Apollo の購入で UAD プラグインが無料 !

UADアクセラレーターが最大$300割引き。12月31日に終了。 販売店を探す›

Hello world 3!

Hello world 4!

Hello world 5!

Unison Enabled

通常価格: $299.00


You'll Save 35%


ENGL® Amplifier Plug-In Bundle

Overall Rating

41-60 of90件の結果

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J. Brander


Why isn't this free

greed isn't a good look

J. Sugarev


Make this available for separate purchase.

This is basic stuff guys.

J. Wagner



SCHWACHSINN .... i don t need to translate it !
unfortunatly i like my universal audio stuff ....

M. Hoffman



Please make a tuner for console. This is stupid!

s. sisti



Make it free.
15% CPU usage on a single ARM...?

J. Sypher



This reeks of greed. I have to say that I have not been very impressed with UA as a company and would have to think twice before purchasing or recommending their products. I own an apollo twin quad. It works, but I just find the company to be lacking in many ways compared to the competition.

M. Stieglmeier


This is a joke!

Can't believe that this is still an issue. Being forced to open my DAW in order to tune my guitar is ridiculous. UAD really embarrassing themselves at this point....please fix this for god sake!

F. Bell



Don't buy this

E. Luebs


UAD console could be much better...

...if UAD just provided a tuner for free or at least didn't bundle their only tuner with a bunch of other plugins. Very predatory practices. As a loyal customer this will be my first comment to other musicians when talking about UAD.

C. Pagonis


Horrible marketing

Every time I start my mac I get an info that I do not own this plugin. And at this point my DAW is not even open. Does marketing have to be sooo aggressive? This is disappointing, let alone the sad fact that I cannot buy it without buying an entire bundle.



Are u kidding me

make this free...... or able to buy separately from that bundle that only guitarists want

B. Chisholm


get your shit together with this lol

please! xo

P. Schilperoort


Where can I buy it?

The only tuner for the UAD Apollo platform can not be bought?

G. Pestana


greedy marketing.. again

its crazy you dont provide this as part of your premium priced hardware... ill use the DAW then..

J. Lightsey


Shocked.. smh

Can't believe this piece of crap tuner. Very disappointed that I own this.. It was free with a bundle yet it sucks so bad I don't even want it in my plugs... wish I could turn it into a real piece of crap and punt it over UAs fence into their swimming pool for selling me this garbage..

P. Marriott


Ummm can we buy a separate tuner?

Hey, guys, we need a tuner separate from whatever bundle you got. Not all of us are guitarists, some of us own analog synthesizers that need to be tuned in console...

J. Haynes


Worst tuner on the market

It is unfortunately that this is the only UAD-2 tuner. It is the worst. Even at the Slow setting it is the meter will not stop moving to indicate that the guitar is in tune. UA please make a tuner like the Fender Tune iOS app, which has a beautiful UI with a 360 degree animation and pleasant chime to indicate when a string is in tune, which makes it fast and easy to get in tune, like the BX Tuner which is insanely slow and incredibly inaccurate. Thank you!

M. Finger


Bought X4 and Plugins no Tuner?

It's a pitty that a professional audio interface hasn't a tuner with it. At least sell the plugin seperately please...

M. Brascich



Why does the Apollo come with a tuner?

K. Woodhall


It doesn't work since I can't buy it.

Im not spending $200+ to get it bundled with amp sims I don't like. Oh well.

41-60 of90件の結果

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