UAD & Apollo Tips
5-Min UAD Tips: Vocals & Acoustic Guitar with Century Tube Channel Strip
In this 5-Minute UAD Tip, learn how to use the UAD Century Tube Channel Strip plug-in to capture acoustic guitar and vocals with detail and emotion.
5-Min UAD Tips: Precision K-Stereo Ambience Recovery
In this 5-Minute UAD Tip, learn how to use the UAD Precision K-Stereo plug-in to add stereo width to a mix, and excitement and depth to drums by exaggerating the room sound.
5-Min UAD Tips: Little Labs VOG
In this 5-Minute UAD Tip, learn how to use the UAD Little Labs Voice Of God plug-in to enhance an 808 bass part as well as beef up a thin-sounding kick drum track.
5-Min UAD Tips: dbx 160
In this 5-Minute UAD Tip, learn how to add parallel compression to drums, even out a bass part, and bring presence to acoustic guitars with the dbx 160 Compressor/Limiter.
5-Min UAD Tips: MXR Flanger/Doubler
In this 5-Minute UAD Tip, you’ll learn how to quickly add stereo width to keyboards and slow, spacey flange to guitars using the UAD MXR Flanger/Doubler plug-in.
5-Min UAD Tips: Thermionic Culture Vulture
In this 5-Minute UAD Tip, you’ll learn how to easily use the Thermionic Culture Vulture plug-in to create midrange warmth on acoustic guitars as well as destroying live drums with parallel processing.
5-Min UAD Tips: Cooper Time Cube Plug-In
In this 5-Minute UAD Tip, you’ll learn how to add width to a mono keyboard track, add vibey slapback to guitars, and synchronized delay tails on a vocal with the UAD Cooper Time Cube MkII Delay plug-in.
Producer Presets Unpacked ‑ VOXBOX
Welcome to the first installment of “Producer Presets Unpacked,” where we’ll focus on a UAD plug-in preset and its designer – learning how they created it, why it works, and how pros use presets in their everyday workflow.