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UAD Studio Edition

Overall Rating

12521-12540 of12663件の結果

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K. Dudley


Most accurate plug yet!!

I have the actual hardware unit and these are scary close. I still prefer the hardware most of the time (not all) but just by a hair. At this point I use the hardware on the way in and use the plugin during mixing. Best of both worlds. For how low the price on these are its a no brainer. Best soft 1176 on the market

M. Gustafson


Best Yet!

You think you have a real 1176 sound out of other manufacturers plugins? Not even close. These are the reel deal. the price for 3 revisions of this workhorse may be the best part. You owe it to yourself to try them.

A. Tapia


Close to the originals

Although they're not still as good as the original boxes, these new versions are outperforming the old 1176 emulation. Highly recommended!

S. Hitchell


Authentic emulations to the core.

I very seldom find myself so engaged by software but with emulations like these it's hard to deny the unique tonality and characteristics software bring to the mixing equation. I'll still always be a bit of a push over when it comes to hardware units but with plugin's like these it's no wonder people are thinking inside the box.

With love from Echospace.
Stephen Hitchell

D. Plunkett


I really dig this wonderful classic.

I've used and own many different reverbs (like many of you) but this is the one that actually fits what Ive searched for. This one has the depth and character that really puts a personality on what it processes. I love classic music from the late 60's, 70's 80's and even 90's and this virtual unit really helps put that ambient gel that helps achieve the feel & texture of when music had tons of personality (as opposed to being recorded too sterile and perfect). I also love the solo button where you can go 100% wet at the touch of a button. Very nice reverb and while I've been a fan of your hardware (I own a LA-610 MKII) I'm now a fan of your plugs as well. I'm planning to explore your tape plugs at some point soon.

P. Ayuso


It's like having the hardware in my room!

I really liked the original since I've been a UAD user since 2006.
When I bought these and used them for Vocals, bass and drums, all i can think was, "WOW". I feel like I have the unit in my room.
Thanks for another hit and tool that makes our lives easier to get that true analogue sound!

M. Poncy


Tone shaping must

Less "tapey" than the Ampex, but given tone shaping uniqueness and low DSP draw, perhaps more useful. If you work hard to track good, clear sounds, but need a little bite taken off individual tracks during mixing, this is your ticket. Awesome.

M. Shane


Close enough to the real thing...

The sound is there and that's what matters... the smell and romance of the studer whirring away behind you or in a machine room while you work is a luxury these days and few machines are cal'd correctly or properly maintained...

These heads don't need Relapping and the machine is always aligned (any way you want it)

Poorly recorded pokey transients can be mellowed and make for easier mixing with this or push it hard and get some new tonal color. I love this thing and use it a lot on any number of tracks/types of mixes.

D. Martokoesoemo


A Must Have Compressor

The new 1176 Collection is realy responsive and have a great preformance!!!

C. Buyukuzun


About Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-in

This is a really good simulation of Studer A800. It's always so hard to repeat an analogue existence in digital world but I think UAD did it. It's saturation is very realistic and so easy to understand how to use. By the way, ''ganging'' feature is genius to emulate 24 channel input on the same deck. Thanks for all UAD team, from customer support to engineers!

C. Cote


So many uses...

These compressors really do live up to the hype. Each compressor has a distinct sound, but they all work great on a variety of instruments. Recently, I used the AE with a 2:1 ratio on my drum buss, the Black Rev E on the guitar bus, and the Rev A on individual bass tracks. These comps really added punch, clarity and space to my tracks. Fantastic job on these compressors, they are outstanding! Thanks UA!

F. Castro


Vintage Digital

I simply love this plug in, its a very specific type of reverb, that i never heard in other reverb plug ins. Excellent!!

F. Castro



This is a reason to buy UA products by itself. Its usefulness cannot be overstated. On every channel of every mix, Period!

I. Papagiannidis


John Jeff Touch

Awesome sound!

great presets!

best for almost everything!

love them on bass ,vox, drums!

much much better than the first uad LN 1176 plugin!

K. Manthata


Unbelievable - I love it!!

Wow, i must say this plugin is worth twice its price. It has done wonders for my mixes, tight bottom end and smooth highs. I now spend less time tweaking the EQ's on my tracks. Digital process has come a long way.

Well done UA keep up the good work.

A. Thiele


Best Gear

I was short with money but after starting the demo I had to buy the Lexicon 224 plugin. I compared it to other great sounding native plugins. In my opionion the UAD plugin is the best sounding reverb plugin available. I cannot live without it anymore. I especially like the 'default' program. It makes lead vocals pop out of the mix.

B. Rotella



Amazing!!! One of the best ever!! So impressed with the sound of these plugins... I can't express enough how real these are! Get them if you don't have them yet one of the best investments you will make!!

G. Dershin


Lexicon 224 Plug-In

Loving it. Amazing depth and clarity. Wish I'd picked this up years ago!

J. Manes


Great go to compressors

From drum subs, to Vx, go to digital plugs with analog feel and sound

L. Lesage


Great Tool

I really appreciate this 160 Compressor which does an excellent work on drums and bass tracks. Et voilà ! :)

12521-12540 of12663件の結果