Magnetic Tape Bundle
Magnetic Tape Bundle
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D. Shaw
The Truth in tape satuation
I have used the studer in million dollar studios and this plugin is so close that you really don’t miss the real thing!! Great work universal audio!
f. scolfaro
Probably not the only tape sim you will own, but definitely one that's great to have ready to go, whether for smoothing out aggressive highs or improving dynamics while increasing harmonic content in a very subtle way, this one is very versatile and light in processor usage. Incredibly good job by uad.
C. Rigo
Feel the reels
Really nice emulation. Can give you from subtle to high saturated tape feel.
A. Buonazia
un plug in unico
per il mastering è un prodotto assolutamente di qualità e imprescindibile in ogni produizione
A. Layık
Universal audio number one
Are your plugins always good? :)
R. Turner
This is the secret sauce! The warmth it adds to a mix is amazing.
Y. Darma
No small talk
The best for mastering
Y. Darma
Easy and best for mixing
S. Ramsay
That extra polish on the master
Really helps give it that last bit of warmth and polish on the master track. Use it on every song now!
S. Ramsay
That extra polish on the master
Really helps give it that last bit of warmth and polish on the master track. Use it on every song now!
T. Makaruk
so warm saturation
R. Williams
Adds a true analog tone and excitement to a record!
J. Karlén
Adds great warmth
This is my goto tape machine
G. Schwab
Excellent plugin
This plugin has succeeded. It is excellently suited to give the mix a beautiful analogue colouring and to connect the different frequencies into a harmonious whole. The sonic possibilities are manifold. However, with other UAD plugins, we are also, unfortunately the switches and knobs of the user interface are too small. Please UAD, develop larger and more grippy user interfaces!
G. Schwab
Excellent plugin
This plugin has succeeded. It is excellently suited to give the mix a beautiful analogue colouring and to connect the different frequencies into a harmonious whole. The sonic possibilities are manifold. However, with other UAD plugins, we are also, unfortunately the switches and knobs of the user interface are too small. Please UAD, develop larger and more grippy user interfaces!
J. Herrera
When I think of mixing I have a picture of a vintage console and a tape machine, not that you need either, it’s just that the best records (when recorded well) didn’t go without passing through these circuits. I was in need of something to balance my record, and needed what ever I used not to remove what sizzled in my ears. This tape machine brought music to my master. I guess you can say am now a believer of old school technics. Try it, it’s magic.
D. Going
Very pleased!
Really helps all the elements gel in a mix and unlike a lot of other tape plugins I've used it doesn't sound overly vintage-y if you don't need it to
L. Cipriani
Good but with problems
The plugin sounds very good but most of the time, when reopening saved projects, the right channel has a significant drop in volume even with linked channels. I always have to slightly touch both "record" level and "reproduce" level to get back to normal functioning. Very annoying. Too many times I had to (re)bounce final mixes due to this problem. Without mentioning even worse problems when you have the plugin on the master channel and you keep mixing not realising you are working with an unbalanced stereo image. You can imagine.
Sounds great on everything.
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Sounds great on everything.
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