Magnetic Tape Bundle
Magnetic Tape Bundle
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M. Karnalyuk
Ampex ATR-102
I believe that we must have this plugin in the first place. Excellent work UAD
M. Dennis
Simply brilliant!
I bought my UAD Satellite mainly for this plugin (and got some other great ones too!)
This is a MUST HAVE! Great to have access to the Studer A800 at the touch of a button. I spent a long time learning how to line up tape machines... and now I don't need to!
J. Ford
A800 hunger
I tried this plug last year while tracking Nawlins Funk and fell in love. It is convincing in most instances and takes abuse well. Being able to emulate multi tape formulas is cool. Finally, i wish the VU monitoring was I/O switchable. Still I have no real complaints. Thanks for the technology.
M. Stallings
Ampex ATR-102
Hey all,
I've had the Waves Master tape for some time now. I liked it ok, but never had anything to A/B against ? The Waves always sounded a little cloudy and distorted easily . Since I had nothing to compare to, it seemed ok. Once I auditioned the Ampex on channels and master channel, I had to have it. For me, adding tape is critical and this plugin really improves the smoothness, detail and can add character ( or not) to anything. Being a minimalist, I got rid of the Waves since I would never use again. The Waves would be ok if all you need is a hint hear and there, but if its going to be instrumental in your product, then it was worth the "big money"! The 4 score was only because I spent too much. :-l
mitch (Tampa, Fl)
C. Nedzynski
Truly Awesome Plugin
I recently bought the Octo and chose this as my first plugin. Stunning reproduction of how analogue tape sounds and works, but with all the flexibility of a plugin. Different speeds, tapes and tweaks on every channel is the sort of thing I used to dream of! Want the sparkle of 30ips on the acoustic guitar and overheads, but the warmth and power of 15ips on the bass and kick? You can do it with this plug... and it sounds like tape.
I used to run a Soundcraft 760 in the 90's - early 00's, and whilst that machine was never in the same league as the A800, I loved the sound and the way things would just "sit" in the mix without much work. This does just that. Awesome.
Glad I went for the Octo though. It's a power hungry plugin. Worth it
S. Chen
In my every project
This I think this the best uad plug in in the entire collection, love it so much
I. Pinkhas
This plug-in is worth all the time now I have to master. Great sound! Soft and clear!
B. Furduj
This plugin is absolutely AMAZING !!!, I have been using many tape simulation plugins over the last couple of years including, Waves, Softube, Slate Digital, but this one is best so far, no doubt about that.
E. Jexén
Use with caution and find the holy grail
So, I just use this when mastering, and the studer on all tracks. When you learn to tweak it it will sound absolutely amazing. The Studer & Ampex are a golden combo!
E. Jexén
All tracks!
I use it on almost all tracks, sounds amazing! Takes me back to the 80-90-ies when I was recording on real tape. Love it!
J. Antonetty
A great analog mix in a digital world
I thought I would purchase the Studer A800 and not be concerned about the Ampex ART-102 plug-in, but I found that they work so beautiful together. They truly do both have different characteristics to record and do the final mix with. It is possible now to achieve the true analog feel in the digital atmosphere without fear of losing control of the natural sound. The Ampex ART-102 and the studer A800 is the way to go without doubt. I am excited and can't wait to begin to redo some of my old mixes with these great plug-ins. Thank you universal audio for phenomenal plug-ins that helps to mix with ease the smallness to the most complex arrangements.
J. Antonetty
Finally a plug-in that unites digital with analog
I've been in the music business for 40 years and I play over 10 instruments, I have recorded on the studer and the sound is unmatched. When I first entered into computer recording I was somewhat disappointed because of the harshness of the sound, there wasn't sufficient software to get that analog warmth into the recording. Universal audio has done a fantastic job in creating hardware to emulate analog in a digital atmosphere, now the plug-in of the studer is a revolutionary breakthrough. This plug-in has truly captured the studio sound and its characteristics, I am flabbergasted and excited about my mixes because now I can enter into the analog world in a digital atmosphere without hardware. thank you so much for great product.
J. Plummer
If you are looking for that wonderful tape warmth without the noise this is the plugin for you. Love it!
C. Meyer
Perfect plugin
This and the Fatso are the two plugins I ALWAYS have on my mix bus.
I use it differently everytime - sometimes strongly saturated, sometimes just slightly glueing the mix together.
Sometimes I use this on a drum bus, warming up and rolling off some high end with the 7.5 or even 3.75 tape speed setting.
Even if you don't care about *that* tape sound from the past - this will give a certain direction and colour to your tracks and will help to achieve a cohesive album sound.
I haven't found any downsides yet. It's a little thirsty for some DSP-juice, but nothing too heavy and it's always worth it. Be sure to read the Manual, though, there's some interesting stuff buried in this 'machine'.
I. Pinkhas
Ampex ATR-102 Mastering
After applying the Ampex ATR-102 Mastering the mix becomes brighter and more specifically.
S. Kannis
Tape emulation The Holy Grail
I have owned both hardware versions and still have a splicing block... I have also tried every simulator out there and because of these, I know own a UAD 2 system. They are both VERY close to the mark. I mix on a Hybrid system with 12 stereo buss stems with Neve, SSL and Pultec hardware among others so I have not tried an ITB mix with these puppies, but they truly deliver on my system. WELL DONE UAD!
R. Seo
Bring life back to music!
that's what I would say about this, run whatever into it and you get a part of historic sound memories coming up to your ears.
G. Montagni
Lazy Custumer Support
I bought a couple of the most expensive plug ins like this and for no reason the authorization fail multiple times, even by opening 3 support ticket and 2 call from germany directly to the us support center.....still no solution.....great plug ins but no real good technical support.....
P. Thompson
Instant Sonic Character
For cleaning up sterile digital mixes, this is the tool. I can't believe how realistic the and how accurate the controls are. What I love the most is I don't have to clean the heads or calibrate it.
R. Comitz
this plug really makes it easy to warm up a mix. great saturation as well. very pleased + worth every penny