Apollo 16
UAのフラッグシップ・オーディオコンバーターApollo 16は、Universal AudioによるMac、Windowsで動作可能なApolloオーディオインターフェイス・シリーズのフラッグシップであり、クラシックなアナログ・レコーディングのトーン、フィーリング、リアルタイムのワークフローを使用し、プロフェッショナルな商業用スタジオにUAのA/DとD/Aコンバーターを提供します。
UAの60年に渡り受け継がれたオーディオ・クラフトマンシップの基に築き上げられ、Apollo 16は、16 x 16のアナログI/O、オンボードのUAD-2 QUAD コア・プロセッサー、そして数々の章を受けたUADプラグインのバンドルを特徴としています。MacやPCのホスト・コンピューターに負担をかけることなく、クラシックなアナログ・スタジオのようなサウンドを形成することができます。数多くのヒットレコードで聴けるようなワールドクラスのApollo A/DとD/Aコンバーターでレコーディング可能
Teletronix® LA-2A、1176、Fairchild® コンプレッサー、Pultec® EQ、610-BプリアンプなどのUADプラグインが付属
DB-25接続による16 x 16のアナログI/Oを採用し、ミキシング・コンソールや、アウトボードとのペアリングを容易に
オリジナルのApolloインターフェイスは、現代の音楽プロデューサーや、エンジニアの間で急速にゴールデンスタンダードとなり、文字通り何百ものヒットレコードをリリースしました。Apollo 16は、このスタジオ・スタンダードを改良し再設計されたクラストップのA/DとD/Aコンバーターを搭載し、オリジナルのApolloと比較してA/Dでは2dB、D/Aでは8dB分の優れたダイナミックレンジを提供しています。Apollo 16のサウンドクオリティは、コンバーターを徹底的にオーディションし、チューニングを加え、ダブル・ブラインドテストを行ったことでオープンでナチュラルに仕上がり、より多くのコストを必要とするプロフェッショナル・マスタリンググレードのコンバーターに匹敵するものとなりました。
プロセッシングの完璧なセットApollo 16は、世界で唯一、Teletronix® LA-2A、1176LN、Fairchild® コンプレッサー、そして伝説のPultec® EQやUA 610-Bチューブ・プリアンプを含んだ本格的なアナログエミュレーション・プラグインを提供しています。UAの世界的に有名なアルゴリズムエンジニアチームによって開発されたこれらの“Realtime Analog Classics”プラグインは、他のすべてのハードウェアエミュレーション・プラグインをジャッジするスタンダードを設定しています。
ギターにPultec EQ、ボーカルにLA-2Aの穏やかなリミッティング、ドラムに本格的なFairchild 670コンプレッサーなど、あなたのレコーディングをよりリッチで、充実したアナログ・サウンドに大きく飛躍を遂げるでしょう。付属プラグインを確認する>
付属している“Realtime Analog Classics”プラグインの以外にも、数々の賞を受賞したビンテージEQ、コンプレッサー、リバーブ、テープマシンなどを含むUADパワードプラグインをオーディオ・ソフトウェアのバッファーサイズに関係なく、コンピューターのCPUに負担をかけずにほぼレイテンシーゼロで動作させることが可能です。
Neve、Studer、Manley、API、Ampex、Lexicon、Fenderなど†のエミュレーションだけで、無限のアナログ・スタジオをわずか1Uのラックスペースに持つようなものです。また、競合するインターフェイスとは異なり、DSPパワードプラグインは、DAWでミキシングに使用することも可能です。プロフェッショナル・スタジオでの使用を視野に入れた64 x 64 Thunderbolt システムの拡張性
Apollo 16は、DB-25接続による16 x 16のアナログI/Oを提供し、プロフェッショナル・スタジオにとって理想的なインターフェイスといえます。アナログ接続+ L/Rモニター出力、AES/EBUデジタルI/O 等、Apollo 8/8pモデルの2倍の装備を持っています。これにより、ミキシング・コンソールやアウトボード・プロセッサーとのペアリングに最適で、現代のスタジオの中心に置くことが可能です。
更なる拡張性を必要とする場合、Apollo 16の内蔵デュアルThunderboltポートを使用して、さらに3台のApollo、最大で6台のUADデバイス*を加えることができ、64 x 64の同時アナログI/O、32コアによるUADプロセッシングを備えたネットワークシステムを構築可能です。Apolloヒストリー
UAの Lev Perreyが、次世代のApolloの背景にある画期的考えについて説明します。
Apollo 16の(オリジナルApolloのConsoleソフトウェアを再構築した)Console 2.0アプリケーションを使用することで、チャンネルストリップ・プリセット、ドラッグ&ドロップ機能、ダイナミックにサイズ変更可能なウィンドウなど、25箇所以上のユーザー・リクエストに応えた新機能を追加しています。
Apollo: プロフェッショナルの新しい選択肢
Apolloは、Kendrick Lamar(To Pimp A Butterfly)、Coldplay(A Head Full of Dreams)、Dr. Dre(Compton)、Brad Paisley(Wheelhouse)など多くのレコードを制作するために使用され、ヒットメイカー達の確かな選択肢となっています。Apolloシリーズのインターフェイスは、Sound on Sound、Future Music、Electronic Musician誌などから数々の賞を受賞しています。またコンピューターオーディオ・ハードウエアの2016 TEC Awardも受賞しています。
