Softube Vocoder
過去40年に渡り、ボコーダーは、人間の声をロボットのような声に変換し、Herbie Hancock、Kraftwerk、Daft Punk、Afrika Bambaataaなど多くのヒットメーカーによって使用され、数え切れないほどのヒットをリリースしました。
Softubeが開発したUADハードウェアとUAオーディオインターフェイス専用のSoftube Vocoderプラグインは、これまでで最高のアナログボコーダーのサウンドを引き継ぎ、さらに新機能を加え、未来のサウンドも引き出します。Daft Punk、Afrika Bambaataa、Herbie Hancock、Imogen Heapなどが使用して有名なヒットソングに使用されたロボットボーカル・エフェクトをリアルタイムでトラッキング可能
Take a Listen
Softube Vocoder Basics
In this video, Softube product specialist George Reece shows you how to harness the Softube Vocoder on vocals, drum loops, and more.
内蔵のアナログインストゥルメントのシンセシスエンジンを搭載したSoftube Vocoder プラグインhあ、温かみのあるざらついた3次元サウンドでクラシックなボコーダーエフェクトのエミュレーションに最適です。 また、6ボイスのポリフォニー、4つの波形タイプ、パルス幅モジュレーションなどの目的に合わせた機能セットを使用することで、アナログシンセを使用してソースを簡単に微調整したり、完全に再構成することが可能
Softube Vocoderプラグインを使用すると、ボコーディングされたパフォーマンスのスペクトルレスポンスを前例のないようにコントロールが可能です。ボコーダーアナライザーの各バンドは独立して調整することもスペクトルチルト・コントロールをつかんで高域から低域に素早く移行させることも可能です。パラレルブレンド・コントロールドライ/ウェット信号をミックスしてソースにシンセシステクスチャーの量を微調整、またはオートメーション化することができます。
Softube Vocoderにしかない機能であるフリーズコントロールでは、ボーカルの断面をキャプチャーし、DAWで同期したリズムをトラック内に作成することができます。また、MIDIをリアルタイムコントロールにより、フリーズは、ジャンルベンディング・サウンドを作成しようとするミュージシャンやプロデューサーにとって新しいクリエイティビティを発揮します。
S. Saied
Coolness X 100
Love this thing.. I won't use it much but it's very nice to have this tool in the tool box for when I do need to use a vocoder. Nice to use on non-typical sources too. Try using this on...
続きを読むA. Talley
Excellent and very useful
If you love those classic 70s funk records this plugin is a must have.
続きを読むD. Thorn
CYLON. need I say more?
Hardly ever post reviews but wanted to w/ this one (esp after seeing the less impressed posts). While none the presets grabbed me, after a few minutes of tweaking...
続きを読む -
Softube Vocoder
S. Saied
Coolness X 100
Love this thing.. I won't use it much but it's very nice to have this tool in the tool box for when I do need to use a vocoder. Nice to use on non-typical sources too. Try using this on guitar or drums.
K. Radecke
Very limited
I am dissapointed because this Vocoder is neither special in its sound nor as versatile as lot of others in the market. In fact it is very limited.
F. San Filippo
Yeah, buddy!
It vocodes! Can be really cool on snares.
t. jensen
Nice plug
Easy to use. Sounds nice
A. Talley
Excellent and very useful
If you love those classic 70s funk records this plugin is a must have.
J. Weber
As Good as it Gets!
Great Vocoder!
D. Thorn
CYLON. need I say more?
Hardly ever post reviews but wanted to w/ this one (esp after seeing the less impressed posts).
While none the presets grabbed me, after a few minutes of tweaking I hit my gold standard of vocoding: the Cylons from OG Battlestar Galactic (esp compared to my boss
se-70 fx unit vocoder, while close, this gets it perfect. also love the aesthetics of that super early 80s gui.
Reviews say it’s not intelligible enuff and words aren’t clear or understood? Well that’s pretty much what vocoders of that era sounded like.. This is not a ‘California love’ vocoder but something special and unique and super fun to play with in real-time, esp with the midi control.
-DacidV. Trendel
Nothing more... JUSTE TEST IT !!!
Nothing more... JUSTE TEST IT !!!
Because it's Amazing this Vocoder take you in the game !E. Shacham
Very cool....
This is a very cool instrument, had some issues engaging the midi.
P. Callaghan
Better price elsewhere
This was a black friday treat for me but soon after I bought it. I realised this isn't a UAD unison plugin and the version from softube is the same. But way cheaper. Unless I'm missing something of course. Is likely
E. Ananda
Fits well and feels realistic when combined with vocals and fun to play with on percussion.
J. Maasakkers
Good sound and easy to use
B. Sand
Poor vocoder
Pretty useless vocoder and it sounds terrible on most sources.
j. hilton
Useful as an effect more than a vocal vocoder
I've found the Softube Vocoder to be more useful as an audio effect as opposed to a typical vocal vocoder. I dig it for a different reason.
J. Boeke
Good sound, poor manual
It was hard to find out how to set up the vocoder in Logic Pro. It took some mailing with Softube (the company that build the plug-in) before I realised what had to be done. Once I did, the sound and ease of use in the GUI was fine!
G. Hipwell
Don’t have too much experience with other Vocoder plugs, but this works. The presets sucked for what I was looking for. I started at default and played with the settings until I found what I liked. You can find a lot of good sounds that way. I’d like to try the midi capability. That seems pretty wild.
A. Kolomvatsos
Great sound!
It's so easy to use and get insta good sound out of it.
N. Assolo
Un Vocoder comme on l’aime!
Très efficace, Top!
A. Faraboli
Softube Vocoder
Fantastic plugin! 5 super stars.
F. Trentini
Not quite there
I was looking for a decent, straightforward Vocoder plugin, to be able to finally avoid the hassle of setting up my old Roland SVC-350. I hoped this could be a solution but it isn't, by no means (at least yet). The sound is ok but not brilliant, the MIDI implementation isn't up to scratch, and it looks like some functions sometimes don't even work (octave). I hope you guys will release an improved 2.0 version soon, you can certainly do better than this.