SOLO/610 Classic Tube Preamplifier & DI Box
オールチューブの610 コンソール・マイクプリアンプは、頑丈でどこにでも持っていけるデザインです。
SOLO/610は、クラシックなPutnam 610 チューブ・コンソールのサウンドをポータブルで多彩なマイクプリアンプになるよう設計されています。それは、オリジナル・コンソールのマイクアンプが持つシルキーでビンテージな暖かみを与え、象徴的なトーンをどんなマイクや楽器にも提供します。
扱いやすい形状のため、SOLO/610 コントロール・ルーム、ステージ、デスクトップなど、どんなシーンでの使用にも適しています。SOLO/610は、機能的にはシンプルですが、610コンソールの特長を引き継いでいます。
Bill Putnam 設計の610コンソール・マイクプリアンプ&DIのクラシックなチューブ・サーキットを使用してレコーディング
クリーンなサウンド、またはカラーの加わったサウンドを得るためにSOLO/610は、マイク・インプットとDIインプット、そしてゲインとレベル・コントロールを備えています。これまでの製品とは異なり、SOLO/ 610は、正確なゲイン構造を可能にするために、さらに広い範囲で連続的にゲインをコントロールが可能です。マイク/DI入力の両方に48Vファンタム電源、ローカット・フィルター、位相反転とフレキシブルなデュアルインピーダンス・セレクトなどを含む、プロフェッショナルなマイクプリアンプにとって必須の機能を備えています。また、アンプと同時に使用するシチュエーションを想定し、DIにとって必須のThruを備え、さらにグラウンド・リフト、多彩なマイク / ライン・レベルのアウトプット・スイッチを装備しています。
M. Fagnoul
The best preamp at the best format. Can't do without this flexibility studio-tour.
Great for everything ! Put my stereo general mic with 2 of these babies in live church Organ and choir concert in natural acoustic. Terrific tool from live recording to studio and live...
続きを読むM. Luther
Keeper piece
I'm trying to find reasons to get this preamp out of my studio. I have a small lair with a couple clones (1176, neve, 1272) and this and an avalon 747. Bass is clean, clear and phat! Vocals...
続きを読むM. Farina
I love it!!! <3
Purchased this year, I can't do without it anymore! Top Preamp!!!
続きを読むV. Eoppolo
Difference Maker For Home Studio
Been using an ISA Two for many years with my Neumann's and AKG's but the UA added exactly what I was craving - brought red wine warmth & richness to everything I put through it. As a...
続きを読む -
Bill Putnam 設計クラシック610コンソール・プリアンプ&DI
DI機能には、Thru/Mic/Line レベルのアウトプット搭載
Input Impedance
Mic Input - Selectable 450 ohms (Lo-Z) or 1.6 kilohms (Hi-Z)
DI Input - Selectable 2.2 megohms (Lo-Z) or 50 kilohms (Hi-Z)
Output Load Impedance
20 Hz to 20 kHz +/- 1 dB
Maximum Gain
61 dB
Tube Complement
(1) 12AX7, (1) 12AT7
Maximum Mic Input Level
-12 dBu, 1.0% THD+N Ratio
Maximum Instrument Input Level
+4 dBu, 1.0% THD+N Ratio
Maximum Gain Mic Input
55 dB (1.6K ohm input), 60 dB (450 ohm input)
Mic/Instrument In Frequency Response
20 Hz to 20 kHz, +/- 0.1 dB
Maximum Gain Instrument Input
37 dB
L: 14"
W: 5 3/4"
H: 5"
9 lbs.
SOLO/610 Classic Tube Preamplifier & DI Box
E. Bully
Super preampli lampes
Preampli très chaud et au gros caractère ,
R. Andriansyah
M. Fagnoul
The best preamp at the best format. Can't do without this flexibility studio-tour.
Great for everything ! Put my stereo general mic with 2 of these babies in live church Organ and choir concert in natural acoustic. Terrific tool from live recording to studio and live gig on Keys for warmth and an analog touch, on Bass (Woah) , acoustic guitar, voice, amp
M. Luther
Keeper piece
I'm trying to find reasons to get this preamp out of my studio. I have a small lair with a couple clones (1176, neve, 1272) and this and an avalon 747. Bass is clean, clear and phat! Vocals sound nice. Butter comes to mind. I'll update this soon as I'm trying to do a lot with it. What I like is how the lo and hi z and lo cut and your gain /level setting can impact the sound you get.
M. Farina
I love it!!! <3
Purchased this year, I can't do without it anymore! Top Preamp!!!
V. Eoppolo
Difference Maker For Home Studio
Been using an ISA Two for many years with my Neumann's and AKG's but the UA added exactly what I was craving - brought red wine warmth & richness to everything I put through it. As a DI for my P bass.. it was a stunner. Should have purchased 2 of these years ago.
m. erialc
Parfait pour les voix les guitares et les basses je l'utilise même sur scène
J. Music
Simple et efficace !
Sur les voix, basses, incroyablement simple et efficace, transparent et un peu plus coloré selon les besoins.
A. Mitra
Great Purchase!
Absolutely Love this Unit!
Recordings are so much better now!
Even though I’m completely mixing ITB, the sound still retains the analogue warmth of the tube!
Love it!P. Elorza
Amazing sound in everything you plug in! Thanks Universal Audio for create this marvelous hardware!
solo 610 perfection
solo 610 has the most perfect range and ease of use compared to the 12 preamps I have tested.hot tubes offer a perfect breakup for my gold top lp and clean for keys also fat bass groove ,smooth vocals .no comparison in the market .congrats once more UAD .Ralph
V. Juric
One of the best preamps
Great, great, great preamp!
V. Juric
One of the best preamps
Great, great, great preamp!
J. Ham
An amazing addition
This item will do your studio well! It gives your vocal and acoustic recordings. I haven't used it on electric guitar or bass, will soon. Honestly, Universal Audio is the name you can trust in audio. Get it, use it you will not turn back. Thanks UA!
Just amazing
I have this beautiful micpre already for 10 years it is just amazing how beautiful this sounds
e. rafael
exelente por ahora mi favorito para mi neuman en voses bajo y guitarras
n. lambertson
The big difference.
This piece of gear pushed my recordings from the "okay" sound to the "yes" sound. I have two, and I use them as DIs for my synthesizers and drum machine. If you want to record line in, you need a DI to boost the signal and clean it up. Go for one of these tube DIs, you will not regret it. It's a little expensive, but it's a beautiful, handmade piece of art that may last you for many many years.
just so nice
tubey dooby i love this pre. everything sounds so nice and thick and real.
A. Tebeleff
Great for bass
Killer bass tone
P. Freitag
Groovy Tube
Awesome unit! If it were a chick... I'd marry it!