“The Apollo 16 is the most stable, sonically accurate addition to my studio by far. Its incredible metering, monitor control, and the Realtime UAD Processing make it a game-changing interface.”
– Darrell Thorp (Beck, Radiohead, Charlotte Gainsbourg)“Apollo's A/D and D/A conversion sounds incredibly detailed, with great clarity and a tight, punchy low end. And with the Console 2.0 app, I have all of the routing and monitoring options I need.”
– Dave Pensado (Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Maroon 5)“I'm really impressed with the Apollo X8. I hear more detail in the several sets of monitors I use, and I'm getting that little bit extra out of the Unison mic pre emulations – and they were already extremely close.”
– Jacquire King (James Bay, Kings of Leon, Tom Waits)“The Apollo is the best I/O we've ever used, and we've tried them all. It has an incredibly clean, transparent, and accurate sound.”
– The Glitch Mob“Having the Apollo with UAD plug-ins at my disposal is like carrying a giant studio with outboard racks at all times. Minus the tech fees, down time, and electricity bill!”
– Andrew Dawson (Jay-Z, Fun.)“Apollo is a platform that grows more powerful with every innovation – the UAD plug-in processing onboard has changed the way I work forever.”
– Tony Platt (AC/DC, Bob Marley, Buddy Guy)“The Apollo's ability to do low latency – I mean that's the whole ballgame right there.”
– Joey Waronker (Atoms for Peace, Beck, Other Lives)“The Apollo has some of the better preamps I've ever heard – lots of headroom, quiet at high-gains, and the converters are really sweet sounding.”
– Mick Guzauski (Daft Punk, Mariah Carey, Eric Clapton)“UAD plug-ins are amazing...
I’ve used them on all my projects
for the last few years.”
– Dan Auerbach The Black Keys“My Apollos are my sound.
Where I go, they go.”
– Trevor Lawrence Jr. (Dr. Dre, Herbie Hancock, Eminem)“I knew about the ingredients of Apollo, but this is truly a special dish. The Apollo just set a new standard of excellence for audio interfaces, in terms of both its sound and its feature set.”
– Fab Dupont (Shakira, Santigold, Jennifer Lopez)“Using my Apollos and Console 2.0, I'm able to front a live mix, create a monitor mix, and record, all at the same time. That’s pretty awesome.”
– Chris Dugan (Green Day, Iggy Pop, U2)Creating a Multi-Unit Apollo Setup
Watch producer/engineer Fab Dupont (Jennifer Lopez, Mark Ronson) install a powerful studio system by combining multiple Apollo interfaces over Thunderbolt.
