UAD Mix Edition
UAD Mix Edition
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G. Capaccio
Il top delle emulazioni
Se state cercando delle emulazioni fedeli all'1176 questi fanno al caso vostro. Sono impareggiabili e li stra-utilizzo. Consigliatissimi
G. Capaccio
Fantastico sugli archi
Lo sto usando molto sugli archi e sulle voci. Rende tutto molto piu magico. Lavoro eccezionale
J. Branam
simple and straight forward
gives a nice metallic taste that many plate emulations lack. very simple controls with all you need to dial in the sound you are looking for. thanks again to UA for going native with individual perpetual licenses.
J. Branam
very nice work UA
of all the 76 emulations i have tried (and i have tried the lot) this gives a slightly wider soundstage and is mid forward and can bring anything to the front of a mix if need be. of course it works exceptionally well for smashing in parallel also. thank you UA for going native with single perpetual licenses. keep adding more product to the list.
Not you again...
I swore myself that I had enough plugs and didn't need to buy anything more from Uad, but this Eq is soooooo smooth that, as soon as I pushed the demo button, it became instantly my go to Eq. I literally loughed out loud when trying the different presets in my current project. The presets are really good BTW.
It made his way on almost every track, I did tried to replicate with Pultec Eq but Nah... This one has is own flavor.
The Mastering Eq is a joy too, (the preset "Make mix sound better" doesn't lie), it's just magic.
Well done Uad, you know your way to my wallet.... Holy crap
g. gregoire
Great comp!
Combined with the LA-2A, you can't go wrong!
J. Haskins
It wold be great if UA would allow me access to this plugin since I purchased it on 3/15.
It wold be great if UA would allow me access to this plugin since I purchased it on 3/15. It's borderline criminal that I pay for a plugin, and it doesn't give me access on my Apollo. What's the deal? UNREAL!
C. Madrinan
Worst impossible
Doesn’t work on OSX 10.7.5, no possibilty of exchange or money back.
J. Srilaam
Every good
I love Uad
J. Srilaam
Every good
I love Uad
J. Srilaam
Every good
I love Uad
J. Srilaam
Every good
I love Uad
J. Srilaam
Every good
I love Uad
T. Huang
The PULTEC Harmonics is good. You can't get this effect simply from a EQ like fabfilter.
T. Huang
The harmonics are pleasant, can't get this with Fabfilter Q3
T. Huang
The harmonics are pleasant, can't get this with Fabfilter Q3
X. Xu
Excellent Rotary Speaker Plugin
This is an excellent rotary speaker plugin I have used.
M. Scherchen
Love me some Leslie!
Not much else to add really. Perfect balance of flexibility and ease of use. Would love if they smoothed out the animation or allowed you to disable it. Sonics are great though!
Y. Lee
최고의 Musical EQ
간단한 조작, 만족스런 결과값, 자연스러운 THD
Y. Lee
최고의 Musical EQ
간단한 조작, 만족스런 결과값, 자연스러운 THD