Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
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V. Waltinger
One classic, even better from UA
There is not much to say about it but it´s one classic among all the pro-plugins and somehow it even does sound better from UA. Smooth yet highly effective, it´s great and some secret weapon on various kinds of material. I own most of the so-called pro plugins one can buy and even if the UA versions may use the same algorithms in theory, they just sound this crucial tick better on sensitive tracks like vocals, drums etc. than the native versions of the same plugins. Whatever UA has found, it definitely does work!
C. Nedzynski
A Mastering Gem
Wow. This thing right at the end of your master buss and you've got punchier louder mixes without squeezing the hell out of them. Sounds to me like it's adding harmonics to fatten out the sound, but whatever it's doing, it's lovely. Buy it if you want more punch, level and clarity on your mix. Well worth the money.
R. Barnum
Was A Great Final Tweak For My Drums!!!
Love the Sonnox Oxford Inflator plugin. I was struggling to get that final juice in a mix for snare and kick without losing imaging... I tried this one and WOW!!! It just has the "something extra" I was looking for, Really picked them up with a detailed edge. I got a defined placement in the mix with a not-too-distracting loudness. Love it. Don't know why it took me so long to use this thing?
P. Keereman
Nice to let things stand out in the mix or to just give some more presence
The inflator 's effect parameter lets you drive the signal to make ik stand out more. So it's a good way to let weaker signals give more presence, eg a lead vocal that's really soft. The inflator will make it balsier, more intense. Also the curve knob, let's you give some coloration, which is really nice. I mainly use it for that. I also used it on a 2-mix, to give the whole mix more apparent level.
There are also more drastic distortion effects possible that I did not use at this time, I will try them out.
Definitely a very useful tool !
d. sanderson
Is It Compression?
I'm not sure what this plug in does. I tried it out to help control loudness of a digital drum mix, and was sold after the first try. The average power level of the tracked signal can appear to remain low, yet the perceived loudness of mix is very in your face and, in fact can sound like it is over clipping levels A quick glance at the meter shows that isnt so.
Nonetheless, unattentive use of this plug in can result in distortion and clipping, and I find this very harsh. I prefer using it as a loudness or boost; I ;m still experiementing where in the chain to use this, though it appears to best be used at the latest stages of mix.
I also use it on music playback which can add a very nice overall loudness to the music at parties, etc
Buss Magic!
This little plugin is amazing at bringing your mix to life! i use it all the time.
S. Dowell
Absolute essentially plugin for mastering! Highly Recommended
P. Shrout
I have tried a lot of different maximizers and limiters on my master bus over the years. When this thing is right it adds a magic to the program material. I also found when i need an instrument to cut through the mix I can easily accomplish the sound I am looking for with the Inflator. Very cool plugin. If you haven't demoed this product yet, do yourself a favor and check it out. Love this thing!
A. Lawson
mix buss love
this thing is a litte beauty.. simple and fun.. great on your mix buss just using a little effect to add excitment and some low end.. alos love it on any electronic or buit drums.. yezza
R. Hartley
Does Just What It Says...
The Inflator is super easy to use, and works magic breathing dimension and clarity into finished mixes. Once I’ve instantiated it in my audio chain, it’s nearly an impossible decision to remove it; it’s that useful.
S. Krug
Lange gesucht
Lange war ich auf der Suche eines Plug Ins, was nicht nur Lautheit erzeugt, sondern auch eine "humane Sättigung" und auch bei Produktionen, die sehr laut sein müssen, ein Quäntchen gefühlte Dynamik zu belassen. Ich liebe inzwischen den Einsatz dieses Plug Ins in Drum Group bzw. Bass/Drum Group, sowie den Vokals und in der Summe (beim Mastering).
J. Bulo
I'm totally in love with the inflator from Sonnox!!
tool to master or pre master your songs, power without damaging the original mix... awesome stuf!!!
Jayms Bulo
R. Gilligan
Love It
It does a great job doing what it claims to do, and can be shaped in whichever way you want it to sound depending on the application you're using it for. Sounds clean and warm, and not over compressed
T. Rickertsen
I'm really loving this plugin by Sonnox. I was looking for something that could 'lift' the perceived level of the music before the final limiter on the master bus. The Inflator has been used somewhere on every song of our current album project. It can enhance if needed or focus soley on raising the volume while retaining the dynamics of the songs. One of the easiest plugins I've found to use. I'm very happy with the sound quality and treatment it provides. Try it on a mix, a buss, or individual instrument to hear how it livens the sound.
P. Leonard
Sonnox oxford inflator
A must have !!! Superb ; used on very tracks . it really works . big difference before and after .You should try it .
Merci .
N. Driver
This plugin is the absolute definition of a one-trick pony, not at all a bad thing when it does that one trick better than anything I've come across! For getting things loud without mangling dynamics the Inflator is the ONE. I'm not sure exactly what's going on under the hood and nor do I care .. it does what it does very very well. I could have bought this native but with vouchers this worked out cheaper so I went with the UAD version. (which sounds identical btw, for better or worse) Definitely worth a demo whether you end up buying the UAD or native version. I couldn't live without it now!
C. Gibbs
Get's your mixes huge with some nice colour! Use it on every mix!
K. Vrijsen
Louder than Loud! Great plugin if you want things to be loud!! Its like a maximiser only better.
D. Popp
Not a Magic Wand, but Cool to Have Anyway
The simplicity of this plugin is its strength because you can try it quickly on a track - it will either make the magic or it won't - and you can either apply it, or go on with your search. In my application, which usually includes voiceover, it seems that the Inflator is least desirable if there's already a fair amount of compression on the track. It may be most impressive on sparse and raw sources.
E. Zakirov
Very cool
This plugin you need to try for yourself to understand that he really needed!))) Use everywhere