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  • 概要
  • レビュー
  • 4.6/5


1978年に発売されたAMS DMX 15-80 Sは、世界初のマイクロプロセッサーコントロールによる15ビットのデジタルディレイ&ピッチシフターです。Joy Division、Nirvana、Brian Enoなどの名盤に使用されたAMS DMXは、80年代を象徴するような空間と深みを加えることで知られています。

AMS DMX Digital Delay & Pitch Shifterは、Apolloオーディオインターフェイス、UADハードウェア専用のプラグインであり、レアなAMSハードウェアの本物のサウンドを提供します。

AMS Neve社との共同開発による本格的なAMS DMX Digital Delayプラグインを使ってレコーディング&ミックスが可能


Prince、Radiohead、Phil Collinsなどで有名なダブルトラッキング・エフェクトが簡単に得られます。

Chris Coady (Yeah Yeah Yeahs、Beach House)、Chuck Zwicky (Prince、Reggie Watts)、Ivan Barias (Justin Timberlake、Jill Scott)らが作成したアーティストプリセットを使用してミックス可能



AMS DMXは、発売と同時に“デジタルの奇跡”と称されました。独立した2つのディレイチャンネル、6秒強のディレイタイム、画期的な“デグリット”によるピッチシフトを特徴とするDMXは、その特徴的なアンビエンスにより、80年代から今日に至るまで、アーティストに個性的なディレイ、コーラス、ピッチシフト、アンビエントエフェクトを提供してきました。



AMS DMX Digital Delay & Pitch Shifterプラグインを使用して、ドラムマシン、シンセ、ギターなどにビンテージ・デジタルディメンションを加えることができます。また、ボーカルやホーンなどのオートダブルトラッキング・エフェクトやユニークなアルペジオパターンにも使用できます。



AMS DMXプラグインは、レアなエクスパンション・コーラスコントローラーモジュールを含むヴィンテージのラックマウントユニットのすべての機能を提供するだけでなく、テンポシンク、デュアル VCOモード、ドライ/ウェット・ミックス、ウェットソロなどモダンなアップグレードも備えています。

The Perfect Partner for AMS RMX16 Reverb

The Perfect Partner for AMS RMX16 Reverb

AMS DMX Digital DelayプラグインとAMS RMX16 Digital Reverbプラグインを組み合わせることで、究極のビンテージデジタルプロセッシングを実現し、2台の伝説的なクリエイティブツールの草分け的なサウンドを作品に提供します。


AMS DMX Digital Delay & Pitch Shifter

Overall Rating


T. Palmer


Go native

Please please please add this to spark

S. Saied


Flexible and Unique

This is an awesome plugin. I've never used or even seen the hardware so I can't compare this to anything except other delay type plugins. What I can say is this plugin is very flexible and powerful and provides a lot inspiration for creativity. Very nice having a plugin that allows me to be unique and not just apply the typical delay effects to my mix. I've used this on drums, guitar, synths and bass which has provided some very cool stuff to my music.

s. oudot


One of my all time favorite but please go native

My secret weapon. Perfect on guitars, vocals, everything !! sound design friendly too
Please go native <3

s. oudot


One of my all time favorite but please go native

My secret weapon. Perfect on guitars, vocals, everything !! sound design friendly too
Please go native <3

K. Sluiter


evokes the sprit of the 80's and beyond

Like many UAD plugs, the DMX is really useful in evoking the spirit of the 80's, which is one of my favorite eras of record production. Couldn't imagine mixing without it.

D. Caruso


Très bon delay

Un delay vintage mais tellement essentiel

L. Leonard



Good for vocal I think.
Crystal clear delay & pitch shift are brilliant.

P. Schilperoort


80’s all over the place!

This is THE sound of the first half of the 1980’s. Big, lush and rich.
The downside is that the interface is way too small. I really don’t understand why UA chooses to ignore this.
So 3 stars at this time. As soon as we can adjust the size of the plugin I’ll reconsider this review.

M. Fletcher


A delay with real character

Spend 30 minutes with the manual, there's quite a lot to this delay. Impressive emulation although maybe could be slightly bigger on the screen but this is a small gripe. The VCO is really smooth and just dials in character as does the chorus section. Really good at defining a useable vocal space and doing ADT, plus tuning the pitches can make for arpeggiator effects and spirals. Recommended.

G. Amodei


Just as I expected from UA.

Just asI expect fro UA. This Plug-In sound Really close to the original. (doing Phil Collins COVER “ in The Air Tonight” ) this with the AMS DMX16 is making my COVER sound so close to original. Thx You !

T. Long


Sounds Great but no numbers..

No numerical display for delay so have to adjust blindly but other than that it sounds great.

M. Roark


Inspiring and Sometimes Dizzying Delay

This is a beast and uses up my Sharcs but I loved the demo. The stereo delay regenerations are beautiful and inspiring, and you can really mangle them via the pitch shifter. I also really dug the chorus effect, wider and more open than the Dimension D that I also love to use a ton. II found myself enjoying the AMS DMX Digi Delay a lot more than I thought I would because it's a bit more psychedelic than the Cooper time cube, which has a different but simpler vibe. I'm a big fan of Chris Coady's work (Beach House, Amen Dunes), so his endorsement swayed me.

L. Rodziewicz



have it and like it a lot. Iove the subtle weirdness effect it gives my voice

A. Ayer


Fantastic chorus

This plugin is great. The delay is good but I am more likely to use a different plugin for just delay. Where this plugin really shines is its amazing chorus and it’s pitch shifting. The chorus is lush and beautiful and (using the filter) as sparkling as you want it to be. The pitch shifting creates excitement and space without being harsh.

S. Tanner


Very nice for SPX and so

I use it a lot für SPX and Sound-Design stuff. Very nice to had this in my collection.

K. Kouchian



I'm making a new review. Because I think I think this plugin emulation is really bad and it should be updated. This is just and average ok plugin as far as being a pitch shifter delay, for those who never worked with the AMS SDMX. But in no way it is a respectful emulation of the original. You cannot make it self oscillate and create enormous bass sounds and ringing high pitch aliasing, you cannot sample and trigger and reverse sample and do crazy thing as with the original. There is no aliasing as on the OG machine which is a HUGE part of the sound. I have used the SDMX for many years and in no way it compares to it. If you want something closer get the H910 at least you can make it go a bit crazy with feedback. This one is only ok if you want to enhance stereo and get the 80s 90s sound of Phil colins, it is extremely disapointing. Basically looks like it is the real deal but don't be fool by that.

a. ismail



randomly added it on my Mixbus (without touching or adjusting the setting)
the result was like I said SHOCKING/// added clarity and glue/ removed unwanted frequencies// FantastiCCCC

i. sanchez ixba


I studio

es un excelente plugins y una increíble calidad realmente hace la diferencia entre muchos

A. Lee


Unique sound

I tested expecting to be unimpressed, but this is now a new fav for adding depth to vocals and overall vibe & interest to mix elements that are unremarkable. Have a play with the Chuck Zwicky to see what it's capable of,

S. Park


Thank you. We send you the highest praise for UAD.

I am extremely satisfied with the majority of UAD plugins that I have purchased and been using. In particular, the AMS DMX Digital Delay & Pitch Shifter has opened up new horizons for me as I am not familiar with delay plugins. It excels in delivering great sound. Thank you. I highly recommend it.