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Manley® Massive Passive EQ

Overall Rating

121-140 of731件の結果

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A must-have for Mastering and for Rock/Metal songs

Remarkable EQ, I'm blown away. This is a must-have for Mastering, and also if you mix a lot of Rock & Metal like I do. I've experimented with many different digital EQs from many different companies and whenever I'd try adding boosts (e.g., anything maybe 300Hz or greater) to distorted guitars (or to a mix containing distorted guitars), the resulting sound was kind of harsh/gritty. Not the Manley EQ. This is an amazing technological accomplishment by Universal Audio.

M. Johannes


Massive Passive Active

A cool tool for home & professional recording studio for the acceptable price !!!

K. Beleznay


Good EQ from Manley.

A good tool for the right task! I love!

L. Tian Siung


must have

Sounds beautiful, especially on Piano and Acoustic Guitar

J. Revell


Manley Massive Passive EQ

I did an A/B with the Precision EQ and preferred the Manley. The Rock and U&D
presets seemed to preserve the drum sounds better for mastering.

B. Tochilin


Works pretty well

I am usually not a fan of UA plugins as all. Most stock plugins that come with DAWs for free sound much better than most UA plugins. I have a hardware MP. When that is in use I do use this plulgin. It does a pretty good job. Not 100% like the original but close enough for small stuff. I have no idea why UA still process audio though the UA hardware. This add an additional 20ms or so of latency rendering this useless during tracking. Wake up UA it is 2021 computers are fast enough switch to native Ilok so we do not have latency anymore.

D. Kuchta


A wishlist plugin that will not disappoint you.

The Manley Massive Passive EQ is very subtle yet effective EQ plugin that can make any mix shine. I use it on everything!

D. Murphy


Mixbus polish

Just getting to know this, I love it so far. Add a high-end sheen to your mix.

E. Wells


Sound sculping at it's best

Truly a well designed and perceived EQ in hardware form so the expectations of the plugin were pretty high.
Having quick simply access and incredible routing options in a DAW will have you cleaning up audio you thought already sounded good.
You will quickly see it as an all around tool not just a mastering EQ as you learn to use it to make things sit in the mix or find presence.
I'm still finding new uses for it everyday and it never seems to let me down.

D. Van der Merwe


Best EQ for the Master

Just gives my tracks the lift that it needs. Take it off and it just misses that final finishing touch. Very smooth sounding.

S. Tavra


Macht den Unterschied!

typisch manley.... keiner checkt wie die Geräte wirklich reagieren und warum. aber dafür zwingen sie einen ausschließlich die Ohren zu verwenden. subtil eingesetzt und besonders beim Mastern macht massive passive absolut den Unterschied.

B. Jordana




V. Ferrera Ramos



Tenía mucha información y había escuchado muchas pruebas en la web pero… ya en casa y con tranquilidad… es realmente bueno!

G. Merino


Awesome! Smooth and clean.

I instantly felt in love with this EQ, specially for bus and mastering purposes. It's very smooth and transparent. Maybe not the most versatile due to the lack of mid-size processing, it would be amazing to have this feature in this plugin. But only reason why I'm not giving it 5 stars is because of the GUI, sometimes it's difficult to see the small parameters. I think it should be resizable, especially considering its price.

s. jun


I really like this

I really like this

L. Petersen


Very useful

I use this plug-in very often. It magically gives a nice, clean shine to the mixes.
Not easy to use, but I began with some of the presets and then started to experiment.

J. Brown


So clean. So nice.

Beautiful, just beautiful. Using this plug in makes almost any track so much cleaner and bright feeling. I use it on pop vocals for a nice, bright sound and also use the master version on everything in the end to really make things stand out. Use it. Love it.

J. Wolff


Go to EQ

This Eq pretty much goes on every track and buss. It’s a little dsp hungry so I often have to spend some time with each instance and bounce the new sound to get rid of the plug in but it’s worth it. Then once I place it on the master or a buss it helps everything sort of find it’s place in the mix very quickly. You can crank this thing in any direction and it will hardly sound bad.

P. Hoier


The most advanced EQ.

You might say, it's just an EQ. And yes indeed it is. It's probably the most sophisticated EQ ever (re)created in software (and yes I know them all). And this holds true here more than 10 years after it was introduced. The sound is subtle and gentle, yet it can be deep and extreme; pushed very far, obviously without any suggestions of digtital artefacts, but instead adding a lovely gloss and sheen. And it does so in a very musical way. Especially on the most vulnerable material, and on busses and master-busses. I often use it at the end of a channel or bus, (I call it after EQ'ing), when the Pultecs are too limited, as It's perfect for for bringing things into balance frequency-wise and it's got a huge amount of frequencies to choose from. Even though it's great at being invisible for mastering etc., it certainly does have sound. But it feels very subtle, but with depth, warmth, complexity and most important; a musicality that almost always suits any source. All in all a real classic.

R. Walsh


Wasn't sure

I read such good things about the Manley Passive but I had some good EQs including the Fabfilter Q3 and the Chandler . I tried the demo and saw why people speak so highly of it. The the subtlety of this EQ is hard to describe. You think you haven't done anything then A/B it and wow. It takes some getting use to in that you must use your ears because your eyes will say "that's a lot to be cutting or boosting. It's on every master I do. It's my go to when I can't get the sound of a track to work. I added the Manley comp and the Passive EQ are always on my drum buss. A must have EQ. There is nothing like it.

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