UAD Studio Edition
UAD Studio Edition
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D. Stevens
chorus for all of us ...
very nice for bass and for dialing in a kool 'lo-fi' effect
Didn't expect much out of this, but this little guy is niiiiiiice!!!! I wish there was a mix or dry/wet knob on it.. But it's definitely a great sounding chorus.
m. james
It does what you think it would and a little more on all buttons in. Nice depth and width added.
C. Wandzilak
UAD is out of control
Worse than Apple I tell ya! I bought this thing in a bundle sale because I have a UAD plug-in problem. You own me because I own you, all you’re plug-ins anyway. The Distressor is well…the one and only DISTRESSOR! It does anything to everything and back again. Drums are boom-bastic, bass can get downright dirty, and everything is just covered in saturated bliss OR not depends on what you're trying to achieve but the Distressor excels at bringing sounds to life by crushing the shite out of them! I’ve never owned this “swiss army knife” but now I know why it’s in just about every studio and I’m thankful (kinda) UAD partners with the studio “staple” hardware manufacturers to bring these tools to the average Joe. EL/UAD partnership makes perfect sense as EL has overtly bragged about emulating UA’s classic hardware for years. Either way, a clean yet dirty little plug that yields drastic results with the smallest adjustment which is probably why some users have a difficult time with it. It's not a one knob, one (amazing) trick pony like the LA2A, therefore you have to listen carefully as you dial in your desires. It’s for that reason I don’t necessarily track with it…just yet. It’s very easy to do more damage than good in the wrong unexperienced hands (ears) which is likely a big chunk of UAD’s audience-me included. It can be transparent but again, you can go down a slippery slope with the saturation and the ratios during a perceivably transparent vocal tracking session-can’t undo it so I save it for the mix. Still honing my skills with this beast but it works wonders on everything in parallel which UAD caught onto thus adding a “mix” knob. Distressor does a phenomenal job emulating LA2A/1176 but there is still some sonic differences that I can’t quite put my finger on but its close. You could spend hours in this sonic playground with a drum loop that could send you into psychosis but you only have 335 more hours to dial it in before the DEMO expires. Couldn’t pass it up during this sale. If you have a creative bone in your body, you want this.
C. Wandzilak
Compression for Dummies
LA2A=PCC. Print Compression with Confidence. For me, the scariest part of tracking with compression is committing to screwing up the perfect take by choking the dynamics with a more “versatile” compressor. The LA2A won’t let that happen as over cranking the one knob even sounds good. Don’t burn the sound with the legacy plug, you’ll want to upgrade to the Silver LA2A. You might not hear it now but there’s a magical level of depth, clarity and warmth/saturation the LA2A adds to any instrument that just pulls the sound from the speakers like a hologram. Sure, you can mangle it with a Distressor or nuke it with an 1176 but all those knobs and buttons, for better or for worse, alter the sound in a way that should be reserved for non-destructive mixing, and the legacy 1176 works great for that after the fact. This does not apply to the seasoned engineer with the golden ear but to the rest of us amateurs armed and dangerous thanks to UAD. SM58 (or any $$ mic of your choice)+1073+LA2A+talent=WINNING! Focus on the take, not tinkering while tracking and if you can’t get a killer take with that you probably need to buy more plugins-j/k. It’ll happen anyway. BTW, do I get a coupon for leaving feedback?
C. Wandzilak
Reverb for Dummies
I think UAD consolidated the sweetest configuration of another similar more expensive and DPS intense“wink wink” classic plate reverb to create this the one-stop hassle free reverb shop fairy dust plug-in that requires zero skill. It’s the hot sauce of reverbs-a little here and a little there goes along way but drenching it sounds great too…if that's your style. Demo at your own risk.
M. Robinson
Much improved from the legacy version
Wasn't sure if it would be worth it, but there is a noticeable difference from the legacy LA2A plug I've been using for the last couple of years. Glad I made the jump.
T. Lenoci
Great compressor!
This plugin is the real deal. I recently used it on an acoustic guitar session and it brought so much love to the track.
A. Cadie
Believe the hype!
This really is something special! I've had the Waves version for years and rarely used it. The UAD Legacy version didn't really inspire me much either. I demoed this one and was instantly converted. I love it on the mix bus - often with the threshold catching only occasional peaks, if any at all. It's great on a drum bus for parallel compression (with the built in mix knob). In some cases I love it for vocals, but it can be a little harsher than the Tubetech or the LA2A, so it depends on what I'm looking for. The screws for shaping the knee and the sensor are very powerful tools. The 660 can be great on acoustic guitar - otherwise, I am still yet to explore this one further.
N. Antonio
J. Woolcot
This is yet another stunning model from UAD. It’s rich and warm, with a wonderful vibe. I couldn’t recommend it enough.
K. Takeuchi
I love to use it just to “thru” in my mix and it simply works enough for many cases!
R. Chaoui
Not as punchy as I’d hope
The Studer works really well when you want to tone down cymbals, anything brittle or piercing. It also allows you to compress and distort things. To be honest, the 610A does a better job at placing things in a mix than the Studer. I was hoping that it would give you that classic round tape sound, but I haven’t yet to get that. I’ve recently been using it as a master bus leveler. It’s actually really nice for that. Especially since any compression added to the mix brightens the signals. I’m ok’ing forward to getting more plugins by UAD and seeing which ones work for my ear. So far the 610A, the Shadow hills comp, and the API Vision channel are huge winners for me. Of course the Neve pre when recording vocals as well.
J. Mairena
Creamy on the inside, crunchy on the outside!
That's what it does for my vocals!
H. Arnn
Nice. Lush. Spacious.
Nice reverb. Enough said.
B. Delaunay
Good Plate reverb
Good plate reverb. Not the best on the market but good enough to work well.
x. zuniga
x. zuniga
b. gabrielli
rondeur chaleur sur les drums sur tout quoi ^^
j. king
Best limiters and compressors ever
I am really happy with this purchase these three plugins are amazingly good on vocals, bass, and synths I do recommend them the other producers and I will continue to buy from universal audio, expensive but does the job good.