OX Amp Top Box
Universal Audioの画期的なダイナミック・スピーカーモデリングを特長とするOXは、スピーカーの挙動、ブレークアップ、コーンクライミングを正確にエミュレートしている最初のシステムで、世界最高のスピーカーアッテネーターとギターアンプ・レコーディングソリューションです。チューブ・ギター・アンプの最高の“スウィート・スポット”で演奏と録音を - どこでも、どんな音量でも
極限状態におけるスピーカーの挙動やコーンクライミングまでをも再現する UA のダイナミック・スピーカーモデリング技術により、アンプ本来のトーンをあまさず奏でる
何十年にも渡るアナログハードウェア・エンジニアリングの専門知識を備えたUniversal Audioの開発チームは、アッテネーション量に関係なく、チューブアンプのフィーリング、ダイナミクス、トーンを損なわないリアクティブ・ロードボックスを設計しました。開発のゴールは、チューブアンプが実際のスピーカーとしてOXが“見える”ようにすることでした。インピーダンスとレスポンスが連続的に変化するためにトーンの低下やダイナミクスを損なうことはありません。
UAの画期的なダイナミックスピーカー・モデリングは、本物のチューブアンプ・トーンに欠かせない成分であるスピーカーのブレークアップ、挙動、コーンクライミングなどをエミュレートします。OXアプリケーションの“Speaker Breakup”ノブを使用すると、スタティック・インパルスレスポンスシステムをはるかに超えた様々なスピーカーの特定の周波数や音量レベルでのみ発生するハーモニクスや複雑な影響を本物のスピーカーキャビネットのようにコントロールすることができます。
OX Amp Top Boxは、クランクしたチューブアンプを静かな音量で練習するためにフロントパネルのヘッドフォンジャックを使用することができるだけでなく、あらゆる種類の録音やライブで使用するための接続にも幅広く対応しています。 RCAとオプティカルTOSLINKによるステレオS/PDIFデジタル出力、フロントパネルのレベルコントロール付バランスTRSステレオライン出力によって、スタジオモニター、DAW、ライブミキシングコンソール入力 への接続を提供します。
Watch The Reviews
Universal Audio Ox
There is nothing that compares to the raw sound of a qualitative tube amp ramped up into good speakers. There are few venues, homes, apartments or even stages where you can get away with...
続きを読むP. Chandler
I sold my Kemper and now back to using tubes.
I sold my Kemper and am now back to using tube amps, thanks to the Ox Box. It provides exactly what I need: real tube sound at apartment-friendly volume.
続きを読むP. Chandler
I sold my Kemper and now back to using tubes.
I sold my Kemper and am now back to using tube amps, thanks to the Ox Box. It provides exactly what I need: real tube sound at apartment-friendly volume.
続きを読むH. Pamminger
Ox what else?
Playing tube amps at home can be of a challenge > it might get cloud. The way UA creates an answer with the Ox is simply great. It even goes further by providing this app based concept...
続きを読むN. Oku
I can make the sound I thought.
It's a wonderful equipment that can make the sound you think.
続きを読むD. Cohn
Game Changing Gear
Believe the hype. OXBOX is is Swiss Army Knife of tone shaping tools. I've particularly enjoyed using it as in interface during rehearsals, allowing me to have some room tone while getting...
続きを読む -
ワールドクラスのUniversal Audio EQ、コンプレッサー、ディレイ、リバーブエフェクトを内蔵
OX モバイル/デスクトップ用アプリとWi-Fi経由でペアリングし、プリセットのエディットや保存が可能OX App必要動作環境
OX Amp Top Box
2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network with internet connection to register (once only)
(iPad) iOS 12 or iPadOS 13
(Mac) macOS Mojave or Catalina
(Win) Windows 10 64-Bit Edition
OX Amp Top Box
Universal Audio Ox
There is nothing that compares to the raw sound of a qualitative tube amp ramped up into good speakers. There are few venues, homes, apartments or even stages where you can get away with the volume to access that amp 'bloom'. The Ox attentuation, for my ears, is an excellent tool to do just that. Its like finally having the keys to a door that is usually kept locked.
On the speaker modelling side, I generally can't stand in-ears or modelling amps that attempt to emulate...yes they work well and get the job done, but the the tone (and feel) just does not match the real thing. I do have to admit, the Ox speaker emulator, coupled with a real tube amp... works. The digital speaker tones I.M.H.O. are point on and the microphone placement/room options are as good or better to a pro studio level. Very cool.
My only suggestion/preference is the proprietary power supply cable. It would be better to move that inside the box and have a simple external IEC connector just to reduce parts and pieces that can get lost in an arbitrary gig bag or studio cable bundle.R. Thurn
No Backup, no Import, no Export! Sorry is 2024
Please give us a update to backup our created rigs. Import and export files is normal for 2024
T. Gschwendner
Great sounds, but...
obviously a product, that was abandoned by Universal Audio. No updates to the app for more than two years, no new cabs, check out the forums, if you want to read about WiFi problems. Quite a shame.
P. Chandler
I sold my Kemper and now back to using tubes.
