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UAD Mix Edition

Overall Rating

9961-9980 of10422件の結果

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P. Sweeney


Great Collection !

Just downloaded the 1176 Collection and I must say that Im impressed.
Choose whichever edition of the 1176 you want and just dial in a preset .........
A few tweaks later and you're good to go ! ! !

J. Tim


Super Plug Ins

für Akustikgitarre, Gesang und Sogar Drums sind die Plug In´s wirklich der Hammer!

T. Garrett


Amazing results

I was so happy to see this for a discount of 149.00 and then I was sadden by finding out that both, this collection and the 1176 collection were both priced even lower the next day, that they were only 99.00 for users who already and the two compressors. I wish I could get credited 49 bucks so I can add the rest and have that 1176 collection too. Oh well. TeamUniversalAudio all the way.


J. Jung



UAD makes music sound so much more than it is. Vocals, guitars, string quartet's, or hamsters on a wheel, these comp/limiters make it stick in a mix really beautifully. I wish I had more money to buy up all the UAD store. Righteous.

L. Schlegel


Wow! Great Plugin!

Great sounding upgrade to the already good la2a. These are a must have!

K. Marrett


Teletronix LA Classic Leveler

Great Plugins. The best thing I did when I bought Them. A Must Have. Brings presence in my mixes and makes them louder. Will always use them for mixes

J. Boyat


My favorite UAD plugin

Superb on the arpeggiated guitars.
wonderful on vocals.
magnificent on analog synthesizer with the neeve 1081 classix console EQ.

a must have.

C. Nedzynski


Truly Awesome Plugin

I recently bought the Octo and chose this as my first plugin. Stunning reproduction of how analogue tape sounds and works, but with all the flexibility of a plugin. Different speeds, tapes and tweaks on every channel is the sort of thing I used to dream of! Want the sparkle of 30ips on the acoustic guitar and overheads, but the warmth and power of 15ips on the bass and kick? You can do it with this plug... and it sounds like tape.

I used to run a Soundcraft 760 in the 90's - early 00's, and whilst that machine was never in the same league as the A800, I loved the sound and the way things would just "sit" in the mix without much work. This does just that. Awesome.

Glad I went for the Octo though. It's a power hungry plugin. Worth it

Y. J



Thanks UA again give this amazing plug ins
and make me easy to get good sound

L. Roccatagliati


Perfect on voices

I always used the oldest La-2a UAD plug in on voices, but this new collection is even better!!

P. Favati


Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection

aggiornamento necessario, qualità eccelsa, una collezione necessaria per i mix

R. Wheelock


its the best plugin compressor so far

This is hands on the best plugin compressor I have heard so far. I have long years of experience mixing OTB and ITB and finally I can get the same mojo of hardware gear in a plugin. I haven't compared to the real hardware but I am pretty sure its up there in the realm of real sound. Sure there may be differences but not enough to compensate the difference in price between the plugin and the HW.

Kudos to the UA team.

R. Jason


Teletronix LA2A Collection as good as it gets.

As a long-time owner of UA products, starting 35 or so years ago with the original LA2A hardware, then UAD1/2, I'm quite familiar with the virtual versions versus the real thing.
While the UAD1 LA2A did a fine job, it never had quite the punch and knob to knob ratio I was used to with the hardware.
Not so with the new Classic Collection.
Recording through my Apollo, then through either the Silver or Gray (or Grey for the UK folks) gives excellent results, allowing my vocalists a HUGE sound. Often, I'm so pleased with a recorded run through, I keep the Apollo Record/Monitor switch set to Record.
Using the plugs transient trim pot allows me to further tailor the response for each vocalist.
This collection is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

I. Pinkhas


LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection

With great pleasure I use this plug-in on vocals and solo instruments. The sound becomes bright and warm. Fantastic!

A. Starostin


You are craze:)

great job! just great.
very often used now just a good price for such a miracle.

M. Kramer



The previously released 1176 Collection was just the beginning. if you think UAD outdid themselves with that innovative release, prep yourself for the LA-2A Collection, which trumps the 1176 the same way a finely tuned vintage Jaguar bests a new one any day of the week. Each one of these 3 new plugins offers a substantial array of audio hues and colours that (if properly used) can offer a whole new universe of possibilities for those who found the long-available LA-2A plugin indispensable. if you can't live without your your LA-2A, then you're going to die of happiness when you hear these new emulations. I honestly feel like i've died and gone to heaven and found a room full of vintage LA-2A's waiting there for me. anything's possible now.

M. Kramer



The previously released 1176 Collection was just the beginning. if you think UAD outdid themselves with that innovative release, prep yourself for the LA-2A Collection, which trumps the 1176 the same way a finely tuned vintage Jaguar bests a new one any day of the week. Each one of these 3 new plugins offers a substantial array of audio hues and colours that (if properly used) can offer a whole new universe of possibilities for those who found the long-available LA-2A plugin indispensable. if you can't live without your your LA-2A, then you're going to die of happiness when you hear these new emulations. I honestly feel like i've died and gone to heaven and found a room full of vintage LA-2A's waiting there for me. anything's possible now.

M. Herrera-markwald



I cannot speak to authenticity, how many of us can really, but it is beautiful and easy. It has instantly improved every vocal track I've stuck it on so far. Keep up the great work UAD team!

B. Furduj



This plugin is absolutely AMAZING !!!, I have been using many tape simulation plugins over the last couple of years including, Waves, Softube, Slate Digital, but this one is best so far, no doubt about that.

N. Lifschey


These sound amazing, but again I'm only giving two stars:

After years and years, we STILL can't see the values as we change settings for vintage-style plug-ins like this, and we also can't ENTER IN the values as we need to.

Why hold on to a completely useless part of the past, guys? It's maddening, and I won't be buying any more UA products until this changes. There are other options out there. There are so many times in my professional work that I need to lower things by a specific amount, and to enter in specific amounts. I can't with UA like I can with almost all of my other plugins. So, I'm done with UA until this changes.

9961-9980 of10422件の結果