Apollo の購入で UAD プラグインが無料 !

UADアクセラレーターが最大$300割引き。12月31日に終了。 販売店を探す›

Hello world 3!

Hello world 4!

Hello world 5!


Thunderbolt 3オプションカードは、ラックマウントタイプのApolloオーディオインターフェイスに取り付け可能な拡張カードで、ミュージシャンやプロデューサーは、Thunderbolt 3を使用してApolloと互換性のあるMacやWindowsシステムに直接接続できるようになります。ユーザーによって取り付け可能なカードは、2基のThunderbolt 3ポートを備えており、下流に繋ぐThunderbolt 3 周辺機器すべてに15Wのバスパワーを供給することができます。そしてさらにApolloを増設したり、UAD-2 Satellite DSPアクセラレーターや最新のストレージ、4Kディスプレイなどをデイジーチェイン接続することができます。

Apolloラックマウントインターフェイスに最新のThunderbolt 3接続を対応させる

複数のApolloや周辺機器などをデイジーチェインするためにThunderbolt 3を2基装備

4Kディスプレイや、ハードドライブなどの周辺機器接続時に40 Gbpsの帯域幅を使用可能

下流のThunderbolt デバイスに15Wのバスパワーを供給可能

Key Features

ユーザーが取り付け可能なApolloラックマウントインターフェイス用のThunderbolt 3オプションカード
Apolloや周辺機器などをデイジーチェインするために2基のThunderbolt 3 USB-Cポート
Thunderbolt 3は、4Kディスプレイや、ハードドライブなどの周辺機器接続時に40 Gbpsの帯域幅を提供
macOS Sierra/High Sierra、またはWindows 10 の“Fall Creators Update(64ビット版)”を必要とします。

To see full system requirements, click here.


Thunderbolt 3 Option Card

Overall Rating


K. Völz


Thunderbolt 3 Option Card perfekt um meine Apollo weiter nutzen zu können

dank der Thunderbolt 3 Option Card kann eine meine Apollo weiter nutzen. bei mir ist das Gerät bei Live Konzerten im Einsatz und leistet mir hier seit Jahren treue Dienste!

O. Erhinyodavwe


Mac M1 not recorgnizing my Apollo twin usd.

i have Apollo twin USD for windows only. but i upgrade to Mac M1. please will this T/B 3 option work for me or i should get the TB3 to TB2?

A. Torres


Need a PC desktop .. any help?

I have this silverface and the card.. i use it with an hp omen laptop.. and it works okay, but little finicky now and then.. I guess I could just buy a Mac.. but Im a windows guy?.. anyone have suggestions? find a builder for PC that works with this? thanks!

S. Whatman


Rip Off

Why is the option card $199 in the US but it's over $1000 in Australia ... with 3 interfaces to upgrade that's just ridiculous .... that'll be well over $3000 just to be compatible with an Apple Silicon Mac ... guess I'll be sticking to my old iMac Pro for audio for the foreseeable future.

T. Rimmington



Built a new Windows PC with a Thunderbolt port; upgraded my Apollo 8p with this card and it works perfectly.

A. Krieg


Thunderbolt3 to Thunderbold2

If I upgrade my Apollo 8 with a Tunderbolt 3 option card can I use an older Mac with thunderbolt 2 via a Thunderbolt3 to Thunderbolt 2 Adapter ?

C. Giraldo


UAD Firewire apollo Quad + Thunderbolt 3 option card = Back in the game!

This type of product proves that Universal Audio really cares about its customers, and for that I'm deeply thankful. Every piece of hardware that we buy as independent artists requires hundreds of hours of hard work and sacrifice. Sadly, the trend nowadays with many companies is to make disposable products because they want you to constantly buy their newest "best inventions". Universal Audio chose to walk in a different direction by giving us the opportunity to greatly improve the lifespan of an already amazing product. Thanks again for seeing us as human beings rather than a new sales opportunity. I definitely see myself using your amazing plug-ins and gear in my studio for many years to come.

