Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
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A. Navarro
Si grabas voces que luego mezclas con música, como es mi caso, este plugin dará el toque final a tu grabación, que marcará la diferencia con el resto. Es justo lo que buscaba desde hacia tiempo para nivelar mis grabaciones. Gracias a Universal Audio!!!.
If you record voices that you then mix with music, as is my case, this plugin will give the final touch to your recording, which will make a difference with the rest. It's just what I've been looking for since time to level my recordings. Thanks to Universal Audio !!!
Sonnox Oxford Inflators
Plugin truly adds a special touch to my mixes that eq'ing alone cannot complete. It does what it says in the discription and simply makes my mixes sound professional. JC Music
J. Viretto
Awesomeness in any way
Busses, mix bus, solo intrument... works great in any situation! Helps giving consistance to any source, glues elements together (drums or mix bus), adds puch ad definition. One of my go-to plug-in for mixing and mastering
M. Yam Moller
Unique plugin
Does one thing that nothing else can do.
L. Alban
Fabulous !
Extreme Sound Design
I'm using this awesome plugin for sound design combined with extreme eq and distortion!
T. Høirup
A classic
Must-have. Classic. Epic.
S. Anastasov
Easy and Helpful
This thing is really great, especially when you are not a super sound director. Its easy to use and It does something like saturate/compression/color, its sounds nice and you cannot overdose it. Of course there are a limit, but even with the rookie ears you will hear it. Works equally well on a master bus or just a one track.
Tight ´n´ Glue
Love it on my 2bus. With the curve-fader you can really adapt it to every type of mix. It really punches!
D. Nakonechny
Incredible Clarity and Depth.
I find myself using this pretty much on all my mastering projects for that extra dynamic and boost. Its very clean and adds a sonic characteristic that no other plugin or hardware has been able to emulate for me. However aside from mastering I have used it on acoustic guitar, drums & even vocals when they need that little extra shine. I recommend it.
L. Salazar
Really like this plugin, used it for about a year now and I'm thinking of buying the Oxford Limiter as well. I put this in my master bus before hitting a brick wall limiter (Waves L2). I'm able to get the song sounding loud enough that I hardly need to enhance it any more with the L2, just limiting.
... even for vocals!
I love using the inflator on vocals. With a higher CURVE setting the vocals just SIT in nearly any mix.
A GoTo-Tool :-)
R. Beld
Perfect after Studer/Ampex on mixbus
Adds beautifull attack transients after Tape plugins on mixbus. Must try!!!
A. Lee
Clearly some very clever programming and insights into how sound work is behind this amazing plugin. An incredible alternative to the saturation approach.
After tape before limiter
I wasn't sure about this and then I found this trick. I get the atr 102 mastering tape hovering around 0 and I put the inflator after that And boost to taste then the limiter follows. You get the warmth of the tape and the loudness you need. Awesome. My mixes have more air and still meet the same volumes of modern music. Try this out and see if it's right for you.
M. Adel
Inflation with Spirit!
I was hesitant which plugin to choose for boosting my tracks right before exporting them. I tried the demos for Oxford Inflator against Waves L2. It didn't take me much time to select the Oxford, because it didn't take from my music character (mostly orchestral), it is warm sounding, against the L2 which made my music boosted but bold. Thank you UA for bringing this Sonnox plugin on board.
Great exitement-alizer!
The inflator works wonders on any source, great for adding clarity to distorted bass.Great on the Gtr-bus.
I put it last in my vocal mixing chain just to add some more air and closeness to the vocals.
Pretty much anything sounds better with this thing on it used moderately.
C. Lee
Transparent, warm, not harsh.
I have used ozone and t-rex for
mastering. But somehow I was not satisfied with the sound.
Sonnox limiter gave me the output I just wanted. Transparent, warm, not harsh. Best mastering plugin ever.
K. Christian
if you can't get a signal over the other-try it - fixed ;-)
s. link
Sonnox Oxford Inflator
I have to say this is really fantastic! I started using it on my 2 buss and really helped with getting levels as high as you can get before clipping. Not to mention everything just sounded well....better! I then started using it on individual instruments and though it didn't work on everything, it did help with a lot of them. It's actually quite addictive! Oxide and Inflator now on every master buss. Love it!