API® Vision Console Emulation Bundle
LUNA API Vision Console Emulation Bundle
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D. Lee
Lot's of Character
Used this on my unison pre's for a gig, and it gave my rig the punch it needed!
D. Case
Don’t know why I put this off…
I had my head set on waiting for a Neve LUNA console and just put the API off, but after trying it out on guitars in a mix I’m running in LUNA, I’m kicking myself! So convenient to have it right there in the mixer view - now just give me some hot keys to switch views and I’ll be all set!
D. Coger
Luna Console emulation.
I’d like to start this off by saying, thank you again, Universal Audio is being the world of audio, all the cool ideas everyone else is scared to try. Luna all by itself is really awesome, it is very much like working in the analog realm. The API console emulation just works. I got it and started messing with it, not expecting much, I fell in love.
N. Stolz
Review API Vision Channel Strip Collection
This is the best plugin you have in my opinion, this plugin is doing a lot of things (not only reverb and that's it or something like this) gate, compression, eq ........ the price is fair in my opinion and I habe absolutely no complain above it. Very good Job with this plugin, thank you
R. Juniel
Recording engineer \ musician
This is one plug-in that I really love the sound quality
M. Lazzari
on SPARK the plugin Windows is too small
On SPARK the plugin Windows is too small . Many knobs and buttons are cut off! For me it is unusable (studio one 5 on Windows)
T. Laja
I apply it in all my productions for a better definition.
T. Laja
All my productions have the Luna API Vision Console Emulation. The songs level up...
K. Hendriks
API vision console
In one word: PERFECT
V. German
A small device with a hot character
Great preamp. Warms up the signal nicely. Liked it on voice, bass, for saturating subtle timbres. Thanks API and UAD!
N. Nolan
Awesome API Saturation
I’ve been a big fan of the UAD API Vision channel strip for years. I decided to buy a real 550b EQ and 527A compressor. They sound amazing, of course, but I was missing the preamp gain. This little plugin completes the package.
T. Laja
API Quality
I used in fx and mix channels. Very good and easy .
M. Verblakt
Using this plug-in as Unison channelstrip gives me more flexibility and ease. As expected the sound quality is stunning
T. Laja
Very Good
I apply it to all my productions. gives color and shine to my songs
H. Takehama
E. Høier
Just do it!
This is amazing, workflow to crush hours off your mixtime, sounds like it would when you push it. Go do it!
U. Soto
This is amazing!!!
This plug-in is soooo good! Get it and u won’t regret it!
m. stallings
LPX switch to UAD Luna
I’m a hobbyist that recently switched from LPX and Izotope plugins to Luna with full API console emulation bundle…. So what’s changed?? Almost everything….
1. Recording is much easier in Luna
2. I got in a bad habit of mixing with my eyes…. Now that I have fewer visual cues to look at, I’m using my ears… which is forcing me to really learn this system.
3. Like many have said, just running the tough mix through Studer, Ampex and Summing sounds really good…. Now add API consoles and wow…
4. I have a new MacBook Pro 16gb RAM computer and was worried that no way would it handle all of this stuff… wrong…. Works great… now I don’t do projects with a hundred tracks… instead, I’ll very carefully bounce complex backing vocals or orchestration into stereo files…. Much easier to deal with…
Love limited choices…. Makes committing much easier. The gate, compressor and EQ’s sound beautiful and I can work quickly….
My hobby is a lot more satisfying with mixes coming together much faster and sounding great….
A. Abernathy
Awesome. Love the EQ options. And UADx!
So thrilled to have my favorite channel strip added to UADx. Feels very generous of UA - a rarity these days!
N. Liebich
Like the hardware
I’m happy to own the HW of this… but the Plug-in is the real deal and so much more handy! Going to sell the HW!