
Apollo Twin MkII

Overall Rating

921-940 of1254件の結果

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T. Mitchell


Blown away every time I use this thing!

I would not have traded my “watching digital recording go from crap to good” background for anything. Until upgrading to this piece of gear, I finally realized that I had spent all of my time fixing bad sound and not really having as much fun as I could be experimenting with already clean material.... game changer!!! Game changed!!! Now everything sounds awesome coming in thanks to unison and all of the radness I could never afford to put in my signal chain before.... all from the second bedroom in my tiny apartment.....

P. Schwaiger


Like a 2-Channel Analog Console

During the past 20 years I've used a lot of different consoles, but never came across a piece of gear like this! Solid, superfast, incredibly well-sounding and thoroughly thought-thru interface and software... It's like I had a 2-Channel Analog Console right in front of me. Thank You!

J. Rodriguez


Best of the Best

This is my first time using the Apollo twin Mark 2, I've been using interface scenes pro tools launch the Digi001. Then after that I jump to the 002 rack and mixer but to be honest with you nobody can touch the Apollo twin, the quality and the strength it's what makes the Apollo products number one. Thank you keep up the good work

S. Ramsay


Never mind the plugins

I do use UAD plugins (in particular, their amazing tape emulations), but honestly, this is one of the best audio interfaces you can buy without entering the stratosphere of ultra-high-end pro analog gear.

R. Arevalo


As necesary as my guitar.

As a songwriting musician for over 15 years i have never seen the quality and technology that the Apollo offers. It became a modern classic from the get go. It’s a base instrument now, as necessary as my guitar, and one that i will be integrating to my craft for a long long time.

H. Cho


Better but not the best

I already had apollo twin duo silverface and apollo8p. Mk2 version has nice talkback feature, but i cant understand why they get rid of tap mute function. Finding which is the little mute button makes me annoying because silverface was way easier to mute.

-. Trips



Just an all around great interface, from the Quad core DSP, to the space grey finish, to the plugins and unison slots. I love it! One piece of advice.. Ive had a WAY better experience using an Apollo Twin via Thunderbolt on Mac than I did via USB on PC/win. Your experience may differ, but my USB Twin was a NIGHTMARE. But this new Space grey TB version has been AWESOME!!

T. Hosoki


This is a great piece of gear

This is a great piece of gear. I use this for mobile application and it's big brother the PT in the studio. A serious interface for pros and for the passionate home studio. I use with a iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017) Thunderbolt interconnect. The drivers are absolutely stable. Totalmix is a great, easy to use user interface. Brilliant.

T. Hosoki


This is a great piece of gear

This is a great piece of gear. I use this for mobile application and it's big brother the PT in the studio. A serious interface for pros and for the passionate home studio. I use with a iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017) Thunderbolt interconnect. The drivers are absolutely stable. Totalmix is a great, easy to use user interface. Brilliant.



Apollo MkII

Incredible,wow, congratulations good product,is amazing.Thanks from Puerto Rico.

M. Koren


Great piece of audio interface that connects workflow and sound quality!

Very user friendly and great quality of plugins.

J. Ortega


El mejor interfaz de audio para la producción musical

Un gran aliado y compañero para la producción musical más exigente. ¡Magnificos previos y un sistema dsp que suena increíble!

V. Khalin



very good apparatus. recording sound without delay is at the highest level. I do not regret the choice of Appolo MK2.

C. Vincent



I recently picked up the Apollo Twin Quad and I have been blown away by the quality in sound and functionality. I’ve never had better sounding recordings from my home studio. I couldn’t be happier!

c. adelmann


Finally Switched and Thrilled

I have been putting off for about 2 years to finally make the switch to the mmii Solo and can't believe I waited this long. Easy to install, better clarity and sound than my focus rite 2i2 (which I really liked). Easy to use, I have added at Xmas time to the stock plug ins-which are great by the way with SPL transient designer and Vibraktor and EMT 140 verb. I am still getting into using the console which is my next step. Very pleased.

y. kamimatsuse


nice unison effect!!

sound is very good.

S. Sifri


UAD Twin Duo (Thunderbolt)

Excellent Audio Interface and Plug-ins! Best Plug-ins in the market! Highly recommended if Audio Production is your profession.

C. Kyle


UA Plugin "Offerings" - More than Disappointing

The UA interfaces are obviously among the best, but when when you spend thousands on the "comprehensive" plugins package and it really does not include some of the more critical plugins, it leaves you feeling a bit dissatisfied. It is even worse when the plugins offered for new equipment purchases are the same tired plugins, you already have... The Apollow Twin MKII is what you should expect given its hefty price tag, but the "added plugins are nothing more than an annoyance when I keep getting email asking me to "choose my free plugins". Yippee.

UA really needs to get their act together and develop a "loyal customer friendly" program that allows for a reduced cost for plugins you really need, as an option.

V. Zizkuns


Pricey, but good for tracking vocals

Got the Duo version about 6 months ago. Tested it in and out. Here are some points that I like and don't like about this interface.

The good:
* Desktop form factor (replaced my TC Konnekt 6).
* Worked straight out of the box on Windows 10 and the system reliability has improved since May 2017, when I bought it (I had some Console application crashes back then, when I was removing/disabling all plugins at the same time, but this has been fixed since).
* About 1 ms round-trip latency (@96k), if no upsampled plugins are used, which is great for tracking vocals.
* Console application is intuitive and easy to use.
* Versatile preamps
* Plugins sound great. Have not used the real Manley VOXBOX, Neve 1073 and SSL E channel strip, but I like what those Unison enabled plugins do to the sound.
* Auto-Tune real-time is available as an extra purchase. However, it has not been on sale so far and no vouchers work on it, but at the moment you can get it as a "3+1 bundle" holiday deal, which you can actually apply the vouchers on, if you have any.

The bad:
* Had to get a TB3 to TB2 converter and a TB cable, which created extra expenses.
* The interface sometimes gets really hot. Had to slightly lift it up above the desk surface by making custom "legs" to get more air flowing around it. And had to use a fan to cool it down in the summer, when the days were hot.
* SHARC processors are not very powerful - you can very quickly run out of the DSP power, if you use the newer, more DSP hungry plugins.
* Most of the new (upsampled) plugins add some extra latency. This is not an issue, when you are mixing/mastering, but, if you want to track live with plugins and you stack 4-5 of them in a chain (if you don't run out of the DSP power, of course), then you get some extra latency (basically, you go from 1 ms to 3-4 ms or more depending on the used plugins). And there are other good quality interfaces (with more I/O) on the market, that easily get you in the 3-5 ms round-trip latency range, while tracking through the computer + you are not limited to UA's plugins in this case.
* Not a lot of I/O's - 2 more line inputs and 2 more line outputs would have been very welcome, especially in this price range.

Final thoughts:
This interface is by no means perfect, but it does, what it has been advertised to do. If you are like me and most of the time you don't really need more than 2 inputs and 4 outputs (+ 1 headphone output), then this interface is worth considering. Preamps are very versatile and you can create custom low round-trip latency (about 1 ms @96k) signal chains for tracking vocals (and other instruments) with plugins, that sound great. However, I wish UA would have done a better job with the heat dissipation, because the interface is always warm and sometimes it does get abnormally hot, which makes me worry about the longevity of this interface.

P. Tomety


Best Interface ever!

Amazing converters and awesome plugins! Excellent sound!

921-940 of1254件の結果