Magnetic Tape Bundle
Magnetic Tape Bundle
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T. Fouda
Makes any demo sound like a Record!
I've used many tape emulation plugins from different manufacturers and honestly nothing even comes close to this one! This thing does what it does best. The amount of warmth & cohesiveness it adds is incomparable! Simply put, It makes any demo sound like a record
A. Rosell
Adds tons of flavor to any tracks or buses! Enormously versatile
in sound and performance and it does the trick to get that extra analog sound I'm looking for!
M. Hui
Love Tape Sound, But Hated the Hassle
Must say this is one of the reasons why I chose UAD as my interface system and use Luna as my DAW. Analog Tape and the machines like the Ampex ATR and studer sound great but I sure don’t miss the real thing. They are heavy, expensive, you needed to align, print tones if it’s going to another studio, tape was $200 a reel and no indie band could afford tape so I reused house tape at 15ips. I never even heard what 30ips sounded like. I hated owning tape recorders but you cannot deny the sound of it. I hated every emulation plug-in until now. I get all the tape sound benefits without all the hassle and the beauty of all this is you can use it natively now too.
M. Leo
Great also as a mixbus EQ
On top of everything else that's already been said about this plug in, sometimes I will use the shelves just to shape the high and low end of a mix. Especially the high end. Great way to brighten things up. A little goes a long way and depending on your bias and other settings it's easy to over do and land in shrill territory but at the same time you can lift quite a bit. Also good to sometimes go down to 3.75in for some sort of lo-fi effects and sound design.
D. Ho
Blend and warmth
An ideal way to blend tracks in a mix and make them sound rich and warm. I love the sound of Ampex 456 at 15ips. Back in the day, we used to automate each track to reduce tape hiss. I LOVE being able to turn off the tape hiss with the click of a button!
A. Rosario
The Best Tape Compressor
My songs sound professional thanks to this ATR.
A. Rosario
The Best Tape Compressor
My songs sound professional thanks to this ATR.
D. Myrick
Get that chonk
Just love the way it pulls sounds together, can't describe it better than a chonk, not chonky, but a chonk.
D. Gastaldi
Un jolly
E' un plug, ma consente di far molte cose, dalla compressione alla saturazine, ma anche all'equalizzazion. Riesce a dare una bella botta di bassi alle batterie e grazie alla versione nativa si puo' mettere su tutte le tracce senza pensarci due volte, rispetto altri plugin di altri marchi pesa meno
R. Martin
Pretty cool, but the size of these plugins are garbage! I’ve spent lots of money on accelerator cards and other company’s have sizeable gui for free!! Get with the times ! I won’t be buying more until you do.
A. Fotakis
Very Nice!
Makes a huge difference.
A. Jepson
Just magical
Heavy guitars sound magical. There isnt a bad setting on here, its fairy dust sprinkled on everything I track at home to send to the producer.
P. Robbins
Great sound.
Makes things come to life and adds a lot of warmth
K. Didvalis
Great Tape!
J. Szeszel
My favourite.
Of all the tape emulations, ATR is one of my favorites. It has character and gives me what I expect from a tape.
V. Kozarin
Must Have For A Mix
It makes a big difference, sounds more refined just like a real record / recording. Absolutely must have it in your collection.
A. Hillman
Just brilliant
A. Monov
ATR 102
Well, i ownd them all
from waves back to all the others and also own all spectrum of und Tapes. I must say, nothing is greater than this one. Believe me. I don't know how the hardware sounds, i hear it back in the day 1994. At this time i haven't any clu what thats means, cause i was just the musician boy recording. Now, ton of years later i can understand....you can hear it.
K. Cromwell
Nice unreal
While you can EQ and adjust the tone of your music this device is something different it just adds texture and tone that is just unreal worth it!
J. Forest
Excellent tape
Great on every track ! Sounds great !