T. Garcia Delgado



Esta tarjeta Thunderbolt 3 es compatible con Uad Firewire Silver Face, ya que actualicé mi máquina a I Mac Pro que solo tiene tarjeta Thunderbolt 3? confirme mi consulta para poder pedir la tarjeta Thunderbolt 3

M. Groom


Good upgrade for Silver Apollo

This is a great piece of gear for anyone with a Silver Face firewire Apollo. The Thunderbolt 3 card really improves the stability and allows for greater usage of plugins at the recording stage and when mixing. Highly recommended and easy to install and set up. It gives your firewire Apollo a great update.

A. Taashur



I love the new thunderbolt 2 option card and I can see and feel the difference in bandwidth power.
However, I decided to upgrade to thunderbolt 3 option card assuming there is more bandwidth per channel and that may enhance some performance.
Another reason is to keep my Silver Apollo for another half a decade and make it compatible with current and future Macs TB connectors.

D. Moore


Thunderbolt 2 to Apollo Quad with Thunderbolt 3 card

Should I just get a Thunderbolt 2 card for my silver Apollo Quad being that my Apollo Twin Duo has Thunderbolt 2 output only ? Or should I get the T/B 3 card option with cord adapters ? And would the difference in performance be affected by using T/B 2 to T/3 with adapters ?

A. Volkov


Thunderbolt 3 for Apollo DUO FireWire

thunderbolt 3 Card in an Apollo silver duo firewire
Hello I wonder if I install this card in my Apollo firewire silver duo QUAD it will work with my PC Windows 10 Thunderbolt 3 Port in the computer ?



Thunderbolt 3 from UAD QUAD silver to PC windows 10 Thunderbolt 3 port

thunderbolt 3 Card in an Apollo silver duo firewire
Hello I wonder if I install this card in my Apollo firewire silver duo QUAD it will work with my PC Windows 10 Thunderbolt 3 Port in the computer ?

Y. Rafoso



Por favor, ayúdenme si instalo la tarjeta Thunderbolt 3 en mi UAD Apollo Firewire Silver Face Quad core, ¿será compatible? Quiero decir, ¿esta tarjeta Thunderbolt 3 es compatible con Uad Firewire Silver Face, ya que actualicé mi máquina a I Mac Pro que solo tiene tarjeta Thunderbolt 3? confirme mi consulta para poder pedir la tarjeta Thunderbolt 3

E. Oliveira da Silva


E. Oliveira

Is this thunderbolt 3 card for silver apollo?

S. Gross



Can someone explain why this thunderbolt card is half the price of the interface???

J. Walter


Will I be able to convert my Apollo 8 with a Thunderbolt 2 card to Thunderbolt 3 and use it on newer Mac?

I also have drobo raid drive that is daisey chain through my Apollo 8 (TB 2) and my Apollo Silver (TB)2 interface for mac, if I converted to a TH 3 card? I'm about to buy a new Macbook Pro which has TH 3 on it, but I know they have breakout boxes.... Any advice would be of much help. Thanks kind stranger!

I. Al- Hamdan


Why Usb 4 Option Card Is Not Made, So there is more freedom for customers to use ?

Why Usb 4 Option Card Is Not Made, So there is more freedom for customers to use

F. Francesco


Macbook pro Mojave - Non viene riconosciuta - Not recognized

Aiutatemi per favore! Nonostante abbia installato ultima versione UAD 9.8, installato e seguito le istruzioni , in particolar modo , il riferimento all'accettazione sulla sicurezza che ho eseguito correttamente, il macbook pro 2018 non mi vede la scheda audio. Io posseggo una Apollo (grigia) FW con aggiunta scheda Thunderbolt 3 , OS Mojave.
Aiutatemi per favore non so più cosa fare!!!
Please help me! Despite having installed the latest version UAD 9.8, installed and followed the instructions, in particular, the reference to the security acceptance that I performed correctly, the macbook pro 2018 does not see the sound card. I own an Apollo (gray) FW with added Thunderbolt 3 card, OS Mojave.
Help me please I don't know what to do anymore !!!



Thunderbolt 3 Card

Please help me if i install Thunderbolt 3 card on my UAD Apollo Firewire Silver face Quad core will it Support i mean does this Thunderbolt 3 card supports Uad Firewire silver face since i have upgrade my Machine to I Mac Pro Which has Only Thunderbolt 3 card please confirm my Query so i can order the Thunderbolt 3 Card