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Pure Plate Reverb

Overall Rating

61-80 of450件の結果

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M. Sergeyev


Nice vocalsound

Just love it best plate for vocals

F. Fellner


The best soundcard I have ever had.

I have bought the Universal Audio Volt 276 soundcard and holy moly... Am I so satisfied and happy about it. The functionality, quality of processing and all the benefits that come with it in the form of plugins, software and other stuff its mind-blowing. The only thing I am not used to though is the on / off switch. I have had a Focusrite 2i2 (3rd Gen) before and this soundcard automatically switched on & off with my computer. However, I have a much better and rich recording experience with the Volt 276. I am recording my guitar and I find the 76 compressor and Vintage mode an outstanding feature. All in all, I love it.

S. Blecher


I Love Plate Reverbs

it is fun to work with this plugin. You can quickly and easily get good results that also sound excellent and also sound three-dimensional

D. Groulx


Perfectly simple

Easy and quick to dial in a desired preset. And more importantly, great sounding plate as well!

M. McCormick


Pure Plate Reverb, I wish I could

Unfortunately I am unable to experience and write a review about the PPReverb because I purchased the Volt 4 and when I tried to download it, I could not . The Sweetwater site stated 10.14 was required but I have a Mac 10.14.6 and when I tried to download it , a message stated that 10.15 and later is required to download. Sorry, I wish I could experience it !

永. 李


密度 好 听起来又暖又厚,自从我买了它以来,我真的经常使用它

e. tiberi


Becoming my go to

It sounds warm and thick, I use it really a lot since I bought it

e. tiberi


Becoming my go to

It sounds warm and thick, I use it really a lot since I bought it

K. Neill


I love this reverb!

This plug in came bundled with my Apollo Twin X along with some other cool plug ins. I haven’t really had the chance to use all the plug ins yet to be able to write a fair review but I really think this reverb is awesome. It’s warm, it doesn’t get in the way and it just has a nice vibe to it. Of course it’s always different strokes for different folks but this will be my main go to for reverbs.

w. serrano



Amazing sound love it

F. Calzas



Love the sound. Amazing plugin

F. Calzas



Love the sound. Amazing plugin

J. Branam


simple and straight forward

gives a nice metallic taste that many plate emulations lack. very simple controls with all you need to dial in the sound you are looking for. thanks again to UA for going native with individual perpetual licenses.


J. Srilaam


Every good

I love Uad

L. Pacuk


Great choice

Fantastic reverb.

Y. Lee


Simple & Effective

Excellent quality reverb sound with simple operation. Above all, it is attractive that this plug-in does not take up DSP data.

E. Yeung


Underwhelming & Disappointing

I tried this plugin for the first time and I didn't like the sound, however I tweaked the settings. I don't know if it's because I don't like plate reverb or because I don't like this plugin, but all I know is I simply don't like the sound. Furthermore, the UI is a little counterintuitive and doesn't resize/scale well on my display systems. I uninstalled almost immediately.

U. Juhl


Fantastic Sound

Easy and simple to use.
Good to make a room feel.
Or to make a clear tail to the instruments.

A. Lee



Great, depth and dimension to this

A. Marangoni


Great plate reverb in you hand.

Largely satisfied with the results obtained from the Pure Plate Reverb

61-80 of450件の結果

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