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Harrison® 32C / 32C SE Channel EQ

Overall Rating

161-180 of209件の結果

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L. Pettersson


Fun and beautiful to work with

Since purchasing this has become one of my favourite EQs to use. Sound of this is very smooth and soft. I would say that this is almost an opposite to API. Filters are very good too. Its almost impossible to get a bad sound with this eq.

Highly recommended!

M. Comacle



La meilleure EQ du monde! Je suis complètement dingue de ce truc, sur les voix, les guitares acoustiques ou électriques c'est le son vintage par excellence. En plus vous pouvez vraiment vous amuser avec les réglages : avant que ça sonne mal il faut y aller! J'ai tellement aimé ce plug que je vais m'acheter le hard dans peu de temps!

R. Weissauer


Simply amazing

I do not own a hardware version of the harrison eq, so I have no comparison with it.
Nevertheless, I strongly prefer the UAD-Harrison eq on guitar and base over any other
eq I own (including hardware as my Pultec style Tube-Tech eq's). This eq has some special magic to it .... I like it very much

J. Murphy



I must say it is the most smoothest eq plugins I have ever used and gets great results , without ever ever being harsh , even on things like hi hats

S. Rayeen


Go Analog !!

............................ Just two beautiful words -- Go Analog !!! ..................................................

D. Favuzza


Harrison EQ

I love it..!!
I like to use the Porcaro's snare's



I. Papagiannidis


The secret weapon !

One more great plugin of UAD. i feel it like the secret weapon of mixing!
the softer and gentle EQ i ve ever heard.
combined with other UAD Eqs makes a killing combination!

John Jeff Touch

C. Rodriguez


If u want a thrill eq, think harrison 32c

This eq is one of the most important pieces of the sound history and you can have it. It's one the best eq's I've tried and now is part of my collection of universal audio plugins.

G. Noteris


A very special EQ

My first purchase after the Pultec Collection and a lot of demos.

The interaction between gain and bandwidth works great and the result always seems to sound right, at least to my ears.

Filters are really sweet and natural.

A must have !

S. Strandberg



It just takes out the "Right" frequencis fr.o.m. Your Instruments..!!

R. Remus-nicolae


Harrison® 32C / 32C SE Channel EQ Plug-In

Harrison 32C/32C SE is a wide range colorful smooth response - 4 band overlapping parametric band EQ: high and low cut filters, which have fully sweepable frequency and also gain controls.
This EQ sounds different bringing a unique sound because of the interacting mode of the fully sweepable overlapping frequency bands, more overlap than any others.

M. Ende


Universal Pocket Knife

Since i tried this EQ-Plugin , it became my first choice when it comes to find the right frequencies during mixsessions in very compact arrangements, especially with
several guitar tracks. The Harrison EQ is like a universal swiss pocket knife, smooth, very musical sounding and intuitive.

J. Roßner


You love keyboards? -GET THIS ONE!!!

The moment I pressed the "start demo"-button I fell in love with this one. My to-go EQ for blending strings, pianos, pads into the mix without changing the overall sound. Use it on rocktracks, also for acoustic stuff.

M. Mathieson


So nice.

Its harder to make things sound worse than it is to sound better. Which is a quality I have only ever seen in the Manley Massive Passive.

it works great for practical uses, and works equally well for extreme impractical uses.

I've never worked on a Harrison so I have no idea if the emulation is accurate, but that doesn't really matter because it sounds great and makes anything under it sound better.

I also love the the smoothness of the filters and how it handles bass.

D. Saada


Harrison EQ, let's tweak it...

Great EQ, works on almost everything, love to simply turn the knobs and enjoy how musical it is.

A. Tarasenko



In my opinion - one of the most underrrated UAD EQ's. Gem, simply Gem. Good on almost everything. Highly Reccomended.

P. Jack


The Best

I have even using the UAD systems since 2008, and this is by far the best EQ I've used. I can't believe I just got this after so long. Would not mix without it, I've even got some of my friends to get it too, and they love it.

D. Valbusa


Vox comes alive

Very useful piece of gear added to my collection.
The smoothness it gives to the air for the vox is amazing.
Really love the sound of the stuff passing through it.
I like it also in the bass, deep warm added enhancement of the low ferq..
Thank you UA..

D. Colombo


Magic tool on drums

Nothing more to add, on the final submix of my drums this eq works magic.

A. Leeds


Love it

Super silky and smooth ! I love the high and low pass filters as well ... Awesome stuff ....

Brings out character on your parts ...

161-180 of209件の結果

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