Neve® 1073® Preamp & EQ Collection
Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ プラグイン・コレクション
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樹. 寺尾
m. na
pretty close to hardware
great in unison for vocals
R. The New Age
Makes a difference
This really adds weight to the vocals when used with the interface. I can already see a difference in Quality
V. Ruzicic
Total sound of seventies…instant character
D. Tainer
Absolutely Essential, Fantastic Plug-in!
In the month that I've had my Apollo, this is my most used plug-in. I never thought that I would go back to the days where I printed what I heard, but what I'm hearing is so good, that I have no qualms about sticking with it.
It's fantastic on my vocals with my Lewitt LCT440 Pure--just nice vibe and bonds well with the Unison preamp. Just a little bit of gain fattens up my vocals nicely. And it works fantastically with the Tweed and Marshall plug-ins in the chain--gives them both that extra oomph!
M. Jarzebski
Just great
I print almost everything I record live and it is great. Vox, bass, acoustic/electric guitar all is superb.
M. Mårtensson
Just wow
I print my sound with Neve 1073 eq in the console when I record. Now I get that sound I have been searching for on my vocals. Sounds good on everything.
A. Tahriri
as a plugin is great
W. Golebiowski
What more to say? Its perfect. Awesome job by UAD.
D. Joyce
I love the EQ on this plugin
Great preamp, and the Eq on it is so sweet. Using it on all my profects. Really sweeted my overheads nicely
A. Viloria
Neve 1073. Amazing.
Simplemente espectacular, mi favorito, para voces, guitarras acústica y más...
E. Macedo
Neve 1073 é o melhor
Som limpo e macio. simulação muito boa, sempre gravo já insertando esse pré e a sonoridade fica uma maravilha!!
M. Gustavsson
Better than I expectez
It took some time to decide if it was worth buying after reading a couple of reviews where it was compared to the hardware. But i tried it on a Female singer and the sound of her Vocal is super clean but warm at the same time after recorded with the 1073 in luna. It was so good and with compression and a reverb it was Done. No eq needed.
Los mejores
Merecen la pena
A. Thom
Love It
Been holding out a while now. Happy I eventually gave in :D
F. Pietramala
Neve 1073
Why isn't it available as a single sale NATIVE version?
t. sukkasem
Neve 1073 version native
Why is the native version of Neve 1073 missing from the sale?
L. Marino
UAD 1073 VS NEVE 1073 SPX
Test effettuato: Uad 1073 contro neve 1073 spx suonavano uguali...anzi preferivo il plugin uad!
L. Martella
Great plugin
Great plugin, perfect emulation of the 1073.
A must have plugin.
M. Ciml
Excellent, amazing Preamp. I love that sound.