UAD Analog Classics Pro Bundle
Analog Classics Pro Bundle
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S. Grush
This collection is super legit. From soft to heavy compression and everything in between, you need these in your mixing repertoire. My first instance of "wow" was using the Silver on a lead guitar. I was just fighting to get the lead to sit right and I pulled my entire chain a part and started over. Removed the outboard Distressor (which is super rare to do that) and the lead just sat well in the box. No EQ, just the Silver. I went back and carved the EQ a bit and it was polished like a gem.
Highly recommend.
S. Grush
Options Galore
This was the first purchase post Octo purchase for me. I was immediately in love with the compression versatility and options this bundle brings to the table. My first mix implementing these guys was much tighter than I can ever recall with other products. I'm very excited to have the UAD products in my tool belt and I'm really excited to hear the mixes I've always wanted to hear, moving forward.
S. Haney
best plugin to emulate distortion on compressors
I have tried loads of plugins, and although they can get pretty close like the waves version, once you start ramping up the gain, nothing comes close. To me this is what makes these character compressors so good to work with, you can use it almost like a reverb to get a certain spacial air to your program material, like drums or vocals, and this plug in delivers in spades! The price is amazing for what it can do.
S. Hughes
LA-2A heaven
I already had the original UAD-2 LA-2A that came bundled with the Apollo, and never considered the merit in buying it again as the new Classic Leveller Collection.
So glad that I ended up getting it though. Completely different beast.
UA has outdone itself this time and I feel they've perfected this classic box at long last, and while they were at it, they modelled three classic versions of this DREAM box for audio pros in the know.
I just used these for the first time on a session this week, on lead vocals, guitar, and even bass in the final mix, and that same track for Gold Record artist Noel Parlane is now already playing on air in Ireland, Germany and New Zealand and getting great responses from Radio officials.
That says it all.
N. Pitloglou
The holly "Three"
After purchased the LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection, I spent many hours trying to find which one sounds better. The point? Each one has its own magic depending on the usage. For example on different singers I found that I had better results with different revisions of LA-2A. Is it complicated? No. It's creative! Amazing colors, amazing compression.Highly recommended!
D. Dipietro
How many LA2's do you need?
My inclination was to skip this since I already had the stock LA2. Why do I need more versions of a compressor I've already got. Then of course with the 14 day trial I decided to experiment. Throwing the Gray faced on a kick I recorded for a punk band and changing the emphasis control was all I needed to convince me it was worth the money. That control alone is worth the price for me.
I put the LA2 on everything low end and the emphasis control is now a necessity and the stock LA2 gets very little use.
J. Chaney
Very nice indeed
Look, Feel and Sound ! the GUI just takes you in with all the quirks of the real thing. its elegant across the board. Much better than waves with color options and cpu power. Just get it and stop thinking about it.
M. Linda
Great on vocals, great on bass. Really major step from the old UAD L2-2A plugin.
R. Lebbos
Very good product
Amazing emulation !! I have 2 distressor, a Hardware LA-2A and still the Rev A is most of the time the best choice for vocals.
I love it, as much as I love the A800 studer, the EMT 140 and the massive passive.
M. Arias
With 1176 now with three 1176 this is great sound and versatility is these is indecripotibe
M. Arias
It is a great improvement compared with the previous LA-2A
a character and stuck espelusnate :)
F. Kullack
a fantastic collection of compressor plugins
Now I know, where true analog sound comes from...the transformers and the distortion of the Rev E. I heard, that some engineers put the "E" into the master bus without compressing and that´s what I do, too.
Listen: https://soundcloud.com/frank-polar/frank-polar-feat-sorje
M. Krauth
One of the best compressor
According to me, these plugins are one of the best products of Universal Audio. The renew of the legendary 1176 is really a succes and we really ear the difference with the original one, especially when you push the saturation. A lot of dynamic and character.
P. MØller
Great for acoustic guitars/instruments and drums
Really one of a kind for acoustic guitars/instruments and drums and probably much more
C. Tuncer
Amazing compressor
how many of us can really, but it is beautiful and easy. It has instantly improved every vocal and bass track I've stuck it on so far. Keep up the great work UAD team!
S. Menard
Great Plugins
These plugs are great, I already have the 1176 but I love the simplicity of the LA2A.
P. Sweeney
Great Collection !
Just downloaded the 1176 Collection and I must say that Im impressed.
Choose whichever edition of the 1176 you want and just dial in a preset .........
A few tweaks later and you're good to go ! ! !
J. Tim
Super Plug Ins
für Akustikgitarre, Gesang und Sogar Drums sind die Plug In´s wirklich der Hammer!
T. Garrett
Amazing results
I was so happy to see this for a discount of 149.00 and then I was sadden by finding out that both, this collection and the 1176 collection were both priced even lower the next day, that they were only 99.00 for users who already and the two compressors. I wish I could get credited 49 bucks so I can add the rest and have that 1176 collection too. Oh well. TeamUniversalAudio all the way.
J. Jung
UAD makes music sound so much more than it is. Vocals, guitars, string quartet's, or hamsters on a wheel, these comp/limiters make it stick in a mix really beautifully. I wish I had more money to buy up all the UAD store. Righteous.