I sold my Kemper and am now back to using tube amps, thanks to the Ox Box. It provides exactly what I need: real tube sound at apartment-friendly volume.
P. Chandler
I sold my Kemper and now back to using tubes.
I sold my Kemper and am now back to using tube amps, thanks to the Ox Box. It provides exactly what I need: real tube sound at apartment-friendly volume.
H. Pamminger
Ox what else?
Playing tube amps at home can be of a challenge > it might get cloud. The way UA creates an answer with the Ox is simply great. It even goes further by providing this app based concept with various possibilities to discover guitar music - thanks!
N. Oku
I can make the sound I thought.
It's a wonderful equipment that can make the sound you think.
D. Cohn
Game Changing Gear
Believe the hype. OXBOX is is Swiss Army Knife of tone shaping tools. I've particularly enjoyed using it as in interface during rehearsals, allowing me to have some room tone while getting a perfectly recorded, pefectly isolated signal. Great piece of kit.
R. Duffield
Every Day Piece
Could not live with out it , need a second one actually !!! one thing its time for even just a small update to say we have not forgotten ... its time guys ..
H. Nuesink
Top Sounds With Top Gear
Expect a lot from the OX but this is really good. Usable FX and Easy to Use
F. Doria
great sounds but constant connection problems
great sounds but constant connection problems. Considering the cost it is a problem that needs to be solved.
M. Balanky
It's been disappointing. I hear crackling on the high end that isn't present in real life. Amps have less headroom in the OX than real life.
I'm still trying to work through the issues, but there is an artificial break-up distortion on the high end that seems to be input overload, even when my meters are all green. I've tried it with single-ended amps, so there is no chance of an issue from mismatched tubes that the support talks about.
It works to play quietly at night and I'm in the middle of using it to record an album, but the amps don't sound the same as they do in the room with the same mic and speaker as modeled on the OX. I bought a second one to verify and they both have it. I've heard it on other people's YouTube videos now that I'm aware of it. It is not a silver bullet.
Besides the artificial distortion I hear, the amps don't seem to have the same amount of headroom as they do in real life. This causes me to find new tones instead of using settings that make tones I like in real life. So, it is like relearning how to ride a bike, which is a drawback. I've troubleshot the thing to death - impedances are matched, tubes are good, tried a new spdif cable, power supply, new ox, verified metering, etc. I sent a sound file to UA, and the support person told me they didn't hear anything. My wife, not a musician, can hear the crackle. ...M. Power
A Dino get's to keep his stuff.
I'm older, just turned 50, and I've been recording rock guitar since I was 15. I love tube amps and I always go for the 100W tube heads cause I'm a gear snob.
My Ox Amp Top Box's attenuator is as good as, or better than any attenuator I've owned and being a 100W Gear Snob, that was a few of them. It's sounds great and I forgot I was playing through it within 30 secs and strapping my guitar on.
The part that blew my mind was the recording capabilities!
I've really tried to like plugins, and some are pretty good...until I do something that requires rolling off my volume to clean up my sound (Not much of a channel switcher) The plugins just couldn't react well.
Now, I can run a maxed 2203 and record, with exceptional quality, using headphones at 3 AM.
PS: The cab emulation is fantastic. When I record, it doesn't even dawn on my that it's software.
No more words needed.
My Ox Box is now a permanent fixture in my studio space.J. Morales
Great experience!
Perfect for record or practice. My full band practice in Luna with headphones. Make more easy for the drummer follow the guitar when track by headphones using a JCM 800. I love it!
M. Pointon
Just great
I've not used this as an attenuator so can't talk about that. I use this for recording and it's just amazing
R. Thurn
Ox Box - Perfekt für zuhause!
Endlich bin ich wieder bei echten Amps und habe die 100000fachen Versuche, dass der Kemper gut klingt, aufgegeben. Kabel rein und aufdrehen. Mit der Ox Box zuhause nicht nur kein Problem, sondern PERFEKT (!!!)
S. Saied
Connection Issues
I love the UA products and I love my ox box, but I really don’t understand the implementation of this Wi-Fi connectivity that you have to go through with the ox box. Why didn’t they implement a USB type connectivity to the computer or even thunderbolt because it was out when the aux came out. another concern as I dropped nearly $1500 on this ox box and there’s been no firmware updates for at least two years years now. Being a software developer and engineer, I know there’s hardware limitations with the Wi-Fi but there’s a USB port on the box, so why not develop software that can utilize that now that technology is moving on with Wi-Fi technology? Eventually you’re not gonna be able to connect your Ox box at all which means you won’t be able to alter any presets.
Mon meilleur achat
Je suis tout simplement bluffé par la qualité sonore exceptionnelle qu'il offre.
C'est sans aucun doute le meilleur achat que j'ai effectué depuis longtemps.
C'est le compagnon idéal pour tout guitariste cherchant à obtenir un son pro avec ses ampli.A. Hathot
The only downside is that will make you spend money on more analog amps :)
R. lamprecht
storing is boring
have now two of them, sound is great, but if I want to use them stereo, I have to do it twice, boring. Please invent copy presets, can be worth a nobel price.