Manley® Complete Plug‑In Bundle
Manley Complete Bundle
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E. Smart
Love it!
Great for adding freshness and livening up my pre-apollo mixes, not to mention all my mixes in the future :)
S. Baldetti
The best pre I have heard
Manley it's simply magic
Z. Tayne
Manley Masive Passive EQ
Manley Masive Passive EQ. Massive many ways like the Gokul dark hole dark but also heavy duty. Smooth soft and natural. THE Manley Masive Passive EQ
V. Imre
Manley Massive Passive EQ
Very useful, super for mastering, I'm satisfied.
Manley Massive Passive
This is an excellent tool to craft your sound in a realistic and pleasing tone. It does just what it is advertised and that is give your mixes an analog presentation.
Manley Massive Passive
This is an excellent tool to craft your sound in a realistic and pleasing tone. It does just what it is advertised and that is give your mixes an analog presentation.
Manley Massive Passive
This is an excellent tool to craft your sound in a realistic and pleasing tone. It does just what it is advertised and that is give your mixes an analog presentation.
Manley Massive Passive
This is an excellent tool to craft your sound in a realistic and pleasing tone. It does just what it is advertised and that is give your mixes an analog presentation.
Manley Massive Passive
This is an excellent tool to craft your sound in a realistic and pleasing tone. It does just what it is advertised and that is give your mixes an analog presentation.
P. Duffy
Everything you need for a great vocal sound.
Great as a unison plugin and you can get a great vocal sound that you're willing to commit to!
Adds Subtle Tonal Color
Manley Massive Passive adds subtle tonal color to a mix, bringing it to life. Its now a staple in my Master Fader tracks.
A. Harin
Manley® Massive Passive EQ
gentle and forceful
E. Maccoppi
J. Kervinen
I love it!
I think this plug-in and other Manley plug-ins would deserve better UI :) It's not really affecting the most important part, the sound. I'm using this on both Unison Pre and in inserts. It's always better to record dry without FX applied and then do the finishing touches afterwards. Great job UA and Manley!
D. Hartl
This is for sure one of the best channel strip emulation. For me there is only a marginal difference compared with the hardware version.
Sounds good to me
Use it on my vocals religiously....
J. Barraque
Great EQ
Incredible EQ , so smooth , use for mastering . It does great job , I just loved it
F. Blue
This Thing Just Sounds Good!
Yea, kind of on everything! Beautiful on Trumpet and Sax, and of course on vocals. Lately it's been my go to. Love it.
W. Khin
Great for Bass Guitar
I used it for the live recorded electric Bass guitar and it sounded good in the mixed track. Did not take much to get familiar with the interface as well.
K. Gilroy
VOX in a BOX
I still end-up dialing in a better sound on vocals with the VOXBOX. Especially with male vocals. The warmth and DeEssing/Compressing all right there in the box is awesome! This is one of UAD's best. I would say top 10!.....Right up there next to the FairChild! Get this one too......You'll need it. - GILROY LA MUSIC PRO