Apollo の購入で UAD プラグインが無料 !

UADアクセラレーターが最大$300割引き。12月31日に終了。 販売店を探す›

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Unison Enabled

  • 概要
  • Features
  • レビュー
  • 4.1/5

通常価格: $299.00


You'll Save 25%



パワフルなギタートーンを提供することは、20年以上に渡りENGLアンプの使命でした。 太くクリーンなテクスチャー、分厚く唸るような歪み、激しいリズムサウンド、そして強烈で歌うサステインが、ENGLチューブアンプがハードロックやメタルのビッグネームのステージで愛用される理由です。

UADハードウェアとApolloインターフェイス用のENGL Ampバンドルは、驚異的なプラグインバンドルとしてENGLでもっとも人気のある3台のギターアンプを提供します。 ヴィンテージフレーバーのE765 Retro Tubeと、よりモダンなサウンドのE646VS Limited Edition、そしてSavage 120 ampを備えたこのバンドルには、非常に便利なBrainworxbx_tunerプラグインも付属しています。

UAD DSPアクセラレーターを使用すると、ENGLのクラシカルでビンテージ風サウンドのE765 Retro Tubeや、火を噴くようなE646 VS Limited EditionやSavage 120アンプでリアンプすることができます




Included Plug-Ins

ENGL E765 Retro Tube

ENGL E765 Retro Tube

ENGLのもっとも汎用性の高いアンプの一つをモデリングしたE765 Retro Tubeプラグインは、ダイナミックでオールドスクールなクリーンとクランチトーン、そしてアグレッシブなディストーションテクスチャーを融合させ、トラックをさりげなく引き立てることも、コントロールすることも可能です。E765 Retro Tubeプラグインは、オリジナルの100W EL34パワーセクション、パワフルなEQ、有機的なタッチセンシティビティを完璧に再現しており、ポップス、カントリー、ファンク、ハードロックなど、あらゆるジャンルのトーンに適しています。

ENGL E646 VS Limited Edition

ENGL E646 VS Limited Edition

メタル界の巨匠、RageのギタリストであるVictor Smolskiと共同で設計されたEnglのE646 VS Limited Editionアンプは、透明感を犠牲にすることなく究極のハイゲインパフォーマンスを求めるプレイヤーの愛機となっています。E646 VS Limited Editionプラグインは、ハードウェアと同様に、綺麗でモダンなサウンドのクリーントーン、強烈なクランチ、限界を超えるようなディストーションを提供し、壮大なものから極端なものまで、あらゆるサウンドを提供します。

ENGL Savage 120

ENGL Savage 120

Savage 120 Amplifierは、ENGLの豊富なメタルマシンとしての経験を体現しています。ExodusのGary Holt、Dimmu Borgir、Sodom、Primal Fearが好きな人はENGL Savage 120のサウンドに本質を見出すでしょう。ENGL Savage 120 Amplifier プラグインは、この野獣のようなサウンドを奏でるトーンモンスターの厳格なエミュレーションです。

Brainworx bx_tuner

Brainworx bx_tuner

Englアンププラグインバンドルには、Brainworxのbx_tunerプラグインも付属しています。これは直感的で使いやすいクロマチックチューナーで、チャンネルやバスにインサートしてトラックのサウンドを最高に保つことができます。 bx_tunerは、いくつかの追加機能を備えたスポットオンクロマチックチューニングを提供します。 Dimモードでは、レベルは低くなりますが、音でチューニングすることもできます。バリスティック機能では、チューニングLEDの動作と、ピッチの変化をトラッキングする速度をカスタマイズすることができます。 誰もがチューニングする必要があります。 bx_tunerを使用すると、ワークステーション内でスマートに、かつ正確に行うことができます。

Unison<sup>™</sup> Technology for Apollo Interfaces

Unison Technology for Apollo Interfaces

Harnessing UA’s groundbreaking Unison technology, the ENGL E765 Retro Tube and E646 VS Limited Edition give you the impedance, gain staging, and circuit behaviors that have made these two amplifiers modern classics.


ENGL E765 Retro Tube
Accurate amp modeling and advanced speaker simulation (Impulse Responses), capturing high-end studio gear, plus recording-specific features like filters and a noise gate

Two channels, each with Gain and Volume controls

Two voicing sections specially tuned for each channel: One three-band EQ for Channel One and one three-band EQ for Channel Two

Power Amp Simulation including on-board Power Soak

Selectable pre/post amp Tight and Smooth filters

Host-syncable lo-fi delay effect

64 selectable Recording Chains

ENGL E646 VS Limited Edition
Accurate amp modeling and advanced speaker simulation (Impulse Responses), capturing high-end studio gear, plus recording-specific features like EQ filters and a noise gate

