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UAFX Woodrow '55 Instrument AmplifierペダルはEaglesからChuck Berry、Neil Youngまで、何十年にもわたってアーティストやプロデューサーに愛用されてきた伝説的なアメリカのツイードチューブアンプのサウンドを提供します。

強力なデュアルエンジンプロセッシングとワールドクラスのUADモデリングで構築されたWoodrow '55は、甘いクリーンのもの、豊かなオーバードライブ、グランジ感溢れるディストーションを備えています。








Woodrow '55はアンプの代わりにステージで使用する場合でも、DAWのトラックをレコーディングする場合でも、熟練エンジニアによるマイキングを施した「ゴールデンユニット」と呼ばれたビンテージツイードアンプの刺激的でアルバムのようなトーンを瞬時に提供します。



KORG SDD-3000ラックユニットやMaestro EP-3テープディレイのプリアンプなども含めた、定評のあるイギリス製スピーカーへの交換やブーストを使用し、スイッチ1つでワイルドなツイードサウンドをさらに引き立てることができます。Woodrow '55による本物のチューブの唸るようなサウンドとホットロッドチューンされたペダルをあなたの足元に置くだけです。



Woodrow '55は数々の賞を受賞したOX Amp Top Boxから受け継ぐクラシックなマイクとスピーカーのコンボを搭載し、プロのスタジオギターサウンドを即座に仕上げることが可能です。

UAFX Control App & Owner's Manual

Woodrow '55 Instrument Amplifierには最新の400 mAアイソレーテッドパワーサプライ(別売)が必要であることに注意してください。推奨電源についてはこちらをご覧ください。

* 本書で使用されている製品名はそれぞれの所有者の商標であり、Universal Audio Inc.とは一切関係がありません。これらの名称は、Woodrow '55 Instrument Amplifierのサウンドモデルを作成するために研究された製品を識別するためにのみ使用されています。



数々の賞を受賞したOX Amp Top Boxから生まれた世界最高のスピーカーキャビネット、マイク、ルームトーンを搭載

登録すると無料で「hot rod」ブースト、クラシックなスピーカーの差し替え、さらに追加でダウンロードできるキャビネットとマイクを装備可能





Woodrow '55 Instrument Amplifier

Overall Rating


J. Bacon


Seriously fantastic amp

After recently purchasing OX Stomp - which is proving to be indispensable - I was very curious to try one of the 4 UAD Instrument Amps. I liked the sounds I heard in the demos, and Woodrow '55 - although perhaps not the most popular - had a particular appeal.

Doing some background reading, I was prepared to learn how to coax the best from this pedal. I wanted something that could produce an interesting range of overdrives and fuzz sounds, but also be a solid clean platform for my other pedals.

In the first few days of owning Woodrow, I spent mere minutes studying the manual, half an hour finding some go-to sounds, and hours (many hours) playing, recording and writing.

How it should be.

The clarity and warmth of the cleans is spectacular. This thing is alive, responsive, rewarding. I hear notes within chords chiming with separation and dimension. That opens up a lot of possibilities.

Running the unit into OX Stomp adds another dimension, although the stock cabinets are excellent.

With its dual gains - one a bit more aggressive than the other - and with the 3 flavours of boost, you can cover everything from arpeggiated jazz voicings, to blues, rock and beyond.

Woodrow *feels* great to play, monitoring through a decent studio system. It highlights the tonal differences between my guitars in a way that other systems don't. Even the best plugins, for instance, tend to make all my guitars sound more like the plugin itself; they imprint their sonic signature a bit too heavily. Here I enjoy a naturally balanced synergy between guitar and amplifier.

I will sum up by saying that Woodrow feels like a relief, after trying many systems, and always "chasing" something that seems tantalisingly close, but still somehow out of reach. Great build quality and an attractive, intuitive user interface seal the deal.

M. Julien


Exceptionnel réalisme

Cela fait 20 ans que j'enregistre des guitares, et j'ai vu passer toutes les évolutions de simulation d'ampli. Depuis les premiers Line 6 et autres Roland en passant par les plugins, j'ai quasi tout testé ,et ces UAFX sont de loin la meilleure technologie pour reproduire le son d'un ampli qui passe au travers de micros. Vraiment bluffant. Habituellement il faut pouvoir pousser l'ampli assez fort, tester différents micros, écouter dans le mix, rebouger les micros, etc etc... minimum 1 heure de temps perdu. ici on branche dans la carte son et ça sonne direct, et avec la possibilité de mixer le son room, magnifique. Les sensations sont top.
Technologie Bluetooth un peu instable encore, mais pour le reste, je dis bravo et merci UA.

功. 佐藤



ロリーギャラガーのIrish Tourの音のファンだったので、Rubyに引き続きWoodrowも手に入れました



M. Tänndal


Nice sounds, terrible blutooth app

Always problem to connect. I can not understand how UA accepts this on such expensive pro pedals

C. Stephens


Nice Pedal But Terrible Bluetooth Connectivity

The pedal is excellent as far as the sound, flexibility, and options. It lives up to the hype. If you aren’t depending on the Bluetooth connectivity to change presets then you should definitely buy this pedal. It sounds great.
On the other hand the Bluetooth connectivity is a complete disaster. I have lost count of how much time I have spent trying to get it to work. I have attempted to connect on an IPad, Android phone, IPhone, and even going to a family property miles away from any other house to see if the problem was interference (as tech support suggested). All my other Bluetooth gear works without a problem so I know the issue is with the pedal.
The truly odd thing is that every now and then it will connect for a few minutes at a time. Very frustrating and surprising from Universal Audio engineers . They usually know what they are doing and turn out superior products.
A quick web search reveals that I am not the only one that has experienced the Bluetooth issues. Too bad, it would easily rate five stars otherwise.

