to drums, vocals, guitars, and synths
  • Harness distortion, wow and flutter, and pitch shifting, for organic time-based effects
  • Use wild-self-oscillation for creative sci-fi textures and moods
  • Employ the ambient shimmer of spring reverb on any source

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このプラグインを 14 日間無料で使用して、自分に適しているかどうかを確認してください。

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Learn how to Add Ambience to Synths
Learn how to Add Ambience to Synths

Learn how to Add Ambience to Synths

Grammy-winning engineer F. Reid Shippen (Dierks Bentley, Keith Urban) and the Galaxy Tape Echo and AKG BX 20 Spring Reverb plug‑ins.

Space is the Place

Space is the Place

Universal Audio has painstakingly captured every quirk and characteristic of this complex device. For example, just like the hardware, you can drive the input hard to add hair to a vocal, or widen a drum bus with fat analog character. Tweak the controls and harness seemingly infinite wow and flutter and pitch shifting combinations — perfect for energizing electric guitars. From rockabilly slapback to hazey trails of swirling delay, the Galaxy Tape Echo is a secret sauce for any source in any genre.

A Faithful Reproduction — Warts and All

A Faithful Reproduction — Warts and All

The Galaxy Tape Echo keeps the controls of the original hardware, and adds some for modern workflows. Use the original Mode Selector for various head combinations, Repeat Rate for timing control, and Intensity for repeats and self-oscillation. The Echo/Normal switch mutes the signal to the echo, while global Bass and Treble let you season to taste. New features include Tempo Sync, Pan controls for reverb and delay, and Tape Select, for varying delay timbres. By capturing the eccentricities of the original, and adding enhancements along the way, the Galaxy Tape Echo is a tool of infinite creativity.

*The Galaxy Tape Echo product is not affiliated with, sponsored, nor endorsed by Roland. The Roland name, as well as the RE-201 and Space Echo model names, are used solely to identify the classic effects emulated by Universal Audio's product.

Key Features

Add subtle tape delay or colorful cacophony to drums, vocals, guitars, and synths

Harness distortion, wow and flutter, and pitch shifting, for organic time-based effects

Use wild-self-oscillation for creative sci-fi textures

Employ the ambient shimmer of spring reverb on any source

Create with plug-in-only features Tempo Sync, Effects Pan, and Tape Select


Galaxy Tape Echo

Overall Rating


R. Rati



The Galaxy tape echo has that old time magic dust and gives you plenty of great sounding tracks.

T. Glosser


Must have

Adding space, to having fun.

M. Schramm


Ich bin begeistert

EInfach klasse! Ich habe den Effekt auf Vocals angewendet. Schafft Räumlichkeit und Wärme, ohne sich aufdringlich in den Vordergrund zu spielen. Perfekt, ein neues Lieblings-Plugin.

t. tooley


Galaxy Tape Echo

So much echo my walls are reverberating!

G. Pigman


Jot to the Ears

Beautiful, simple and a delight to add echo and reverb to give tracks full depth and dimension.

Not to mention, its green !

D. Lewis


Amazing! And Warm!

This plugin sounds amazing with guitar and vocals!! It’s being used in one of my betas as we speak!

G. Costa


Old Style!

Once you've understood it, it's very useful.

O. Morris


Galaxy Sound

Great Sounding Plugin

J. Burrows


Really Good Plug-In

Sweet sounding plug-in. Sometimes a part needs a little extra something. This can make it just sound better.

M. Fulwider


Get the EP-34 before going for this tape echo!

Ok, don't get me wrong, this is a cool tape delay! If you had never used the EP-34 you would love it! But, the EP-34 IMHO is just WAY cooler sounding. Wait for a big sale on this one to add it to your plugin library! It has its own flavor that can add in certain situations!

G. Sifakis


Amazing emulator!

Space echo was something I've always wanted in my studio but age and prices of the hardwares always kept me thinking it twice! Well this is a problem of the past since I have purchased Galaxy tape echo! Simple to use with virtually limitless possibilities! Really fun to use and experiment with your sounds! Oh! And it sounds amazing!

T. bryan



Sounds as good as the original thing, but what else would I expect from UA!

c. nagel


99% am Original

Wir haben die Hardwareversion im Studio- es ist beruhigend das Original schonen zu können und das lästige Tapewechseln fällt auch weg.
Danke UA Team:)

A. Holbert


Must Have!

As a Guitar Player, This is the best sounding emulation I have heart so far and it you get it sale You might feel like you need UAD some additional Money. LOL. All Jokes Aside It's Incredible!
Thank You UAD TEAM!

B. Seidendorf



What can I say? Just add this sprinkle of magic in your side chain

R. El Rifai


Can't live without it now

I didn't know that this plugin would become a staple for me when I bought it. Literally can't do anything without it now!

A. Ogarev


Galaxy Tape Echo


P. Kalous



all ok but only Galaxy Tape Echo and The Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor didn't appear in my ProTools 11.
Lexicon 224, and others, yes.

J. Janev


My favorite tape echo!

It sounds like a real tape with those pitch and glitch movements! I usually set the delay slightly to the left and the reverb to the right - this gives a very nice space to the sound. And since it can't be set to a very long delay, I put another plugin before it with an extra delay to achieve slower repeats. The sound is so real!

G. Rostock


Total waste of money

Went back to the free Ableton echo, as this has no tail and really is just a bright reverb.