Magnetic Tape Bundle
Magnetic Tape Bundle
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B. Olivier
Must have plugin
Simply amazing. I can not do without using it on my main mix :-)
L. Garcia
Great to my mix and master sessions. Lovely sound!
L. Mathers
great plugin
I've even been using this plugin on the master channel for short film projects - it's not only good for music. It requires a bit of remixing on the heavy low-end sounds, but gives the mix an overall sheen and polished feel. Worth every penny.
d. tuttle
It does its thing
I demo'd this briefly a couple months back and really liked it, so I decided to wait till there was a sale.
Just bought it this past month, the honeymoon ended fairly quickly.
I like it for warbly lo-fi sounds, and the delay is nice it's just not something I need (wish I'd saved that $175, glad I didn't pay full price).
That said I do lean towards fairly saturated sounds and this just doesn't sound quite right to me, it doesn't do punchy and driven it just gets dull like every other tape sim I've tried.
I do find it fun for more effecty things, but if I could return it I would.
So for now I'll continue bouncing every track to the Otari.
J. Barriuso
Amazing plugin
As a new member in the production business, I can´t really define what Ampex does in it´s multiple presets. All I know is, since I bought it, it has changed my final sound, not only in pop/rock productions, but also in orchestral and cinematic works, going allways to the master track.
It´s not only it´s tape or analogical taste, it´s the things it does to the whole block of instruments, gluing them but also enhancing most of them, kinda separating it´s individual sounds.
In most of the cases I don´t know wich preset to choose, each one sounds better in a different sense.
I also use it as a very good delay.
Amazing plugin.
G. Postorino
Powerful Tools
The Studer and Ampex plugins are in a world of their own. What the Ampex does across the stereo bus is incomparable and is most certainly worth the money. The thing I enjoy most is the unique way in which these plugins alter the dynamics of the material. When a compressor just isn't doing it, the Studer is most effective at clamping down to create a tighter dynamic range. Pushing the input into distortion is simply wonderful. Now that they've been added to the plugin folder, there is rarely a mix of mine that is void of either of these incredible machines. Thanks UAD!
s. chakraborty
This is the best 2track tape plugins. Sounding very real.I enjoyed a lot.Thanks UA
Great quality and very effective
This plugin really glues a group or mix together well. I love using it to make it sound like you are in the room with the session.
A. Navarro
Se trata de un plugin que convierte una pista simple de audio, en algo superior. Es imprescindible para todo ingeniero, músico o locutor. Sin duda Universal Audio, vuelve a demostrar que SÍ es cierto que desarrollan los plugins para que sean 99,99% iguales que el hardware original. No dejéis de descargar este plugin is AMAZING!!!!! Good Job Universal Audio Guys
M. Andrews
A Lot Of Fun But... Be Careful!
This plug-in is a LOT of fun to use. It really does sound like tape. The wow and flutter controls are amazing, as is the adjustable hiss. The saturation quality is off-the-charts!
However, ear fatigue is a real thing. After hours of just PLAYING with this plugin, you stop hearing the subtle effects of the table, and start pushing the plugin harder and harder. The good news is, the plugin can take it, and sounds great. The bad news is, you might come back the next day and realize that you pushed it WAY too far.
I seriously don't think I have a need for my outboard TEAC reel-to-reel anymore, though I probably still won't get rid of it... but this is already one of my favorite plugins ever!
K. Beasley
Happy That I Bought This
This plug in does so much when you put it over the entire mix buss. It literally gives an entire mix character. Much better and accurate than other Tape Emulation plug ins. Well worth the money.
N. Franks
Great Tape even if you have ALOT of others!
I have probably most if not all other tapes by other makers and of all of them Slate's is the better fit for the tape sound to my ears. I didn't really care for it across all the tracks though. That is where the Studer has really shined. The controls are great! Most people already on UAD already know such things but if you're skipping this one due to having other tapes? Try it!
P. Helsdon
Since this is 'Magneto Month' I thought I'd share my pathetic review. I started recording as a teen 30 years ago with tape and always hated it, because of the darn hiss / high end trade off with Dolby B or dbx that constantly pi$$ed me off. I welcomed the digital age and could not understand why UA would emulate antiquated technology to this extent. I demoed the A800 and believed it was just another EQ plugin with some hiss EFX for fun. But once I bought it and learned the manual inside-out and began to learn its history and what exactly I was tweaking I fell in love. OMG. I cherish 70s and Alan Parsons and boy does this bring me back to where subtle distortion and pleasant overtones shape music that is so pleasing to ears. Mm..mm .mm.mm Mm
F. Brendle
The Tape Machine inside your Bits!
Well... I only can imagine of a good Tape Machine.. will probably never own a real one. But I can "hear" the difference between my "dry-tapeless" sound and the "wet-tape-sim'ed" sound - a BIG difference. I have compared several simulations from several manufactures, but this one is the most amazing one. I like to use the very "clean" Mastering presets as a starting point, except I want to go extreme. This Tape Sim is also excellent for slap-back on vocals. I would be careful to put this one on every channel, this is maybe for the studer, especially for tracking through it. But for the master bus and for indiviual tracks it is a beast!
Tape vs Tape vs Tape vs UA ATR-102
I have more tape emulation plugins than I care to admit and none of them gave me exactly what I was looking for. Admittedly, I stayed away from the ATR because of the price tag...I even stayed away from demoing it because I was afraid I would like it! And...that's what happened...two days after demoing it, I bought it. Short and sweet...it does what none of the others did for me in that sonic sweetness department.
More than I was expecting for!
I just loved this plug-in since the first time I tried it. It gave me the color, and the right compression I was looking for. That kind of 70s-analog-vibe. I used it on my master bus. Also recorded some voices and guitar tracks with it. Just AWESOME. I will never regret to have purchased the AMPEX ATR 102.
More than I was expecting for!
I just loved this plug-in since the first time I tried it. It gave me the color, and the right compression I was looking for. That kind of 70s-analog-vibe. I used it on my master bus. Also recorded some voices and guitar tracks with it. Just AWESOME. I will never regret to have purchased the AMPEX ATR 102.
G. Hadfield
Best tape plugin for multitrack by far
This is the best tape plugin for multitrack colour and feeling and "warmth" without exception.
It comes into its own when working across many tracks and using the gang capability.
I tend to use other plugins for tape effects and saturation on single tracks but this is my go-to for multitrack colour and feeling, bar none.
V. Koenig
This plug in is brilliant, it`s mostly on each channel together with the new Neve 88rs wich is also brilliant.Nice analog feel.Great!!!
s. kgr
Like! Real Tape recorder sounds
Ampex ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder was inserted in all truck.
It was a drum, a base, a guitar and others and a very good feel.
It's different from comp and EQ again, the plug-in which can't be left any more. The use by a master is best of course. Wonderful.