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Unison Enabled

  • 概要
  • Features
  • レビュー
  • 4.5/5

通常価格: $299.00


You'll Save 25%


Three flavors of legendary Ampeg bass amps, exclusively for UAD-2 and Apollo.

When it comes to bass amplification, Ampeg reigns supreme. Their B-15 and SVT amplifiers have stood the test of time as the ultimate in not only power, but in tone. Developed by Brainworx, the Ampeg SVT-VR, SVT-3 PRO, and B-15N Bass Amplifier plug-ins offer three flavors of the legendary Ampeg recipe — exclusively for UAD-2 hardware and
Apollo interfaces.

Track and re-amp with three flavors of the immortal Ampeg Heritage bass amps

Fine-tune your sounds with an onboard FX Rack that contains a noise gate, filter controls, and more

Audition different high-end Recording Chains with a selection of mics, cabinets, and outboard gear

Stay in tune with included Brainworx bx_tuner

Included Plug-Ins

Ampeg B-15N Bass Amplifier

The Ampeg B-15 bass amp defined the sound of recorded electric bass, from Motown sides with James Jamerson to classic Stax records with Donald “Duck” Dunn. Featuring Unison technology for Apollo interfaces, the Ampeg B-15N Bass Amplifier plug-in lets you track through an exacting emulation of this 30-watt, 1x15, all-tube brute that laid the foundation for ’60s and ’70s rock, funk, and soul.

Ampeg SVT-VR Bass Amplifier

Introduced in 1969, the SVT is the result of Ampeg’s desire to create the, “biggest, nastiest bass amplifier the world has ever seen.” Mission accomplished. Now you can track through or re-amp with an exacting emulation of the classic 300-watt all-tube behemoth and its equally legendary 8x10 cabinet.

Ampeg SVT-3 PRO Bass Amplifier

Lauded for its punch and versatility, the Ampeg SVT-3 PRO plug-in combines the classic tone of the original SVT, with a tighter, more modern sound. By expertly emulating its tube preamp, solid-state power section, five-position midrange selector, and 9-band graphic EQ, the SVT-3 PRO plug-in is a powerful tone tool with a dizzying array of sonic possibilities.

Unison<sup>™</sup> Technology for Apollo Interfaces

Unison Technology for Apollo Interfaces

With UA’s groundbreaking Unison technology, each Ampeg amp in the Heritage plug-in bundle gives you the unique impedance, gain staging, and circuit behaviors that are essential to each amplifier’s iconic tones.

Key Features

Three legendary bass amps for UAD-2 hardware and Apollo interfaces
Unison™ technology for the tone, touch, and feel of the classic Ampeg bass amps
Modern tones and textures with the Ampeg SVT-3 PRO Bass Amplifier
Huge classic rock sounds with the Ampeg SVT-VR Bass Amplifier
Soulful tube combo tones with the Ampeg B-15N Bass Amplifier
Onboard FX Rack that contains a noise gate, filter controls, and more
Bundle includes the Brainworx bx_tuner


Ampeg Heritage Bass Amp Bundle

Overall Rating


s. so


bass amp?


S. Apted


Great sound!!

Anytime we record Bass into our system. We always use this plug-in. Sounds amazing, very realistic, and easy to use. Just plug it in and go! It sits very well in the mix and works great every time.

G. Spiridion


Very nice

Excelent to record my Fender Jazz Bass on Apollo.

A. Speziale


Gran bel Plugin

Ottimo simulatore di ampli per basso con suono caldo ed una notevole versatilitá

M. Gangalanti


Much like the original

I must say that it is amazing that the sound of this plug is very close to my Ampeg SVT-VR.

D. Gill


Fine bass amp

Nice amp sim for 70’s Steely Dan sounding bass

J. Marshall



I was trying to tune an electric guitar with a capo in the 4th fret. It could not tune it properly at all. It was completely, bafflingly out of tune. I plugged in my boss tuner and had it tuned perfectly in about 30 seconds. I have never used a more useless tuner in my life. So weird.

D. Martindale


umm how do I buy this?

genuinely just need to tune a bass in console....

N. Stuckey


Doesn't work.

If you missed out on buying this, be thankful. It simply doesn't work. Not only does the needle jump around and never stay in one spot long enough, it doesn't know what note is being played. I play my E (yes, checked with other tuners and an electric piano to be sure) and it is showing F#. Not even close to being useful. POS app IMHO

A. Krylkov



So, I use this plugin on a bass DI track, it is sounds amazing, like the real one amplifier.



So powerful

Absolutely a must have, that s incredible sounding !

R. Butler


Nailed it!

As a former owner of a B-15 I was pleasently surprised with how well made this emulation really is. As it's a relatively simple amp, it's characteristics is really specific and UA nailed it. And as it's a very specific tone that I missed over the years and now I'm super happy to have it in my arsenal.

j. labusch


You're all wrong!

Normally, I would agree wholeheartedly with all the one star reviewers who point out that this most basic of plugins should be included free. But what you guys don't understand is that this BX tuner really is BS. Really, it's quite awful. A cheapo clip-on will give you better results. The needle basically never calms down. It's like a nervous chihuahua, jumping around like it needs to pee toute de suite. Just having rough and fine tuning increments is not enough. If a tuner goes from "almost" to "precise", it needs to slow down eventually and allow you to approach perfection very gingerly. This thing hunts and jumps like a gnat on a triple espresso. It never seems to get you in the ball park. Reliably, the results are off. If it was free, it'd be too expensive. This way, it's just a joke that's best ignored completely.

N. Shinichi


Real sound!

Tried all 3 Ampeg plugins, they works pretty cool with amazing sound.
Compared with real SVT3-pro in my room, all behavior the same except power-on delay for internal tubes wormed up.
This plugin reproduces even a very tiny noise from my pickup as exactly the same.
If you like Ampeg sound, you should try this real one.
I love it so impressed !

A. Gerosa


Astonishing sound

As bassist I pay so much attention to the bass sounding and the mixing of it, Ampeg has the real mixing hole effect everybody need, not just the bass sound wise but the result that bass gets out of the mix no matter the volume is . Perfect and mandatory to have for a high level production

C. Murphy


No UA tuner?

Just came into the UA ecosystem after leaving the dumpster fire that is Waves. So far I've been liking it. Then I tried to find a (free/inexpensive) tuner to use in Console...

D. Caruso



Transforme vos basse de manière vraiment pro

D. Chevalier


New to me and very impressive

I have most of my Ampeg experience with the old SVT and the B-15, but I took advantage of a UA sale and added this plugin. I like it very much and find the much more granular EQ a real asset when recording a 6 string bass.

D. Chevalier


This is THE sound, albeit without the gusts of air from the 8x10 cabinet

I have tenure on the planet and remember very well the volume and the air punch of the real SVT into an 8x10 cabinet. I also remember lifting them out of a van. This SVT has all the right sounds, without the weight, but so far no plugin pushes you across the room like an 8x10 cabinet

D. Chevalier


Sounds like the real thing, recommended

The B-15N is one of those Ampegs that has its very own sound. My amp room is full and my wallet is poor but I needed a number of different bass amps for a recent project and this one sounds like my memory.