Manley® Complete Plug‑In Bundle
Manley Complete Bundle
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M. Manweiler
This makes vocals sound amazing!
So much richness and clarity!
s. fujimoto
Other than vocals OK
Rather than protruding items that will fit you
O. Di Dio
Never without
That's all you need to make your vocals sound like a pro, it takes space in the mix and gives life to any kind of mic. Great purchase!
J. Romero
Love it!!!!!!!!!
K. Kessler
Very real!
Sounds incredible, smooth, real. I even used it on Master just for the saturation and EQ!
F. Pitlak
Great EQ, fantastic sound,,,
F. Pitlak
Amazing, eq very soft...
A. Diaz
Perfect for vocals
All in one vocals processor, from the de esser to the compressor, it sounds excellent...specially on vocals
R. Carvalho
Best Mastering EQ
New with UA, but in love for this EQ. It become my on the go Mastering EQ. Excelente warmth, clarity and tube like!
T. Reaves
Rich and sweet!
I used this with my nylon string guitar and holy cow! I can't wait to hear it on some vocal tracks!
J. Jordan
What took me so long?
Honest question above... I passed on this product for so long and I don’t know why. It’s an amazing one stop shop.
T. Harvey
Great on everything!!!!
I love this eq plug-in! Sounds fantastic on master bus, drums, guitar (especially acoustic), and anything else you encounter when mixing a project. A Swiss Army EQ for sure!!! A must have in my arsenal of plug-ins.
R. Santiago
Since ive used the hardware, when i used this version was blown away. It really behaves a lot like the real deal, and the benefit of recalling and saving presets gives it another edge. It is a must for people that works in vocal recordings and voiceovers
A. Petrakov
Instant goodness
I never worked with hardware and I don’t know what actually it does aside from compression and deessing, but It gives me good results almost on anything. I love this kind of tools
P. Gomes
Amazing plugin!!!
Respect the other companies but the UAD plugins are different, I'm getting closer to the jobs of the mixer engineers that I follow, I'm selling my beats not because I'm famous but they are recognizing the quality in my tracks!!
B. Szukala
Dieses Plugin ist der Hammer
Haben erst ein paar Testaufnahmen damit gemacht , und müssen sagen, die Ergebnisse ist Klasse. Kaufempfehlung
C. Maldonado
Rich in power
Its just one of does plugins that can make a recording goo to the next level
D. Roch
Belle les voix
Vraiment bien pour les voix, je l’utilse Tout le temps
One word!
S. Kaiser
Expensive but very useful for cutting or boosting frequencies. Easy to handle. One of my favorite plugins.