M. O'Malley


Really sounds great, but takes a little work

This is the best "amp in a box" I've ever played. It just feels and sounds natural and fun. It has a huge range of sounds, like a tweed deluxe, but it's not obvious how to dial it in. It's not a straight emulation of tweed deluxe, because it's "always jumpered," which mean it doesn't model the interactivity of the controls the actual amp has without jumpering. I don't actually understand why it has three "preamps" that have adjustable boost's. One is to imitate Edge from U2, I guess, great, but it's already got plenty of grind

It's not obvious how to get a good sound out of it: it take's a little work. But man does it sound great when you find your sweet spots. I love this pedal.

IMHO the presets are a waste of time. there's no indicator of what preset you're using, and the software includes a bunch of other people's presets but unless you are using your phone onstage there's no way to tell what preset you've cycled to. I would rather have seen something like a jumpered/not jumpered switch, to make it more like the actual amp. The "room" knob sounds great below about ten o'clock: over that I have a hard time seeing why I would use it rather than setting up a short reverb or delay in the daw.

So some criticisms, but overall it sounds fantastic and it's really fun

T. Horan


UAFX Control Mobile App Doesn't Work

On this or on any of the UAFX pedals.

J. Otin


Highly recommended

It is just amazing what you get out of this box! I am in awe with what have been accomplished with this one as well as the other UAFX pedals

R. Robertson


R Robertson

Bought Woodrow amp pedal and started dialing through the settings after registration and receiving three other speaker cab settings.
Hours later, I found settings I liked best and tried my Fuzz, Phaser and tube screamer.
Oh yeah - I have a compressor at the beginning of my pedals just to get a little leveling on tone/slight sustain/not set too compressed.
Findings - WAH HOO ! I got my sound ! Happy Happy JOY JOY - OH BOY I got My SOUND! No Kidding - my playing went to a different level. Thank ya UA.

A. Herring


Hey Chuck, you know that sound you were looking for?

woodrow 55, my 1st choice was the dream 65, so i placed an order with DV247-Musicstore, from a German, to ship to the uk on june 27th 2022, and by 1st july 2022 is was in the uk customs and its still in uk customs, so as the dream 65 is pretty much out of stock until 2023! i decided to go for the woodrow from Gak uk, in stock, so it came through the post on friday 29th JULY, so I'm in a band who plays festivals here in cornwall, and lots of concerts etc, so most times i use and amp, but load in times and the fact i play a nord electro and guitar means i like to load in as quick and easy as i can, the woodrow 55 is the perfect amp sim for me, country twang to full on fuzz, very clear through a headrush 108 frfr and my keys sound great too, loads of bottom end and loads of dynamics cleans up on the volume position Like a real fender amp. you nailed it. i just hope one day i get the dream 65. as its stuck in customs as i type its unlikely i will get this before DV247 get more in stock.

K. Turpin


Almost there…

So much to like about this pedal! However the gain on this sim seems very grainy and much more drive than a real 5e3. The gain needs to be backed off and the bottom end tightened up a bit. Too flubby/grainy compared to a real 5e3.

E. Juan Tresserra


Sounds great

It does not have as many features as the other two pedals but it sounds awesome.

R. Mohammed


Not a replacement for your OX box and a good amp.

Bought one and took it back. The room and mic simulation is good but the distortion is grainy and sounds fake, not sweet. This might be a good pedal for live, but (for studio work) the unit cannot hold a candle to a good tube amp matched up with an OX box. Also, would like to see an optical out. If you are using an Apollo twin, the pedal uses up both inputs. (Just to be clear, I am a big, big UA fan. I have an 1176LN, OX box, Apollo Twin, 610Mark II, and a LA-2A. All of these sound amazing. But IMHO the sim pedals are entry level gear, not bad, but not on the same level as other UA classics."

G. Cohen


Sofa king cool! Lacks routing

All the mojo you would expect. I just wish it had more switching/routing flexibility

J. Holloway


Amazing pedal

I'd been looking for a box to enhance the clean channel of my two Friedman amps - no one does gain/overdrive better than Friedman, but really wanted more from the cleans. The Woodrow delivers this in spades. Amazing clean tones, with good breakup and fuzz when pushed. Eminently tweakable too - between this and the Eventide H9, I get pretty much everything I've ever wanted from a Fender-style amp. Good solid build, and like UAD products tend to be, very aesthetically pleasing. Such a great sound that I immediately went and bought a Ruby. I do agree that some means of switching between presets on the pedal itself would be a nice enhancement. That said, UAD has hit a home run with this series of pedals. Highly recommended!

J. Dempsy



Fantastic emulator. Love the tones…would love to see a “whizzer” released for this. 4 preset buttons, maybe some reverb presets for the “reverb kill” and of course, a Peterson Strobe built in to the “tuning mute.” Just a thought…

j. lauhoff



I really love to play Blues and also i love Grunge and Lofi, this Little device is shifting me closer to my dream sounds than my tube amp could!

Thx Universal Audio for this awesome broken sound, creamy warm cleans and thick Gains, everything in between is possible and sounds awesome.

I just would appreciate to switch via footswitches between my favorite presets to be able to jump through while im playing, instead of taking my hands away from my Guitar just to switch them through UAFX App.

And lastly using the boost footswitch mode while im using 4 cable method would also be nice, cause sometimes i have no need to Bypass the woodrow cause it’s awesome :)!