UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3
UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt
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Super génial, très fonctionnel et très professionnel.
Je le recommande.
C. Nelson
Just what the doctor ordered
I have an Apollo Twin that I travel with. I needed a permanent solution for my home studio. This was the icing on the cake. Knowing I still had all of my plug-ins, this was a no brainer. There were times my computer slowed down and the Satellite solved this problem. Tons of DSP. Only downfall is that now I’m buying more plugins.
W. Payton
More Power
More DSP = more UAD plugins. What else do you need in life?
J. Stevens
Great addition to any recording set up!!!
D. Tetmyer
Bought Ultimate but need more Oomp
Octo got that DSP I need for these great plugs. Easy to setup and use. Running 14 chips now and sessions are a blast to mix.
R. Whiteman
OCTO - Awesome
Just transferred over system from a desktop to laptop. Have a duo card in the old system. Awesome to now be portable (satellite packs down nicely into my laptop bag) and to have ample DSP (OCTO) to keep creative without compromise.
T. Yamashita
UAD プラグインの入門機として最適
既に他社のハードでシステムを構築している場合でも、UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt を追加することで UAD プラグインのパワーを得ることができる。接続も Thunderbolt と電源のみというシンプルさで非常に良い。
A. de Souza
Good stuff
Works great w/ my Twin. Now I can have many instances of reverb open, and processing w/out having to worry about dsp. Was thinking about going the outboard reverb route for orchestral work, but am very happy I didn't. Awesome box.
a. cheek
Gave me 70% percent more dsp on a project
I was in the middle of mixing a large session. It was time to buy an octo. I was way overdue. So I did...plugged it in. And my dsp usage went from maxed to 29%
I already want another one because you can never have enough dsp
Immediately Opens New Mix Possibilities
The Satellite Octo ( Thunderbolt ) is great...super simple to set up and start working with...I had been relying on just an Apollo Twin Duo ( on Macbook Pro with Mojave 10.14.5 running Logic Pro ) previously so the addition of 8 more DSP chips has been liberating...no need to wonder if I can add some of those DSP hungry effects or what I'll need to remove for my mix to make it work...if you can swing it, get it for yourself and be happy !!
S. Perez
It's a little bit frustrating to need to buy something by UA to use his plug-in's, but I need to say that it gives you the life. So congratulations for that amazing hardware!
C. Horsethief
Seamless integration and capacity...
UAD’s seamless integration of SHARC processors wouldn’t be possible without the foolproof plug and play functionality of the Satellite units. Scalable and reliable processing power—first time, every time.
V. .
UAD-2 Satellite OCTO CORE
Welcome to Universal Audio.
I want to thank you for this optimal solution in the matter of more extensive work ,8 chipboard processes, everything works quickly and easily ,which is very convenient for quality work.
I Express my gratitude to you for your amazing product.
With respect to the company Universal Audio.
D. Hahnfeld
UAD-2 Satellite on all my mixes
Recently bought a UAD-2 Satellite and it is running plugins on every mix I do. So far I had no performance issues and all plugins are running butter smooth. In the future I probably will get an Apollo interface and the combined processing power of both should cover all my needs.
G. Ferasson
Great piece of gear
I have got two Satellites Octo running on a Mac Mini 2018. Recording and mixing in Cubase 10 pro. I use loads of UAD plug-ings, few Waves and Eventide. I love the plug-and-play approach, the processing power (16 cores, 8 by Sattelite) and the quality of the vst‘s. Thanks a lot to UAD for having changed the life on thousands of passionated sound engineers.
M. Blackman-Gonzalez
Mix Engineer's
Great accelerator when it authorizes. Sometimes takes a while to recognize. Other than that it's the most consistent UAD device.
s. coar
Octo luv
More is better. This makes me happy.
g. laurent
Parfait !
Fonctionne très bien sous Mojave , 3 plugs offerts avec la version custom + Brigade Chorus Pedal en cadeau ça fait plaisir !
P. Perfetto
great power
Great for adding additional power, hopefully they update these soon though, because these came out in 2015, they are almost 5 years old. They should do thunderbolt 3 with 16 and 32, and the the PCI slots for the mac pro 2019
E. Nowak
Exactly What I was Expecting!!!
I am mixing a fairly large project and needed more DSP because I wanted to A/B multiple Guitar amp inserts and effects on multiple tracks without having to delete the current models. I have the Tweed, the Marshall Bundle, The Friedman Bundle and the Fuchs Over-drive-so too many tasty choices!!! I had 2 UAD-2 PCIe Quads, and an Apollo 8p Quad so adding this Octo brought me over the top!!! Happy to almost double my DSP at one shot! Nirvana!!!