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UAD Producer Edition

Overall Rating

1481-1500 of7299件の結果

  1. 1
  2. ...
  3. 73
  4. 74
  5. 75
  6. 76
  7. 77
  8. ...
  9. 365

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O. Viamontes


Can’t live without it

Never realize how easy it is to use for vocals, I’m sure you could use it for a lot of things, but I normally am using it for vocals in my vocal chain and it gets the job done, very easy to use. Don’t need to see to use it, just use your ears, and once that’s done apply, the game to recover volume simple as that can go wrong with this one

D. sutherland



I'm very happy with this product

S. Jones


Know Your Dedicated Family

P. Lira

February 28, 2023
Not part of Waterfall?????

Why is this not part of the new update of Waterfall??? It should definitely be!!! Now, I purchased Waterfall and I would also have to purchase this Leslie emulation because it is even better than the one within Waterfall??? Waterfall is a B3, for goodness sake!!! This is so unfair!!!

e. tiberi


Becoming my go to

It sounds warm and thick, I use it really a lot since I bought it

e. tiberi


Becoming my go to

It sounds warm and thick, I use it really a lot since I bought it

W. Kamel


UA Waterfall B3


S. Quadros


Just Perfect!!!

This Plug-in give your organ sound the reality fact!!!!!!!!

S. Quadros


Just Perfect!!!

This Plug-in give your organ sound the reality fact!!!!!!!!

C. Davis III



Totally Awesome there are no words all I can say is you have to experience it for yourself unbelievable....Great !

R. Yuen


Quite nice

There are a lot of B3 plugins out there. Apple has a built-in one in Logic Pro, I also have Arturia's Hammond. I also used to play a real B3 with a Leslie 147. This waterfall B3 is a little different, not better but just different, in a nice way. Have to play with it more to learn more but so far I like it. Not the best out there but definitely usable.

g. poulin


So analog

Arturia have good synth, not as smooth, soft,.

G. Nikolay


My Love Mooggy

I won’t say that this is the best emulation, just a different sound, softer than, for example, synapse audio The Legend. Personally, I like it and at the moment I use it in my work.

J. Eggers


Fun and Efficient

I have a number of VST synths, so why did I buy this one? Well, I demoed it. I had a lot of fun with the arpeggiator and tweaking sounds--and it does sound great. Among my other synths, this is one that I can get the fastest results for certain sounds I'm looking for often. Demo it and see.

J. Eggers


Great Sounds and Unique Features

I've been using this for a few weeks, and I have started to get a feel for it. Some of the morphing sounds I've created sound like nothing I've done with other VSTs, so I'm happy with the purchase. I anticipate using it regularly. The morphing filters make for some great movement in pads/drones especially, although this synth can do other categories of sounds as well.

K. Neill


A must have compressor

What can you say about the UAD 1176 plug in. You can use it anywhere and everywhere, and you should. You can use it to tame things down or to add punch. It’s a real workhorse, I don’t a have single session that isn’t using a number of instances of the 1176 plug in.

K. Neill


I love this reverb!

This plug in came bundled with my Apollo Twin X along with some other cool plug ins. I haven’t really had the chance to use all the plug ins yet to be able to write a fair review but I really think this reverb is awesome. It’s warm, it doesn’t get in the way and it just has a nice vibe to it. Of course it’s always different strokes for different folks but this will be my main go to for reverbs.

G. Nikolay


Best Synth

Great synthesizer, I like its sound, modulation matrix. I love to use it in my tracks and in the tracks of my clients. The perfect synth for electronic dance music.

V. Cardinale


The Best!

If you know the sound of hardware you know that this software is the best one!!! Please... add learn midi function!!!!

w. serrano



Amazing sound love it

J. Branam


almost... and worth it imo

sounds almost as good as ik multimedia tape collection but with a lot less demand on cycles. imo was well worth the $74 half price native sale to save on production demands

1481-1500 of7299件の結果

  1. 1
  2. ...
  3. 73
  4. 74
  5. 75
  6. 76
  7. 77
  8. ...
  9. 365