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For LUNA Recording System (Mac only)

  • 概要
  • Features
  • レビュー
  • 3.2/5

通常価格: $599.00


You'll Save 55%



ロンドンのAIRスタジオのリンドハーストホールで精巧にサンプリング、レコーディングされたLUNA Spitfire Bundleは、巧みにサンプリングされた室内弦、交響木管楽器、交響楽団のライブラリーを提供し、トッププロデューサーがフィルム、テレビ、ビデオ、ゲーム音楽に加えて、チャートトップのポップスやR&Bレコードに使用しているのと同じプロフェッショナルクオリティの音色を作品を注入します。





Spitfire Chamber Strings

Spitfire Chamber Strings

Spitfire Chamber Strings LUNA Instruments Collectionは、ワイドスクリーンの“大ヒットサウンド”を提供するように設計されていますが、大規模なアンサンブルサンプルライブラリーと比較して、よりダイナミックで多様性と親密さがあり、映画やゲーム音楽だけでなく、ポップス、R&B、インディーロックヒップホップにも最適です。 Learn More ›

Spitfire Symphonic Brass

Spitfire Symphonic Brass

イギリスの最高級のブラスならではの堂々とした質感を作品に与える。Spitfire Symphonic Brass LUNA Instruments Collectionでは、比類のないディープサンプリングされたリアリズムを提供し、ダイナミックに演奏可能なソリストやセクションを使って、簡単にオーケストラに華を添えることができます。 Learn More ›

Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds

Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds

世界でもっとも優れたの木管楽器のサンプルライブラリーで感情とキャラクターを追加することができます。Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds LUNA Instruments Collectionは、ファゴットのうなような音色からピッコロの高音まで、幅広い木管楽器のサウンドを提供します。イギリスの一流プレーヤーが演奏し、巧みにサンプリングされたSpitfire Symphonic Woodwindsは、セクションごとに木管楽器のパートを簡単に組み立てることができ、非常にリアルな結果を得ることができるようになっています。 Learn More ›


Expertly sampled chamber strings, symphonic woodwinds, and symphonic brass libraries recorded at London's AIR Studios' Lyndhurst Hall

Professional libraries used by top producers for film, TV, and video game scores, plus chart-topping pop and R&B records.

Diverse and detailed with essential and totally unique articulations

Expertly sampled with multiple dynamic layers and round robins


LUNA Spitfire Bundle

Overall Rating


C. Livingston


Strings Plugin


S. Saied


Great Samples

I have all 3 of the Spitfire plugins and they are perfect to add texture and fullness to my music.

T. Flynn


Absolutely unbelievable possibilities with this pristine, exquisite product!

This is amazing! And, I just wanted to mention that one of the previous reviewers felt that these recordings weren’t dry enough… saying that there’s no way way to get them more usable without the chamber sound… although, I’m using Waves DeReverb…and it works like a dream. That being said, I think they’re highly usable as they are… also, I’m not making film scores or video games, and instead, using it with bands and what not, to spectacular affect.

W. Krol


Not for the price

Not bad but: This library sounds like a demo. Fortunately, I bought it for 120E - somehow I will get over it. I have Spitfire libraries where one library has 170GB and in the UA version 10GB and there is also a difference in sound. If you don't have other libraries, purchasing the promotion up to 100E is fine.

J. Ross


Great fun. Versatile. Useful.

Just installed it today. Love the sound and it’s quite versatile. You can record one instrument at a time or play them all together on the ensemble setting. Run it through a nice chamber and it all sounds huge. Highly recommended.

S. Batten


Very limited drowning in reverb.

Don’t think I’ve ever been more disappointed in a plug in. Editing bowing styles, taking off the room sound etc totally inaccessible. Toytown junk, you’d be better off with a synth. Kicking myself for buying on special when I had vouchers and it cost $24. You’d have to be insane to pay full price. The most useless plugin I’ve ever bought.

M. Gentry


Very limited editing. Not recommended.

I’m pretty disappointed in this offering . The copy says multiple microphone positions, etc, but there is no way to access them . Don’t like how much reverb there is ? Too bad. Can’t change it . Total waste of money .

M. Moreland


Sucker punched

Pissed away $300 on a Spitire bundle and am not able to use the plugins on anything but Luna. Trying to use them on Logic Pro is a no-go. Tried Luna, don’t like it. Can I return p,ug-ins? Read the fine print.

N. Golder


Will not work with my system

I purchased this weeks ago and it still will not work with my apple Silicon computer. Excited to use it on if it will ever work

J. Jones Jr


Look before you Leap!

Did not realize Spitfire Chamber Strings only works with Mac, and not Windows. So, I lost money hoping this would be a winner for me, instead, it was a loss.
Revel Piano is a very nice sounding product, very happy with that perchas.

H. Hoeidahl


I never got it...

I purchased the Spitfire Chamber Strings ... I bought a bundle of 3 plugins, but I never received this one. I have tried to contact UA through different channels, but I have not received any response. Maybe this will help...

T. van Vliet


Sounds amazing!

Great plugin. Sound is so good it's sparking creativity. Get it when it's on sale and you won't regret it.

S. Saied


Love Chamber

I absolutely love this plug-in! it is uncanny how lush and full these samples sound. I think these are great for adding texture to my music. if I wanted an intricate violin or cello solo, I would probably want to use a real person to do that performance. However, with some detailed MIDI editing, you could probably get close to the real thing.

c. maskell


Not bad

Good for adding some new things , not a brass panacea.

C. Marulanda


Amazing integration

Sounds amazing with Luna!!!!! Love it

J. Bru


Gran sonido

Estoy utilizando las librerías de Spitfire para Luna para unas canciones y suenan muy reales.

J. Bru


Increíble sonido

Estoy utilizando las librerías de Spitfire para Luna para unas canciones y suenan muy reales.

J. Bru


Increíble sonido

Estoy utilizando las librerías de Spitfire para Luna para unas canciones y suenan muy reales.

J. Bru


Sonido increíble!!!

Una gran librería con un sonido fantástico.

s. oudot


Amazing BUT

The sounds are incredible, spitfire quality obviously but I would give 5 stars with a "dry/wet" for the roomy part, like the real spitfire deals.
If i want to use capitol reverbs instead of spitfire reverb..... it looks like a lite version... :(