Manley® Complete Plug‑In Bundle
Manley Complete Bundle
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A. Jensen
Go to for great vocals
pretty much a standard for cue mix to inspire when recording talents
J. Reinholdt
Makes it easy to sound good
I am not an expert on the different elements in this plugin (compressor, preamp, eq) and i usually do not stray far from the presets. I find it very easy to get a nice sound on acoustic bass, vintage keyboards and even on my voice.
J. Reinholdt
Makes it easy to sound good
I am not an expert on the different elements in this plugin (compressor, preamp, eq) and i usually do not stray far from the presets. I find it very easy to get a nice sound on acoustic bass, vintage keyboards and even on my voice.
D. Yudin
Legend equalizer
Legendary equalizer that works perfectly on the master channel!
P. Daly
Master Bus
Great filters and I love the way the bands interact, always on Master Bus
And if I have enough dsp, the channel version is nice to use too
The best plug-in
When using the unison technology of the manly mix with my hardware universal audio LA 610 there’s no going back, recommend it to anyone who is needing some clear vocals for any genre. I mainly use it for Reggaeton but like I said you can use it for any of genre hope this helps.
B. Pienkos
Absolutely amazing as a pre-amp and also a vocal tool.
C. Torres Carpizo
Pure magic
Just insert it on your 2-buss, try the Manson curve preset and play with the knobs depending on what you’re looking for in your mix, and puff! You got a better mix
A. Kolomvatsos
Great EQ!
This is a great sounding EQ. You can't go wrong with this. So far any setting sound musical whatever you do.
A. Rammig
Absolute Empfehlung
Die Manley Voxbox ist eines meiner Lieblings Plugins. Sie besitzt alles, was ein guter Micpreamp braucht. Verglichen mit dem Original Hardware Preamp klingt das Plugin absolut originalgetreu und ich war sehr überrascht wie gut die Voxbox digitalisiert wurde. Deshalb kann ich eine absolute Kaufempfehlung aussprechen vor allem für Sänger und Bassisten.
R. Fields
Works great
When I finally got it to work I realize it’s a very wonderful enhancement Shelby Strunk recommended it and he was right it’s a good plug in
O. Akgul
Amazing mastering eq with good presets
D. Bochantsev
Вся линейка Менли - шикарна!
C. Zettervall
It only took a few decades..
Kind of a revelation (for me as an complete amateur), but to be honest I am not sure which of my two new plug-ins to thank the most, I used the Vox-box and the bx_masterdesk plug-in, and for the first time ever I am happy with both the sound of my voice singing and the full final mix. The sound is like sweet candy for the ears in comparison to what i am used to achieve as the end result. In any case, I can report that these two named beasts work beautifully in cooperation in my mix (metal/synths). The Manley volume out knob feels a bit fiddly, but other than that, it’s just plain fun (so I had to buy both of them of course following the end of the trial period). Still have a lot to learn though.
D. Lacroix
D. Lacroix
Best EQ!!!!!!!!!
Ive used many Eq's before. My old favorite was Cambridge eq however, Manley Massive Passive is definitely the EQ of choice from now on!!!!!!
M. Pollino
Manley Voxbox Channel Strip
As a Voice Actor/Voice Over Artist the Manley Voxbox came highly recommended. I am very pleased to say that it definitely serves it’s purpose for my business!
M. Pollino
Manley Voxbox Channel Strip
As a Voice Actor/Voice Over Artist the Manley Voxbox came highly recommended. I am very pleased to say that it definitely serves it’s purpose for my business!
L. Swiercz
Must have EQ
I use it mainly on vocals but it works great on everything
R. Robertson
Manley VoxBox Channel Strip
Has many options to maximize with and glad it does.
Gets the sound going to record, Now!