OX Amp Top Box
OX Amp Top Box
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S. Burilina
OX Amp Top Box
The best box.Thank you!!!
H. Brett
Perfection !!
I’m definitely blown away on how usable this jewel is. Man it’s Smokin when tracking and playing live gigs. I built a 20K guitar rig with Bob Bradshaw back in the day and that was all high end studio gear. Being use to hearing the quality there’s no going back. Now I have a really sweet pedal board instead of the rack effects. I love it! Adding the OX BOX adds to my arsenal with flying colors.
Thanks for building this quality tool & for going above & beyond.
功. 佐藤
UAD pluginでFender 55' DeluxeをLineにして、ラックプリアンプ(bognerやfryetteやsynergy)やペダルプリアンプ(KochやOrigin Effects)を投入した時と同じ様に、OXは歪みに食いついてきます
スモールアンプ(Mesa mark V:25やSuhr Pt-15)を所持しているとしたら、ノイズフリーで
かつ 大きな音量、最高の音色とルームリバーブを得る事が出来ます
G. Doran
This is probably the most useful tool for guitar recording. I have never felt this strongly
J. Bradley
Amazing Piece of Kit
Over the moon with the OX, it sounds absolutely fantastic and so versatile!
C. Hevey
Excellent produit
Excellent produit de qualité… besoin d’autres update pour incorporer entre autres des cabinets de basse et plus d’options pour les placements de micros.
G. Teekens
Great Product!
Lifesaver & Timesaver. Sounds great and works like a charm. The presets are great too!
C. Dengler
GET THIS. I was questioning the value of this in the studio - no longer. THIS IS the unit you need in order to better record your guitars and bass. Unreal. I LOVE this thing. Best purchase of the year.
D. Garrett Jr
Very nice, but lacking....
First off, I'd like to say I love Universal Audio stuff..... BUT, this is an item that needs more attention from their R&D department in my HUMBLE opinion.
First problem: To use the software you have to register it. The registration is a complaint I hear from everyone, and one of my complaints. You have to hookup to a 2.4 Ghz network to register.... that's just plain DUMB.
2nd problem: No support..... don't try calling UA for help, they don't answer the phone and their support line for this is not working. GOOD LUCK!
Actually there are some other issues too... but I love the attenuation! I would suggest looking at other attenuators (BOSS WAZA) to compare before purchasing. I have not done this & now I think that may have been a mistake.
L. Beliveau
Network set-up issues
Fantastic power amp attenuator. Great sound through the stereo outputs. Software could be enhance (more effects choices) and control with an external device (via USB or Foot switch, wifi not reliable). Network set-up could be more user friendly, good thing it stays set after the first connection. i can appreciate my 100 watt plexi clone without turning deaf.
K. Tomita
エレキ ギターの音をオーディオインターフェースから録音するために使用。音質がすばらしい。自宅でこのクオリティで録音はできません。本当に買ってよかった。プラグインみたくたくさんのギターアンプはいらなくて、欲しいトーンは1つか2つ憧れのENGLアンプを夜中でも爆音で(ヘッドホンの中)鳴らせています。OXが理想を叶えてくれました。そして、これまで素通りしていたハードオフのアンプコーナーが宝の山に見えます。
V. Beccia
Still Awesome although FW and SW need updates
This is a great product. Built like a tank and sounds great. It' s showing it age in todays market though.
Don't know what's happening upside of UA's cranium but this diamond only needs a polish via its FW and Software and could potentially remain a formidable unit well into the future. Sounds great and keeps you playing and creating! Still love it!
W. Hemenway
OX BOX is great but needs IOS updates
Hardware is amazing but you need to update your IOS software for multitasking and landscape view. Also the ability to reposition mics to different places on the cabinet.
F. Moleirinho
Simply brilliant!
I’ve been using an old tube combo amp (circa ‘70s) into the OX, to a UA 4-710, into an Apollo. The variety of sounds from this simple set up is surprising, from clean to crunch, to grunge, even metal. Very well made, solid hardware.
R. Trevor
I love my OX.
Having said that, we need a Leslie cab emulation !!!!
G. Cowan
Perfect for guitarist home studios
I am a guitarist that has a small studio setup at home for songwriting and practicing. I’ve never been happy using amp sims and digital plugins for my direct guitar tone. The Ox has been awesome for me getting a tone I’m happy with and letting me use the amps I normally gig with. Looooove it!!!
C. Katches
Amazing box but needs an update!!!!
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GIVE US A 15'' SPEAKER OPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thing sounds fantastic on the given cabs, but is years overdue for a proper update hence the four stars.
L. Pellecchia
Great for computers less for loudbox
I bought this mainly to use as a loudbox and was a little disappointed, I used a couple of the best 12 awg speaker wires available on the market however going beyond position 4 the sound degrades excessively losing too much treble and bite, it doesn't can compensate with the EQ of your amp or guitar effects pedal. contacted customer service for explanations and advice they repeated "due to fletcher munson effects quieter sounds will have more midrange and less bass/treble" repeating it to me several times although I already understood it at the first, but it is not possible that it already happens at position 3 in such an intrusive way! it is unusable from 3 onwards. the difference in decibels between position 5 (no attenuation) and 4 (first level) is minimal and certainly not worth the cost of the product. I want to hope that for other speaker and amp combinations it works better than with my custom hiwatt and fane speaker. the other functions are excellent: speaker simulator, microphones, presets, output to audio interface and mac all beautiful and high quality. not to the level of the loudbox only functions.
B. Windel
I LOVE this thing.
What a game changer. I have this connected to my Apollo via the optical connection and it sounds SO good. Love it. Being able to use my pedal board + 3 amps and yet keep it all contained in either my headphones or nearfields is just a beautiful thing. The power soak / attenuator bit is great too, don't get me wrong, but I don't use it as much. The desktop app on macOS works great - no issues whatsoever.
T. Limbeck
Could be 5 stars, but UA has abandoned support for OX
The iPad app is long overdue for an update to run in landscape mode or be compatible with multitasking features in iPadOS. Intermittent connection issues have always been a problem with the onboard WI-FI. An update to utilize the rear USB ports for connectivity would solve many of these issues. At this point I regret not purchasing a Kemper and sticking with my old Marshall Power Brake instead