Four channels — Clean, Crunch and two Lead Channels — each with separate Gain and Volume controls
Two voicing sections specially tuned for each channel: One three-band EQ for Clean and
Crunch modes and one three-band EQ plus the "Middle-voiced" control for Lead Channels 3 and 4

Presence and Depth Punch controls

Power Amp Simulation including on-board Power Soak

Selectable pre/post amp Tight and Smooth filters

Host-syncable adjustable lo-fi delay effect

64 selectable Recording Chains


ENGL® Amplifier Plug-In Bundle

Overall Rating


L. Brown




H. Bruun


Great Amp

Sounds promising so far, can’t wait to explore and learn to fine tune it and get some awesome tunes.
But I think the noise gate is disappointing. But overall Great amplifier

C. Clark



One of the better high gain amp sims I’ve found. Using it in the Unison slot feels like the real thing.

J. Marshall



I was trying to tune an electric guitar with a capo in the 4th fret. It could not tune it properly at all. It was completely, bafflingly out of tune. I plugged in my boss tuner and had it tuned perfectly in about 30 seconds. I have never used a more useless tuner in my life. So weird.

D. Martindale


umm how do I buy this?

genuinely just need to tune a bass in console....

N. Stuckey


Doesn't work.

If you missed out on buying this, be thankful. It simply doesn't work. Not only does the needle jump around and never stay in one spot long enough, it doesn't know what note is being played. I play my E (yes, checked with other tuners and an electric piano to be sure) and it is showing F#. Not even close to being useful. POS app IMHO

j. labusch


You're all wrong!

Normally, I would agree wholeheartedly with all the one star reviewers who point out that this most basic of plugins should be included free. But what you guys don't understand is that this BX tuner really is BS. Really, it's quite awful. A cheapo clip-on will give you better results. The needle basically never calms down. It's like a nervous chihuahua, jumping around like it needs to pee toute de suite. Just having rough and fine tuning increments is not enough. If a tuner goes from "almost" to "precise", it needs to slow down eventually and allow you to approach perfection very gingerly. This thing hunts and jumps like a gnat on a triple espresso. It never seems to get you in the ball park. Reliably, the results are off. If it was free, it'd be too expensive. This way, it's just a joke that's best ignored completely.

A. Giroux


Great plugin

Takes a bit of getting used to and with some tweaking I can get great tones. Definitely worth the buy. :)

E. Sedrick


Super Picky

I'm super picky about my amps and especially virtual amps. This one (Savage 120) is really great for all styles. Great clean tones, light gain tones, great solos, great power chords, great high gain metal chugging. Many options, but they become easy to understand within a half hour learning them. This is one of the very best amps available on UAD platform, pop, rock, country, metal, anything, it will do it no problem.

C. Murphy


No UA tuner?

Just came into the UA ecosystem after leaving the dumpster fire that is Waves. So far I've been liking it. Then I tried to find a (free/inexpensive) tuner to use in Console...

K. Hankins


My guitar player swears by this amp!

I record alot of guitars with various players and Atla Gadget swears by this AMP. So I had to buy it for our sessions. It has a rich tone and fits right in the mix with sonic precision.

K. Hankins


My guitar player swears by this amp!

I record alot of guitars with various players and Atla Gadget swears by this AMP. So I had to buy it for our sessions. It has a rich tone and fits right in the mix with sonic precision.

K. Hankins


My guitar player swears by this amp!

I record alot of guitars with various players and Atla Gadget swears by this AMP. So I had to buy it for our sessions. It has a rich tone and fits right in the mix with sonic precision.



Easy to use !!

I don’t like plug-ins with too many knobs to adjust and felt quite comfortable with this one. Not exactly the sound I get with my real ENGL Powerball Head but very useful to boost guitar tracks just as needed after recording…

A. Seserman


How can I buy it?

There is no buy button on the page

V. Manoukian


Sounds like my real Savage 120

This plugin sounds great! I write and demo with the plugin. I use my real Savage 120 for tracking. Sometimes I can’t tell the difference!!!

B. Duvall


wow. just wow.

today for the first time ever i decided i was going to buy the most unfairly priced plugin in the whole UAD system: a tuner that should be free but costs what like 60 bucks usually? cant remember. probably more. but i was ready to buy it. NOW, its not even available to buy by itself? i have to buy a whole bundle to TUNE A GUITAR OR BASS? thats plugged into UAD? i mean come ON! that is ridiculous. glad it gave me a reason not to purchase.

R. Yamamoto




R. Pablo Olivares


One of the very best guitar plugins

I am very cautious about plugins and hard to convince but this one, put in the Unison Channel, feels like a real amp. I am big fan of real valve-tube amps and have some in my collection and this plugin sounds great, big and, overall, very realistic.

Since I purchased the different Engl amp emulations, they are my go-to plugins for tracking guitars and now I avoid miking the real ones. Test it, this is a truly great plugin for guitar tracks.

Y. Blanco



I like them, fun to play…