†Apolloには、 “Realtime Analog Classics Plus” UADプラグイン・バンドルが付属しています。その他のUADプラグインは、別売です。レビュー
A. Schwab
Upgrade In & Outputs
Get more In and Outputs to expand my Apollo 8 with the same quality. Also double up the DSP Power
続きを読むa. weidner
My third one!
Use 3 apollo 16’s mkii’s and a twin with my Neve 8424. Works flawlessly! Sound is top notch. Couldn’t be happier.
続きを読むS. Bell
Excellent piece o’ gear
Love it. Expands my Apollo in/outs and sounds great.
続きを読むj. Hudes
A powerful and reliable unit
This soundcard works well with the Apollo 8 and the Apollo Twin. It sits between them and expands the number of analogue inputs in...
続きを読むH. Schabbach
Simply the best.
I have worked with Thunderbolt Audio Interfaces from other brands, the Apollo 16 is my favorite. By far.
続きを読む -
Realtime Analog Classics Plus Bundle
With the Realtime Analog Classics Plus plug-in bundle, you not only get legendary compressors such as the Fairchild® 670 and EQs like the Pultec® EQP-1A, but also stunning guitar and bass amp emulations from Softube, and UA’s landmark 610-B Tube Preamp and EQ plug-in.
- UA 610‐B
- Marshall Plexi Classic Amplifier
- Fairchild 670 Legacy
- Teletronix LA‐2A Legacy
- UA 1176LN Legacy
- UA 1176SE Legacy
- Pultec EQP‐1A Legacy
- Pultec Pro Legacy
- Ampeg® SVT-VR Classic Bass Amp
- Precision Channel Strip
- Precision Reflection Engine
- Precision Delay Modulation
- Precision Delay Modulation L
- UA Precision Enhancer Hz
- Raw Distortion
- RealVerb‐Pro
UA 610-B Tube Preamp and EQ
Impart your tracks with the iconic warmth and character of the classic hardware used to track everyone from Duke Ellington to Coldplay. By emulating the entire signal path, including tube amplifiers, transformers, and circuit nonlinearities, the 610-B Tube Preamp and EQ plug-in injects organic detail and saturation to any signal — whether you’re re-amping or tracking through the 610-B via Universal Audio’s Unison™ technology.
Marshall® Plexi Classic Amplifier
The undisputed alpha dog of rock and roll guitar amps, the Marshall “plexi” amplifier is as legendary as the music it helped create. From Jimi Hendrix to Jimmy Page, Duane Allman to Eric Clapton, the Plexi’s punishing melange of snarl, sustain, smoothness, and raunch defined the sound of rock. Developed by Softube, the Marshall Plexi Classic Amp plug-in gives you the sound of this iconic amp with a perfectly placed microphone from engineer Tony Platt who recorded AC/DC’s Back in Black and Highway to Hell.
Fairchild® 670 (Legacy)
The world’s most coveted compressor, the classic Fairchild 670 tube limiter will give your tracks and mixes unmistakable tube warmth and character. Whether you’re looking for subtle compression on a lead vocal, or grittier textures that can work on guitars, bass, or a drum bus, the Fairchild 670 plug-in adds a classic “glow” to anything you run through it.
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveling Amplifier (Legacy)
With its gentle, program dependent optical compression and meticulously designed tube amplifier, the LA-2A is the go-to compressor for professional mixers around the world — especially for vocals. Incredibly easy-to-use Peak Reduction and Gain controls gives you the ideal optical compression sound for guitar, bass, drums, and more.
1176SE/LN® Classic Limiting Amplifiers (Legacy)
Get classic, ultra-fast FET compression from the world’s most recognized compressor. The 1176 will impart punch, presence, and character as well as its signature distortion overtones on drums, vocals, guitars, and bass. The 1176LN has graced countless recordings, from Led Zeppelin, to the White Stripes and Michael Jackson.
