Manley® Complete Plug‑In Bundle
Manley Complete Bundle
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t. tooley
Man its good! Just buy it!
C. van Caine
Incredible stuff
So far the best software sculpting-EQ I've ever used. Smooth saturation that definitely can be over-used, but is second to none in taming and enhancing anything when used with sound judgement. It can really make dull sounds pop nicely!
k. kotcharut
So Good.
I love UAD.
P. Hill
Sounds great as expected
The Manley® Massive Passive EQ has been one of those plugins that I have nearly purchased many times. I finally added it to my toolset and it hasn't disappointed me. Sounds great and easy to dial in great sounds.
D. Baj
This plugin adds noise/hiss to the signal
I am super upset that I haven’t properly tested the plugin before purchase, There should be an option to disable the noise in a digital recreation of a plugin. Useless for me .
K. Chetitah
Il ajoute chaleur et présence le son est très organique
J. Romero
Colorful and very musical
It is an equalizer with soft curves that is very musical and colorful. It is excellent both in mixing and mastering.
Combined with the Manley Complete Bundle, it generates spectacular results.
D. Armijo
Gentle warmth:
The Manley Variable Mu Limiter Compressor is like a warm hug to my tracks and master bus
Manley® Massive Passive EQ
Works ! :)
K. Rivero
de lujo
increíble plugin
Best Compressor!
I like !!!
d. Music
One of the best eq
Very musical and great equaliser, with Mastering version, much more Love it !!!!
M. Breu
Definitely Massive
I love EQs, I'll admit that. I have almost every EQ that UAD offers, and this Manley plugin would definitely be among the top 3 I'd suggest. It just "does the thing"..it's fantastic and I really love having this in my arsenal of EQs.
This sounds just like something else.
This sounds just like something else. Better than any EQ I ever had. Now, this is 100% of the time in my master bus.
This sounds just like ...
This sounds just like something else. Better than everything else I own.
Je m'en sers uniquement en mastering associé à Tonal Balance Control d'Izotope pour affiner un rendu. Excellent soft, Très efficace dans ses réglages. A recommander.
E. Esper
Manley VOXBOX Channel Strip
Once Again Another Excellent Repilca of a Classic It Sounds A lot Like the Real Thing I Really Like It On lead Vocals it Gives oit that extra sizzle I like on a Lead Vocal
P. Fiore
Hermoso en todos los aspectos suena muy parecido al hardware
D. Black
Manley Massive Passive EQ
First off, this is almost exactly the Manley hardware as a plug-in. A great shaping EQ, it forces you to tune by ear, and really that's the best way. You'll get your choice of standard and master versions to use, and audio instantly is better just for inserting Massive Passive in your mix. No regrets here with this one.
z. li
这款对于直播以及现场 对人声的掌控 真好 界面好看不 便于操作 好插件