Ampeg® SVT-VR Bass Amplifier
Ampeg SVT-VR Bass Amplifier
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F. Josephs
instant gratification
I am not intimately familiar with the bass amp that this plugin emulates but the second I loaded it on to a send the bass guitar was warmed up in a very pleasant way. I don't care if it sounds just like the hardware or not and if you have to go back and forth a zillion times to prove a point what's the purpose?
This plugin will be extremely useful and the price point is well worth it.
R. Gungor
For realness
This thing really just makes direct bass sound incredible. I'm very impressed.
R. Harchol
Oh yea
Very cool... This is my new go-to bass for recording. Well done yet again UA!
M. Larsen
The SVT plugin sounds fantastic and is so easy to use. Works well in the mix and sounds killer.
P. Dittrich
Bester Bass-sound
Der Ampeg SVT-VR hat den "wow Effekt"! Sämtliche Bass-amp-simulationen in diversen DAW's klingen gegen den Ampeg wie billiges Spielzeug. Ein wirklich gelungenes Teil!!!
T. Marrison
Better than Amplitube
Long time user of Ashdown bass amps with nice valve stages. This has replaced it for my recording purposes. Great tone and weight, sits well in the mix. Can't wait for them to model the Portaflex!
M. Park
Nice emulation
I have an Ampeg PF-500 head with 6X8 Ampeg cab, and the IK Multimedia SVX plugin. This UAD version is different than either of those, and that's a good thing for choices.
What I've noticed is that it's a little light on the bottom end, which is perfect for a busy bass line. The SVX plug and the amp can sound a lot more massive which is also good for other things. The UAD has a more "solid" midrange than the SVX plugin, but the SVX plug can get nastier. In my experience UAD plugs are in general pretty polite :)
So to sum up - nice plugin, totally worth the price of admission. Great on songs where you need more note definition. I'm using it more and more. Slap a UAD Fairchild 670 compressor on it for a great solid sound.
H. Zwarts
deep and warm
Your bassound is just getting more real with this plug in. Difficult to explain what it is doing but it sounds awesome!
A. Lawson
Bass amp goodness
Best amp sim I have used on bass. The default blows me away. Pop it on your Di track and enjoy!
m. Keene
This is a great emulation! I've used many and this is by far my favorite bass plugin. I prefer it to using my Kemper. Sounds great and records so conveniently with my apollo. Great job!
R. Weissauer
Can't stop listening to this
Wooooooooooooooow ... how amazing, still can not believe it !
Sounds like the real thing, but so much more flexible
J. Roye
100% F**K YES!
So good. Do your self a favor and pick this guy up. Finally someone made an SVT emulation that actually works!
R. Jason
Ampeg and Efimov "Modern" bass...unbeatable
I just popped open the trial version. Ah, 14 days of heaven. This combination is just So deep, present, and the top end crispness on the slap notes are tamed JUST enough with the tube vibe.
When the 14 days are up, if I haven't already purchased ANOTHER of the many tempting plugs (I have Apollo 8 credit) THIS plug is going into my vast and growing collection of UA gold.
5 stars for sure.
R. Berehulke
I've had the Apollo quad for a year and a half and when I am practicing or jamming with my guitar player I am always pulling up a few different plugins to achieve a nice Fat amp sound. Now I all I need is this! Sounds awesome, cab selection is pretty good. Haven't dug too far into them yet, just been sticking with the 8x10. Must have for all bass players and music producers, heck all Mixers that are not happy with the bass tone they are given.
T. Liljegren
Definately the best one on the market
In the mid 80:s I owned one of these (Mid 70's edition) and I loved it (despite the terrible weight of it). Unfortunately I had to sell it because of economical reasons in the late 80's. Now, for many years I've enjoyd the Amplitube SVT which is okay but this one is a killer and really beats the hell out of the IKM-version.
To compare it with the previous item from Softtube the Hiwatt:ish Bass amp room (which is also quite awesome) this one is "in-your face" clear and over all more professional sounding. No mud or dirt added. It brought me a whole lot of nostalgic joy pulling the bass/ mid/treble-buttons in the upper row. Perfectly sounding exactly as I can remember it from ma' old amp. Great job!
C. Truesdell
After years of trying to get good sound out of DI bass tracks I finally came up with a pretty cool plug-in chain that I've been using as a starting point. Yesterday I activated the SVT-VR demo and did some A/B tests: my plug-in chain vs. the SVT-VR. No contest - this thing just completely rules.
J. Moreland
I've had trouble mixing 5 string bass parts (and w/ drop D tuners) for as long as I been tracking them. My old workaround (a combination EQ and Multi-band compression) would tame the bottom but leave it unfocused.Then I started this SVT demo 2 days ago. Instant perfect bass sound, no real tweaking necessary. Most of the presets offer different takes on the same theme: big, tight, punchy tone. I can clearly hear every note in the low register of a 5 stringer now. The power soak feature allows you to really push those tubes for added aggression if needed. Listening to a couple mixes on a variety of sound systems confirms what I heard at the studio - perfect, awesome Ampeg character. In under 30 seconds.
M. Julien
The best
I record bass for 15 years now,and I tried every plugins and pedals that emulate a bass amp sound. By far, this plugin is the most realistic one.
I played a lot on SVTVR, and I love this amp. This emulation is so close.
Fantastic job.