Pultec® Pro Equalizers (Legacy)
Mix with two of the most sought-after hardware EQs ever made — the MEQ-5 Midrange Equalizer and the EQP-1A Program Equalizer. Both of these tube-based icons deliver smooth and silky EQ curves with an abundance of warm analog character.
Ampeg® SVT-VR Classic Bass Amp
Introduced in 1969, the Ampeg SVT bass amp is still the reigning king of high-powered tube bass tone. Developed by Brainworx, the Ampeg SVT-VR Classic Bass Amp plug-in perfectly captures the raw power and punch that has made this the go-to amp for rock, funk, and soul players. Track in real time using Unison™ preamp technology for the tone, touch, and feel of a real SVT bass amp, or transform bland DI tracks with the thunderous roar of a stone cold classic.
Precision Mix Rack Collection
Featuring the Precision Channel Strip, Precision Reflection Engine, and Precision Delay Modulation plug-ins, the Precision Mix Rack Collection offers four modern, high-fidelity plug-ins for recording and mixing. Powerful and intuitive, Precision Mix Rack Collection gives you an impressive tool set — perfect for beginners and seasoned professionals alike.
UA Precision Enhancer Hz
Expertly dial-in your music’s low-end frequencies with the Precision Enhancer Hz plug-in. Able to yield exacting results with minimal adjustment, the Precision Enhancer Hz can add weight to kick drum samples, fatten up a synth bass, or simply make the low-end of your tracks more audible on smaller speakers.
Raw Distortion
Modeled from a vintage early-’80s Pro Co Rat, Raw Distortion delivers all the gritty dynamic raunch of the legendary stompbox. And with Unison™ technology, you can plug in to Apollo Twin, 8, or 8p’s front-panel Hi-Z instrument jack and experience the same circuit interaction, gain range, and clip points for the true tone, feel, and response of the original hardware.
RealVerb Pro
RealVerb Pro is a flexible, natural sounding reverb based on UA’s own unique set of algorithms. Allowing you to design the room just as you hear it, the RealVerb Pro goes beyond simply big/small or dark/bright, giving your sources distortion-free, smoothing diffusion control and ultra-long reverb tail.
18 x 20 Thunderbolt audio interface for Mac and Windows with powerful Console 2.0 software control
16 x 16 simultaneous analog I/O on DB-25 connections, plus L/R monitor outputs and AES/EBU digital I/O
Next-generation 24-bit/192 kHz Apollo A/D and D/A conversion as heard on hundreds of hit records
Built-in UAD-2 QUAD Core allows Realtime UAD Processing — tracking through DSP-assisted UAD plug-ins with near-zero latency, without draining CPU
Includes “Realtime Analog Classics Plus” UAD plug-in bundle featuring authentic LA-2A, 1176, and Fairchild® compressors, Pultec® EQs, UA 610 tube preamp, and more†
Cascade up to 4 Apollo interfaces and 6 UAD devices total over Thunderbolt
World-class UA analog design, superior components, and premium build quality
Free, industry-leading technical support — on the phone and online — from knowledgeable audio engineers
†Apollo 16 includes the “Realtime Analog Classics Plus” UAD plug-in bundle. Other UAD plug-ins sold separately.
Thunderbolt System Requirements
- Apple Mac computer with available Thunderbolt port
- macOS 10.12 Sierra, 10.13 High Sierra, 10.14 Mojave, 10.15 Catalina, or 11 Big Sur
- PC computer with built-in Thunderbolt 3 port
- Windows 10 (64-Bit Edition)
- Qualified Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter (sold separately)
- Thunderbolt 2 cable (sold separately)
- 6 gigabytes available storage
- Internet connection to download software and authorize UAD plug-ins
- Compatible VST, Audio Units, RTAS, or AAX 64 plug-in host DAW software
- Quad Core i7 or better processor recommended
- For additional compatibility information, visit help.uaudio.com
Apollo 16 Thunderbolt 2 Audio Interface
A. Schwab
Upgrade In & Outputs
Get more In and Outputs to expand my Apollo 8 with the same quality. Also double up the DSP Power
a. weidner
My third one!
