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Sonnox® Oxford Envolutionプラグイン

Overall Rating

1-20 of80件の結果

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A. Dahlback


Maybe the best!

A perfect transient designer! Amazing!

L. Leonard


Versatile and great sounding!

I love this transient shaper the most in my collection of these types.
Highly recommended!!

A. Ayer


Great plugin.

This is easily the best sounding transient designer that I have ever used.

F. Schoffelen


Works even at extreme settings

I have used a competition version with more options but even the slightest of increased attack settings produced nasty clicks with that one . Envolution sounds good even under extreme settings which is what I use it for occasionally especially on Bass and Drums. The EQ could be a bit more flexible as far as I'm concerned. Great plugin to deal with boominess/muddiness in Console from the get go.

G. Espinosa


Trata o áudio com muito carinho

incrível modelador de shaper , acentuando a frequência fundamental do transiente , facilita a mixagem ,abrindo muito espaço nos instrumentos percussivos , sobre tudo ...

D. Northern


Makes everything better!!

Super easy to use!!!! Visually you can see what’s happening to the notes. Makes the drums come forward and punchy. Makes the guitars sound fuller… it’s quite amazing how great this plugin is!!!

e. tiberi


The goat

This Just replaced any other transient designer I had. Makes them all sound like Toys!

M. Ranauro



if you need to use transients in a surgical way, from a cello to a ruined Drop Edm(!) , you should probably use Envolution. I am convinced that I have used my money wisely. Uad and Sonnox are a nice combination. Michele Ranauro (close friend of a singing horse, hired on Midjourney by mistake )

J. Hershberger



Really helps bring individual drums to life. What a valuable tool to have in the box

C. Oyakhilome


Worth the buy. Effective plugin.

Possibly the best transient shaper I’ve used so far and more…

J. Szeszel


Best transient shaper for kick.

I use in every project for kick.

S. Friedrich


Great Plugin

Best transient shaper I‘ve ever tried

J. Sehlin


Secret weapon

My go to secret weapon for taming harsh and hard consonants

J. Neves


Great Transient Designer

Awesome alternative to Spiff, SPL, Smack Attack etc etc etc. It certainly has its own flavour and definitely deserves a place in my tool box!

A. Mascheroni



This plug in is so damn helpful!!

C. Azarcon


Awesome plug-in!

I use it for my drums, piano, and synths!

P. Matejicek


Secret weapon

This is best on market . Easy guy- great results.its chameleon of dynamics !!!



Surprised By the Results

I used this plug-in on drums to tame transients. I was amazed by the results. Nothing else has done the job like the Oxford Evolution! Great tool to have in your tool belt.

R. Walsh


Great on Midi Drums

The best thing I have ever tried to make midi drums sound real. I use Groove Agent since it is part of Cubase. I use Envotution on all my snares, kicks and hats. The difference in night and day. Works well on other instruments put for drums it is a must

R. Marant



Tengo varios diseñadores de transientes y me resignaba a no adquirir este. Pero como tal es el más completo de todos y no me arrepiento de tenerlo entre mis principales herramientas.

1-20 of80件の結果

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