Ampeg® Heritage Bass Amp Bundle
Ampeg Heritage Bass Amp Bundle
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M. Larsen
The SVT plugin sounds fantastic and is so easy to use. Works well in the mix and sounds killer.
P. Dittrich
Bester Bass-sound
Der Ampeg SVT-VR hat den "wow Effekt"! Sämtliche Bass-amp-simulationen in diversen DAW's klingen gegen den Ampeg wie billiges Spielzeug. Ein wirklich gelungenes Teil!!!
T. Marrison
Better than Amplitube
Long time user of Ashdown bass amps with nice valve stages. This has replaced it for my recording purposes. Great tone and weight, sits well in the mix. Can't wait for them to model the Portaflex!
A. Sage
Where have you been all my life?
A players dream come true. It's THAT sound you need to cut bass tracks on your DAW. Honest!
M. Park
Nice emulation
I have an Ampeg PF-500 head with 6X8 Ampeg cab, and the IK Multimedia SVX plugin. This UAD version is different than either of those, and that's a good thing for choices.
What I've noticed is that it's a little light on the bottom end, which is perfect for a busy bass line. The SVX plug and the amp can sound a lot more massive which is also good for other things. The UAD has a more "solid" midrange than the SVX plugin, but the SVX plug can get nastier. In my experience UAD plugs are in general pretty polite :)
So to sum up - nice plugin, totally worth the price of admission. Great on songs where you need more note definition. I'm using it more and more. Slap a UAD Fairchild 670 compressor on it for a great solid sound.
Handy to have
It's a tuner. There's not much to it. Very useful though when you need to tune up and don't want to go looking for your tuner in your guitar case. It can be a little sensitive though but that just means it's making sure you tune properly
E. Halterman
Wow, just like the real amp version!
This is my new favorite bass plugin. It really added that missing character and meanness to the bass. This has bite, balls and everything in between... great job UAD!
h. austwick
Best Yet..
I'm primarily a guitarist, but I love playing bass, and besides that, playing bass is necessary for my recording work.
Guitarists are pretty spoilt when it comes to amp sims, with so much choice and something new coming along on a regular basis, not so for bassists, so with my bass hat on I was delighted to have something new to try in the new UAD Ampeg SVT-3 Pro.
It doesn't disappoint and I'd have to say it's the most convincing bass amp sim so far for me, so defined and versatile, I replaced other dedicated bass plugins I'd used in mixes with SVT-3 Pro and the difference was immediate, a much tighter bottom end, so much more definition in the mids and low highs with a most welcome lack of mud!
Well done UAD, yet another winner!!
J. Childers
Bx Tuner
Not bad. It has definitely come in handy for when I don't have a tuner nearby.
M. Guillen
Pretty cool
Vert precise and useful, always use it!
H. Zwarts
deep and warm
Your bassound is just getting more real with this plug in. Difficult to explain what it is doing but it sounds awesome!
s. jewel
This is a Gem!
As a mix engineer of many years, the one thing I have been waiting for is a really good Bass Amp plugin. Re amping isn't always an option and I have never heard any software bass amp simulators that were anything like good. The Ampeg SVT-3 Pro is nothing short of a lifesaver! It's on every DI bass that I get in for mix and it is, as I said nothing short of a gem.
Thanks UA you absolutely nailed this one!!
T. Liljegren
Beat the hell out of the rest
I love the Hiwatt:ish softtube bass amproom, but it often seems to be a bit muddy.
Same thing with the Vintage Ampeg (the alternative choice of UAD) here.
First I demoed the vintage Ampeg and loved it a lot.
Then I decided to test this one nad had no expactations about the result, but then suddenly BOOM!
The bass channel sounded just like I wanted. Warm, rich and clear with absolutely no mud.
So this one should definately be your choice! Look no futher!
M. Ballenger
I own the amp and still bought the plugin
I have an SVT3 Pro sitting on top of a 410HLF cab in my live room. I'm very familiar with the sound. Even owning the amp, I still bought the plugin. It's a very accurate recreation of what I'm used to and even responds to settings similarly. I can dial in tones very quickly because of this. Having the plugin in addition to the hardware makes it very convenient for direct recording or mixing sessions recorded at other studios. I suppose I could always reamp and mic the cab, but when on an aggressive deadline it is just so much faster to just pull up the plugin. When it is this accurate, I don't feel like I am making compromises by doing so.
A. Lawson
Bass amp goodness
Best amp sim I have used on bass. The default blows me away. Pop it on your Di track and enjoy!
M. Reategui
A bass player dream
I own few Ampeg tube amps and preamps, and this plugin makes everything much smoother. As a recording musician this is what you always dreamed about.
m. Keene
I got this and the other SVT. Both are fantastic! The other is a bit more my vibe but not because of a quality difference just a stylistic aesthetic. Over all these are by far my favorite bass amp plugins! Highly recommended!
m. Keene
This is a great emulation! I've used many and this is by far my favorite bass plugin. I prefer it to using my Kemper. Sounds great and records so conveniently with my apollo. Great job!
p. miller
Best bass sim amp by far.
I've owned a SVT classic and the 8x10 cab since 1993, so I know what a good bass amp sounds like. When recording at home, I can't used my rig for obvious reasons, so I've always struggled to get the sound I wanted, be it through a sim amp, or my real SamsAmp. When UAD came out with these Ampeg plugins, I first tried the SVT RV, and it sounded great, but the SVT-3 Pro gave me a little more growl, plus the EQ section had more control compared to the RV. There's also a mix knob where I could add in solid-state along with the tube sound, which allowed me to dial in the perfect amount of punch. This plugin, united my kick and bass like never before. There's also no digital harshness. Fantastic job UAD!!!
R. Williamson
Finally, a decent bass amp simulation
After trying number s bamboo amp simulators, from IK Multimedia, NI and UA's own Bass Room, this is the first time that I've got the true sound of a bass cabinet. A great range of control and ultimately a 'lifelike' alternative miking/di'ing a bass cab. Furthermore, it works great with Apollo