Use 3 apollo 16’s mkii’s and a twin with my Neve 8424. Works flawlessly! Sound is top notch. Couldn’t be happier.
S. Bell
Excellent piece o’ gear
Love it. Expands my Apollo in/outs and sounds great.
j. Hudes
A powerful and reliable unit
This soundcard works well with the Apollo 8 and the Apollo Twin. It sits between them and expands the number of analogue inputs in my studio up to 26. It's ten years old and has been on every day for those 10 years and it still works fine. It only gets 4 stars because the console software is still basic and pretty limited after ten years! It still doesn't have proper midi control or a routing matrix or many other features that similar software from other brands has already had for 15 years.
F. Mico
Couplé à une Apollo8, le duo est parfait .
MerciH. Schabbach
Simply the best.
I have worked with Thunderbolt Audio Interfaces from other brands, the Apollo 16 is my favorite. By far.
S. Mueller
Bought this to expand my studio with line inputs and connect to a mixing console. Setup was easy and the workflow is excellent as expected. Using it with an Arrow for the headphone amp and two Unison pres. Everything works and sounds amazing, this is professional gear.
S. Kuziw
Such a nice interface!
I bought the Apollo 16, dropped in a Thunderbolt 3 card and paired it with my Apollo Twin X for additional channels. Sounds great and works very well. Recommended.
A. Perkins
A Universal solution.
Fantastic resolution and low noise, easy set up and I am falling in love with LUNA. The plugins are not cheap but they are very fine tools and not a collection of gadgets. I appreciate LUNAs' integration and its focus on essentials. Everything I'd been looking for but couldn't find in one product.
R. Nicoli
great buy! absolutely versatile and compatible with my twin device, all with uad quality!
high quality analog and digital
the quality of the converters is fantastic and the console and the unison plugin another marvel !!!!
B. Spence
Apollo 16
Great gear, really helped pull my studio together. Work flow was greatly enhanced; no switching cables!
R. Evans
new to apollo
all good so far...
M. Gangarossa
Fantastic card. Top converters and super stable system. The council
to anyone who has doubts. Thanks UAD.
M. Gangarossa
Beautiful .
Fantastic Audio-Interface . Top converters and super stable system. The council
to anyone who has doubts. Thanks UADR. Darabosh
Apollo 16 mk2
The overall sound of this unit is amazing! I’ve have had a number of other brands over the years and it is like someone took a blanket off the mix with the Apollo , and this is before even touching the plug ins.
Plugins: if you’ve bought a uad plugin package, definitely take time to demo the available options (14 day demo of all plugins included.) BEFORE you pick. The included plugins by themselves are great, too! I feel the uad plugins are much better than others out there.
Console software: this is the interface with the hardware. It needs some help. No midi control, so you are stuck mousing around. The lay out is not very flexible and the patch bay is beyond confusing.. I have a softube console 1, which helps but the intergeration still leaves a lot to desired.
Overall I’m glade I purchased this unit as it sounds amazing, and I’m sure my frustrations with the software limitations will pass in time as i find work arounds for it..P. Jackson
Purchased this to use with Neve 8816. It’s amazing. Thanks UA
P. Stevens
Great sound, intuitive to use, easy to install
The converters sound terrific, the routing is amazingly flexible and the build quality inspires confidence. The integration with my existing projects and studio was easy - up and running in just a few hours. Great product!
k. kroon
Lot to learn
My apollo 16 is running great,I get back to U when Ive learnd more.Thank U sofar.
A. Wildrick
An outstanding product that decimates the competition
This interface just makes the most sense. The Console software is intuitive. It allows for no latency tracking and monitoring with effects and this is incredibly valuable. I've had an apollo since 2013 and have no plans on switching. Thanks for making such a wonderful product that causes zero frustrations or setbacks when recording or mixing.